Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , almost a third of those exhibiting in the contemporary section , have either studied or taught at Goldsmiths ' College .
2 Verderers might also be removed from office on a report by the Justice of the Forest to the Chancery that they were incapacitated by old age or sickness , or occupied with other duties , or were insufficiently qualified in that they held no land within the forest and did not dwell there , or had committed or connived at trespasses of vert or venison , or had become a paid officer of the forest , or , in one case , had ‘ entered the priestly order ’ .
3 Several thousand kilometres of fish netting is lost or discarded at sea annually .
4 A descent upon England was long looked upon as an impracticable chimera in face of the countless and invincible naval forces that encircle this island-empire with a line of floating citadels , collected or dispersed at will at any threatened points around the coast …
5 Vast fortunes and vast debts exist only in green digits displayed on a video screen , to be wiped out or distorted at will .
6 Although the loss of the transports assembled or under construction at Le Havre delivered a serious blow to the French plans , others were still being built or collected at ports all along the Bay of Biscay , from Lorient [ or L'Orient ] to Bayonne , including Nantes , La Rochelle and Bordeaux , and the plan , as the English government knew , was for them to assemble at Brest , where the Commander-in-Chief of the naval side of the invasion , Admiral Conflans [ Hubert de Brienne , Comte de Conflans ] had arrived in early July .
7 90 per cent are listed as cured or relieved at York from 1740 to 1783 ( Sigsworth 1972 ) .
8 Pre-recorded cassettes , designed to be used on the nature trail , can be loaned to groups , or bought at cost price .
9 Only one-third of sucrose consumption is visible , as that added to our tea and coffee or used at home .
10 Several families they knew had sons or fathers missing or drowned at sea , and men were being sent to France with the British Expeditionary Force .
11 Solid waste is different : unless it is burned or buried at sea , it lingers on as a visible souvenir .
12 Trains were either diverted from Worcester to New Street via Bromsgrove , or terminated at Stourbridge Junction .
13 Salt concentrations near the surface may make them especially inhospitable to vegetation ; only the soils of damper areas , in which salts are distributed evenly or concentrated at depth , are likely to support plant propagules .
14 To see this double image as joined to a symbol of the grave ‘ that linked one Vincent to the other ’ is not as far-fetched as it appears when one sees the multiplicity of twinned and fused pairs appearing later : pairs of cottages , trees , and chairs , as well as of people on roads or seated at tables , overlapping or merged or shadowed .
15 Long before the century was out recitative was becoming more and more perfunctory , the interpolated arias more numerous , and the heyday of aria opera was reached with Alessandro Scarlatti and the numerous composers born or trained at Naples .
16 The climate is crucial , because a reactor compartment exposed to dry air will rust more slowly than one buried in soil or sunk at sea .
17 Assistance was provided by traditional in-service education , by the activities of advisers and inspectors and , at one time , by activities which were sponsored or encouraged at teachers ' professional centres .
18 An important feature is that once bonuses are given , they can not later be withdrawn or put at risk due to some speculative investment .
19 The DTI is currently proceeding with the 14th Round of Oil/Gas Licensing through which it is selling oil companies the permission to explore many blocks of seabed which the Government 's official advisers on nature conservation have said should not be disturbed or put at risk in this way .
20 These are the 3% placed in welfare institutions or left at home with parents , classed as ineducable .
21 Scholars , disciples , stone-carvers and holy artistic men of every kind taught or studied at Clonmacnoise over the centuries .
22 ‘ The only estates in land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are — ( a ) An estate in fee simple absolute in possession ; ( b ) A term of years absolute .
23 ( 1 ) The only estates in land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are — ( a ) An estate in fee simple absolute in possession ; ( b ) A term of years absolute .
24 ( 2 ) The only interests or charges in or over land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are — ( a ) An easement , right or privilege in or over land for an interest equivalent to an estate in fee simple absolute in possession or a term of years absolute ; ( b ) A rentcharge in possession issuing out of or charged on land being either perpetual or for a term of years absolute ; ( c ) A charge by way of legal mortgage ; ( d ) … any other similar charge on land which is not created by an instrument ; ( e ) Rights of entry exercisable over or in respect of a legal term of years absolute , or annexed , for any purpose , to a legal rentcharge .
25 ( 3 ) All other estates , interests , and charges in or over land take effect as equitable interests ; ( 4 ) The estates , interests , and charges which under this section are authorised to subsist or be conveyed or created at law are ( when subsisting or conveyed or created at law ) in this Act referred to as " legal estates , " and have the same incidents as legal estates subsisting at the commencement of this Act ; and the owner of a legal estate is referred to as " an estate owner " and his legal estate is referred to as his estate .
26 ( 3 ) All other estates , interests , and charges in or over land take effect as equitable interests ; ( 4 ) The estates , interests , and charges which under this section are authorised to subsist or be conveyed or created at law are ( when subsisting or conveyed or created at law ) in this Act referred to as " legal estates , " and have the same incidents as legal estates subsisting at the commencement of this Act ; and the owner of a legal estate is referred to as " an estate owner " and his legal estate is referred to as his estate .
27 Mrs. Jarrett thanked all who had helped her and all who had worked or lived at Le Court during her years there .
28 A single 9.3-metre-wide carriageway realignment of the Edinburgh/Kilmarnock road ( A71 ) has been provided with localised dualling where required at junctions west of the Bypass .
29 A total of seven mineshafts were located along the route and were either consolidated by grout injection or capped at rockhead .
30 The CEGB disclosed the escalation in nuclear costs as it announced that operating profits are £603 million lower than expected at £355 million .
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