Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So when we actually got out there , we go out to work in some capacity or another , either to carry out a survey of the logistics or perhaps to sort out and look at the way in which one can set up an immunisation programme in a refugee camp .
2 I keep going round the painting seeing extra bits that need to be emphasised , or perhaps to blend in too start a line .
3 In so far as the house does represent a large capital asset , and it undoubtedly does , I am quite clear that in the long term , house prices are likely , generally to rise with inflation , indeed I would think must do so or perhaps to rise rather more quickly than inflation if there is a rising population and as there has been for very , very ma many years have passed , that , in the passed a decreasing occupancy rate .
4 Well Val was telling me Caroline got the kids all in a row and said something about erm you know , more or less to say well I want to leave your father she said
5 She walked briskly out of the station , and set off in the direction of Bayswater , stopping every hundred yards or so to put down her dark blue Revelation suitcase ( a Christmas present from her parents ) and change hands .
6 Even if the Z88 is asleep , it will wake every minute or so to carry out various housekeeping tasks ( checking the alarms , for example ) .
7 ‘ I think in any rural town it ought to be possible to find an hour or so to stroll round , just to talk to people about this and that .
8 They say it takes three months or so to show up .
9 Dip sandwich , both sides , then leave for 30 seconds or so to soak up egg .
10 The only exception is where it appears to a court that the reporting of the proceedings before it might prejudice the administration of justice in other proceedings imminently pending in another court , or shortly to follow thereafter .
11 In the Netherlands , nearly a third of the local fungi species are extinct or shortly to become so .
12 It will take 20 years or longer to sort out so much confusion and , musically , what will be left ?
13 I have suggested that it can be shown to be fair or just to do so ; but this may not make it right if some other principle of greater weight is involved .
14 impatient for assumption , or just to fly away
15 Or still to pack up already .
16 Neolamprologus brichardi may take a year or more to settle down and breed .
17 It took an hour or more to jog along from Canonbury to Paddington , but we did reach the enchanted spot at last .
18 Letters seem to be taking sometimes two weeks or more to get here , and I suppose it might be the same at Nanking , but I think the post to & from Shanghai will be quicker .
19 ‘ It 'd take 'er an hour or more to get there .
20 The pitch will be in use from 10am to 4pm , which could force one hockey semi-final to be staged as late as 4–30pm , or one or both to go elsewhere .
21 They are mostly stenothermic , i.e. unable to survive temperature ranges of more than a few degrees , or even to acclimatize effectively .
22 They kept their heads down in their books though they had long ceased to study , unwilling to catch his eye or even to breathe loudly .
23 ’ Discretionary ’ means what it says : it is not our policy to intervene or even to lean gently on authorities in this matter .
24 Coleridge had rolled in his sleep down the hill slope to within a few yards of the river , and when he woke up at dawn , he found he was unable to move or even to call out to the shepherds and workmen he could see near by .
25 There are sites where it is not only possible to visit and see the reconstructions , but also to take part in activities simulating the way people lived on that site in the past , or even to live there for several days to get some sort of impression of the way of life .
26 Deep safe water was a dark royal blue , while over a coral reef the sea shaded to green or , when perilously shallow , to brown , and Thessy , peering ahead , would shout at me to go to port or starboard , or even to go backwards as fast as the motors would catch hold .
27 But will his support help Mr Giuliani to split , or even to win over , the Latino vote ?
28 However , some consumers , and these will be the poorer ones , will be worse off under the two-part tariff regime because they consume fewer than x units under average cost pricing , so charging a lump sum fee unc makes them pay a higher effective price for their units or forces them to consume fewer or even to drop out entirely .
29 But there is also a more general competition and conflict among nation states , some aspects of which I discussed in Chapter 5 , that has proved so far impossible to overcome , or even to moderate substantially .
30 The expansion of American medical research , much of the finest quality , attracted European doctors who aspired to a scientific career , and they did well to spend a year or two in an American laboratory , or even to emigrate there altogether .
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