Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although I recognise that for obvious reasons the Secretary of State will not want to be locked or painted into a figure of 512 as the maximum , which is what it would be , will he tell the House whether , in the light of last week 's discussions with President Yeltsin and the changes that have taken place since Christmas , the Government are now considering the minimum deterrent to be somewhat lower than they had previously considered it necessary to be ?
2 It has a curved hemline and can be worn outside or tucked into a skirt or trousers .
3 It was pinned in banknotes on the robes of the local thaumaturge as his statue — or hers was carried through the village , or dropped into the collecting pouches the sacristan poked into the pews .
4 Each tribe had its own distinctive variation , which , if they were defeated in battle or amalgamated into a more powerful tribe , would often be replaced , or absorbed into their conquerors ' repertoire .
5 There were other legits she might have bribed or bullied into a similar sharing , but the stairs and the other dusty corners of the World were safer for someone who lived by her knife and her wits .
6 Oil , that most precious of natural resources , the stuff which makes the wheels of industry turn , was at that moment being set ablaze to pollute the skies or pumped into the Gulf to pollute the seas .
7 Questions of theoretical base or methodological perspective have often been subsumed by or channelled into the construction of acceptable written examinations .
8 These are round or square , natural or painted metal canisters that can be recessed or semi-recessed into a ceiling , or ceiling mounted to cast pools of light on the ground or any other surface below them .
9 In many insects the subgalea is not a separate sclerite , being fused with the lacinia or merged into the stipes .
10 Otherness is not so much something to be frightened of , a threat to the stability of the self , as something that can be added to or incorporated into the already existing .
11 The tank 's equipment can either be disguised , as in an informal tank , or incorporated into the formal aquascape .
12 The power of the worker vis-a-vis the group members is acknowledged , but nowhere are the power differentials between members — attributable to race , gender , class and disability — recognised , or incorporated into the theory .
13 Where such arguments did not fit in with the overarching themes of race , violence and disorder , and social deprivation they were either sidelined or pushed into the sub-clauses of official reports .
14 All parties had agreed that the remaining 30 per cent of forces would eventually be either dismantled or absorbed into a Cambodian national army .
15 A spokeswoman at NCR said that the 80 UK employees involved will either be relocated to headquarters in Dayton , Ohio or absorbed into the group 's UK sales and marketing department in Chertsey , Surrey .
16 These are used in many Eastern dishes , either whole or made into a sauce .
17 The herbs are ground together and either rolled into pellets for pondfish or made into a kind of tea which is added to the aquarium water .
18 ( Also , magic mushrooms , which can be eaten or made into an infusion and drunk . )
19 Specialist animal insurance companies usually offer such cover at little cost , either separately or built into a health protection policy for your pet , or it may even be incorporated into your household insurance .
20 a graphics standard for the PC which can be added or built into a system to give sharper characters and improved colour with the correct display device .
21 Like mustard gas , the nitrogen mustards caused blisters when they came into contact with skin , and they damaged many other tissues when they were absorbed or injected into the circulating blood .
22 If one of the dietary amino acids is made radioactive ( as in the experiment I described in Chapter 2 ) and fed to or injected into an animal , it is incorporated into the proteins just as its fellow , non-radioactive amino acids are , and the proteins become slightly radioactive in their turn by virtue of containing the radioactive amino acid .
23 An estimated 250,000 soldiers were expected to be demobilized or integrated into a 50,000-strong national non-political army .
24 Nevertheless , on the subject of the clash between the normativist and functionalist styles of public law — which emerged in the Franks Committee 's investigations over the question of whether any body responsible for supervising administrative tribunals should be detached from or integrated into the Supreme Courts — the Committee came down firmly in favour of integration .
25 Possible explanations for this diversity are the physical state of the virus ( whether it is extrachromosomal or integrated into the host cell chromosomes ) , the topographical position of the lesion on the cervix , and the presence of possible cofactors such as herpes viruses in carcinogenesis .
26 Mendel 's theory argued that only characters already present in the genes ( or introduced into the genetic material through random mutations ) could be inherited .
27 The flavours of the trout and ham combine beautifully in this starter , which can be served either with melon balls mounted in the centre or set into the mixture .
28 If the debtor has within the last five years been bankrupt , made a composition with his creditors , been subject to a county court administration order or entered into a voluntary arrangement , particulars must be given including the name and address of the supervisor ( r6.39(2) ) .
29 It is able to recycle material which is now being expensively destroyed in incinerators or dumped into the sea , where it may act as a source of marine pollution .
30 Memories died : and the dead dogs ' bones , picked bare by the vultures , had been scattered on the shingle or swept into the river now flooded with melted mountain snow .
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