Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] always [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well again ironically a penalty save that obviously always makes a goalkeepers name it was a super save .
2 He had impeccable manners that somehow always reminded you of an older , bygone age .
3 If she had stopped to think , she would have remembered that Brown Owl had told the Pack more than once always to seek the help of a grown-up they knew in any case of emergency .
4 The operation , although nearly always refused by vets in Britain , has become so common in certain countries that it even has an official name .
5 It is now a very different business from its transatlantic equivalent , and arguably always has been .
6 George cares what Lennie thinks because he is frightened easily and so always puts things straight and simple for Lennie .
7 Goblins with nets receive a +1 initiative bonus and so always attack before club-armed Goblins .
8 Lapis lazuli was probably valued in the ancient world not only for its colour , but also because it was derived from a single source and thus always signified its origins as distance .
9 after my second week he said I 'd got the gift of the gab or something and I always manage to wind people round my finger and always always get what I want and everything and I always took my way out of shit and I heard this from Matt , you can imagine how upset I was like on my I tell you er I heard about it on the field weekend cos I was here and Matt was here as well and , and I just thought my God I 've been friends with this bloke , we were having baths together when we were like two years old and , and I 've known him all my life and if you ca n't trust him well where does the , where , well you know , who can you trust ?
10 They use the river banks as a guide and nearly always keep within a yard of them , so avoiding the main force of the river 's current .
11 Perhaps the dead body of the loved one expresses all the pathos of this absence , the helplessness of being watched , and not knowing Actors are paid to pretend that they are unaware of being watched , but they of course rely on the collusion of the watcher , and nearly always get it .
12 All of us go and take our cars in to be serviced and what have you and nearly always get a sh piece of paper comes back and please will you tick them box on a Richter scale of nought to ten er and they are all the time trying to improve er customer satisfaction .
13 Fortunately , he had the luck and nearly always won , so he bought McLaughlin 's old newsagents ' in Hilltown as a front for his ‘ line ’ .
14 They are predators , and probably always have been , and it may have been the adoption of hunting habits that favoured the development of high intelligence .
15 They are abundant on Earth and probably always have been .
16 List the items of evidence which indicate that the lunar interior is cooler today than that of the Earth , and probably always has been .
17 Firstly , a young horse may not have formed a habit of accepting things as they are and automatically always behaving in the same way .
18 and really always has been , erm , the idea of a centre is , is simply because you consider how much it costs to have a point wired when the house is , is built , er several people nowadays is ha well they buy an old house , they erm , say well we 'll take out the centre light and put us in some wall lights instead you see .
19 He looked down into her green eyes and as always had the urge to kiss her .
20 Always at the end of any love affair I had wondered if there would ever be another , and there always had been .
21 There there are systems in place in schools already for that and there always have been .
22 And there always seems to be some shed which has been taken down somewhere , yielding very inflammable material , so we show no signs of running short .
23 The hidden agenda — and there always seems to be one when the Left discusses lesbian and gay rights — was Marxism Today 's distrust of the ‘ Trots ’ who controlled these councils .
24 Everything is worked out , every detail of orchestration and balance , and there always seems to be an inner logic to the composition — there is n't a bar that is n't absolutely essential .
25 Informal care between family members is very far from being unproblematic ; it can and almost always does , raise in an acute form issues of power , bereavement for the loss of a loved personality , anxiety about sole responsibility , and feelings of exploitation and manipulation ( ibid . ) .
26 Lavas are amongst the most harmless weapons in a volcano 's formidable armoury — one can always see them coming , and almost always get out of their way quickly enough .
27 The organism is thought to be protozoan , and almost always affects immunocompromised people , invading the alveoli and forming fluid-filled cysts that inflame the lung tissue , causing impaired gas exchange .
28 In a big theatre performance will never be perfect unless the beat is understood more by the eyes than the ears , because sometimes the chorus is almost wholly in the wings , and almost always divided between two sides .
29 Allowing such appeals to proceed caused grave injustice to the successful party , who was denied the benefit of the judgment in his favour , pending the outcome of the appeal , and almost always incurred irrecoverable costs .
30 And she was prepared to go to any lengths to get what she wanted — and almost always succeeded .
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