Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So these pass on their rubbish to garbage companies , which transport it for burial to states like Ohio that still have landfill space .
2 If the senior manager role can not be rotated consultants in communicable disease control may be better served in another role — for example , as consultants in the many community health departments that now have trust status .
3 Apart from the lightning that brings Frankenstein 's monster to life , I can think of no other appearance of physics in films that incidentally have science in them .
4 SERAFIN : And thereby have time and energy left to enjoy the open fire which is by our very preference not there to enjoy ?
5 Deepwater creatures are few and far between and so have difficulty finding mates .
6 Possible explanations for these findings are that women are more likely to consult their doctors and so have blood tests , which may lead to an earlier diagnosis of coeliac disease than in men .
7 I 've been part of Jewish life — and so have Rainbow and all her kind , and all the other heretics and deviants and dissenters — far longer than your little cult . ’
8 And so have mine .
9 The girls continued to giggle and scream and run and hide and generally have fun with their father , whom they adored and knew they could do as they liked with — especially , Katya , the middle one and the liveliest .
10 In addition , registration does not create a priority point in the sense that the chargee is guaranteed priority from the date of registration ; this is because if A registers have charge on 21 January he has no guarantee that the company has not created a charge prior to this which may be registered within 21 days and thus have priority .
11 I said something like , well , I was trying to make her feel at ease , oh , something like , we could make a habit of this , and just have fun , Lucy .
12 These are not themes which will become out of date but they are timeless which means that this novel will still be ready and still have relevance in the future .
13 Does the Minister agree that , in the present state of affairs , some parts of the country have too much money in the social fund and still have money over after meeting all claims , low and high priority , which are legitimate ?
14 • when you could buy all of the top five best-selling singles and still have change form a pound ?
15 I had a bike and could pedal down to Middleton in Teesdale , meet Marie , take her to the pictures — not the best seats mind — then buy us both fish and chips and still have change out of that two bob .
16 spend it all night and still have change .
17 You can repay that sixty pounds and still have change .
18 ‘ With the money I 'm prepared to pay you for your half of the house you could buy a more than adequate little base for yourself — and still have change left to indulge in a few luxuries . ’
19 And now we have CDs and all , you could squeeze in the St Matthew Passion and still have room for the rest .
20 You could climb in there with her and still have room to conduct Beethoven 's Fifth Symphony .
21 Although the Church of the period lamented Charles ' sexual vigour and lack of suppressive morality , to the modern imagination it seems remarkable that he could rule a vast empire and still have time to devote to three concubines .
22 They would throw the ball against a wall , do one or more twirls and still have time to catch when it came down .
23 Held in the rear stalls at 6.15pm before any performance , these 20-minute chats about the music and the productions by members of the Company and other opera specialists will make your evenings at the Grand extra special — and still have time for that pre-performance drink .
24 She intended to stay there , and was willing to retrench in other ways so that she could continue to live in Thrush Green among her friends , and also have room to entertain more distant friends who would be invited to stay .
25 Guests who stay on over the Friday and Saturday nights and also have dinner in the hotel will receive free accommodation .
26 Working with fresh , dried and silk flowers , they make up pretty headdresses and bouquets , and also have hand decorated and beaded shoes to complete the look .
27 Indeed , since we actually live in particular contexts and often have difficulty in understanding them , many of our mistakes arise at that level , before more abstract speculation begins at all .
28 Many species of fish employ similar defence tactics , with fin-rays hardened into sharp spines which are often greatly elongated and frequently have poison added , making a lasting impression .
29 In filming you have a lot of this to do where you read a script through once and then have go .
30 In the mornings , for instance , after finishing the household chores she might go shopping , and then have lunch with friends .
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