Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb base] information " in BNC.

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1 Although that right had been curtailed by s 2(2) of the 1987 Act , which requires a person under investigation to answer questions from the SFO ( or otherwise furnish information ) with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation , the effect of the immunity had been preserved by s 2(8) , which provided that a statement made in accordance with s 2 could only be used in evidence against the person who made it either on a prosecution for knowingly making a false statement ( or recklessly making such ) , or on a prosecution for some other offence where , in giving evidence , that person made a statement which was inconsistent with it .
2 The Director of the Serious Fraud Office formed the opinion that the matter was appropriate for investigation by procedures under the Criminal Justice Act 1987and on 24 June served a notice on the applicant requiring him to attend for interview at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information .
3 The applicant sought judicial review of the decison of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 26 June 1991 , in the course of criminal proceedings against the applicant , to seek to enforce his compliance with the requirement contained in a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to attend at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information in respect of her investigation of the applicant alone , afer she had caused him to be interviewed under caution on three occasions and thereafter charged him with an offence , at a time when and in circumstances whereby ( a ) the applicant 's application for legal aid had not yet been granted and he had neither legal advice nor legal representation available to him ; ( b ) the Director had stated that she would not cause the applicant to be further cautioned in compliance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 of the current Codes of Practice issued pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
4 ( 2 ) Whether or not the power of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office under section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to require by notice in writing a person under investigation to answer questions or otherwise furnish information continues after that person has been charged with an offence .
5 I have reason to believe that you have relevant information about the affairs of the persons under investigation , and I therefore require you to answer questions or otherwise furnish information to me with respect to matters relevant to the investigation at Elm House , 10–16 , Elm Street , London , WC1X 0BJ on Thursday 13 June 1991 at 10 a.m .
6 ( 2 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person whose affairs are to be investigated ( ‘ the person under investigation ’ ) or any other person whom he has reason to believe has relevant information to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation at a specified place and either at a specified time or forthwith .
7 Questions that simultaneously convey information and demand a response
8 It is problematic trying to consider hospital readmission rates as most hospital computer systems currently in operation are not easy to interrogate and rarely produce information about readmissions on a routine basis .
9 And I agree I do n't want to wade through everything but I , I think we need to lay down management information criteria , and only receive information if it 's necessary on , on those headings .
10 Partly because of this facility , knowledge workers are able to communicate directly and informally with the environment 's ‘ original information formulators ’ — and thus receive information before it enters the public domain , if , indeed , it ever subsequently does .
11 This booklet contains the Parcelforce Code of Practice , and also give information about the insurance services that Parcelforce offers , for when you need to send something valuable .
12 Electronic handbooks , which are sold as a complement to Mathcad , give desktop users on-line access to textbooks , enabling them to search for , use and even transfer information into their own documents .
13 730 for certiorari in respect of the Director 's decision to seek to enforce compliance with the requirements contained in the notice of 26 June to attend at her offices and answer questions and otherwise furnish information .
14 Royal acta , especially charters , but also letters and judgements , allow the pattern of royal patronage to be reconstructed ; and incidentally give information on the king 's itinerary and sometimes his entourage .
15 They alleviate market imperfections caused by a lack of information in the market for loans and therefore reduce information and search costs ( e.g. merchant banks ) .
16 The research should contribute not only to knowledge about the degree and type of control over this area of professional practice but also provide information on aspects of general medical services which have given cause for complaint .
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