Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The frames can be painted , papered or covered in with the walls or painted a contrasting colour or white .
2 He might begin with between one and four different sizes of tesserae — separated into heaps or placed a partitioned box — and would make more than he intended to use ( manufacture continuing as the pavement was laid ) .
3 ( 9 ) A listed company may have given or made a prior undertaking or statement not to issue further shares in certain circumstances without the approval of shareholders in general meeting ( see para 17.6 below ) .
4 During the last 13 years we have cut , simplified or abolished a whole range of direct taxes .
5 In both the reported cases the patients stated that they had inhaled or ingested a foreign body .
6 It is not only the child of a broken marriage who feels this , but even when , sadly , one parent has died or spent a considerable amount of time in hospital .
7 When she came to an intersection , she had ignored it or taken a new direction without bothering to think about it .
8 Has the next generation of unemployed white youth followed in the footsteps of their elder brothers or taken a new route ?
9 Anyway , by the time Stevens ' book was published in 1987 , the network had devised or discovered a whole new pharmacopoeia with strange-sounding names .
10 The List will now be available in areas e.g. ‘ Norfolk & Suffolk ’ ‘ London ’ ‘ Home Counties ’ etc. or where required a complete set of the whole country on receipt of a SAE or at Q.T. Day on 15th March .
11 I teach students who are often illiterate , who do not know how to use a hand-held calculator , who have never seen a film with subtitles or read a classic work of literature , and who can not spell even the name of important people in their field ( for example , psychology majors who spell Freud as Frued ) .
12 In 1822 , following Macquarie 's departure , he was dismissed from the post , but during his short period of office he had carried out or initiated a remarkable number of substantial projects in Sydney and its neighbourhood , the most important being the Macquarie lighthouse ( c .1816–18 , demolished ) , the churches of Windsor ( c .1817 ) , Liverpool ( 1818–24 ) , and St James 's Sydney ( c .1820 ) , the stables at Government House ( 1817 ) , Fort Macquarie at Benelong Point ( c .1817 , demolished ) , and the Hyde Park convict barracks ( 1817 ) .
13 Nor is it unreasonable to assume that given a sufficient respite they hoped that Britain 's own nuclear force might become strong enough to act as a deterrent to a Soviet attack on the home islands .
14 ‘ Out came the most perfect rendering I had ever heard , ’ said Coghill , ‘ except that given a short while before by John Gielgud in his Haymarket Hamlet .
15 Although considered a useful lithological discriminator for tracing individual horizons during geological mapping , little systematic study of grain size characterization and measurement occurred before the end of the nineteenth century .
16 Although considered a key element , motivation training is just a part of the Celomer programme .
17 One is simply that you do n't need to have made a record or done anything very much except earned a local reputation as a watchable band playing original material .
18 It can be argued that mass communications have simply speeded up the whole process of change enormously , rather than imposed a massive and rigid uniformity .
19 In most of the territories they occupied , the Prussians , by putting pressure on the peasantry to Germanise themselves , concentrated rather than diluted a Polish identity .
20 ( 2 ) Where an application is made in accordance with Rule 15 by a body which at the date of the application is already recognised under these Rules and the Council has neither granted nor refused a new recognition by the time when the body 's existing recognition would , apart from this paragraph , expire in accordance with paragraph ( 1 ) of this Rule , the existing recognition shall not expire at that time but shall continue in force until a new recognition is granted or refused .
21 This viewpoint seems to have prevented him from doing more than cast a supercilious eye over the book .
22 We were sitting under the canopy of a tree that overhung a two-storey building and dissolved into the inky heavens .
23 Some individuals can take up the suggestions of the hypnotist to the extent of becoming deaf or blind or unable to smell ; they may withstand pain without a murmur , re-experience being a six-year old , or even forget everything that happened , after hypnosis , until given a prearranged ‘ release ’ signal .
24 Similarly , if a child with bacterial diarrhoea is taken to a health clinic and prescribed a necessary course of antibiotics , the mother might be unwilling to give them to the child if her hot/cold classification of the antibiotics conflicts with her classification of the type of diarrhoea .
25 Luckily he was engaged on operational matters when his ‘ guest ’ arrived , and turned him over temporarily to his intelligence officer , a flight lieutenant called Benson , who recognized the symptoms instantly and prescribed a double whisky .
26 Establishing the outside measurements , I completed a scaled drawing of the boardroom space and placed a suitable rectangle within it .
27 He stretched out an arm and placed a gnarled hand tenderly on her scarred brow ; then he turned back to me .
28 I built two caves at the back , and placed a flat rock at each back corner to give a choice of spawning areas .
29 Robyn looked up from the kitchen sink and placed a washed plate on to the draining-board .
30 In the second half , Thame came more in to the game and created a couple of chances , however in the sixty fifth minute , Sean Liden won the ball on the halfway line , his long ball found Gary Weaving who turned and placed a low shot past Mayhew to make it one nil .
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