Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
32 The carer may be under too much stress , both physically and mentally , to cope with paperwork relating to such matters as the patient 's sick pay from work , relevant insurance claims , or simply organizing payment of the normal household bills .
33 With a gang of laddish stooges grooving alongside to encourage him , Barry continued to lord it over the stage , munching an apple whilst reclining against the drum riser or simply feigning sleep flat on his back .
34 Even at the end of the day , when the first stage of the clock has been completed , the children are still eagerly pasting , sticking , or simply having fun .
35 Sometimes when Rachaela shopped in the Saturday lunch-hour , Ruth went with her , and into Woolworth 's too , never showing a symptom of interest in the toys , sweets or loudly drumming music section .
36 On the hearing of the appeal the court ordered that there be no identification of W. , any institution or establishment where she was residing or being educated and any natural person having or prospectively having day to day care of her or of any material calculated to lead to her identification .
37 It goes on to specify a duty to take action ‘ necessary or expedient … for the purpose of conserving , redistributing or otherwise augmenting water resources ’ and ‘ securing proper use of water resources ’ ( s.10 ) .
38 It also featured a ban on strikes until the end of 1991 , and provisions for the prosecution of anyone organizing work stoppages or otherwise disrupting production in any fashion .
39 We will need to discover who is really being stopped from going ahead with legal action , or whether people are making choices between legal action or re-mortgaging their house , a holiday , a car or otherwise freeing money which is tied up . ’
40 Thus , firms can reward their staff by setting up bonus schemes related to the firm 's profits or otherwise relating pay to performance ; and ( 2 ) just as the partners will wish to impose restraint covenants upon themselves ( see Chapter 8 ) to prevent an outgoing partner damaging the continuing practice by setting up in competition thereto , so in the case of salaried partners , assistant solicitors and other key members of staff their terms of employment should include similar restrictionssimilar , but not necessarily identical .
41 There would therefore seem to be a considerable need for a fundamental s review of our speed limit laws with a view to making them more closely reflect their presumed purpose , that of increasing e road safety , without unnecessarily interfering with personal freedom or unnecessarily wasting time .
42 From the north-east side of the island Captain Ferzenaar also reported that he could see no less than eleven other minor centres of activity , which were either emitting small columns of steam , or occasionally ejecting dust in small explosive bursts .
43 This is the proportion of the potential labour force which is actually working or actively seeking work .
44 furthermore , patients who were obese , or actively having weight reduction at the time when the primary gall stones developed might , on achieving ideal body weight , no longer suffer this risk factor .
45 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
46 What I am trying to say is that merely paying attention to sex difference — affirming that women exist and are different from men — is not in and of itself a feminist gesture .
47 Differentiation theory , by contrast , asserts that merely observing target stimuli will be enough to produce some effect .
48 Although only using watercolour it appears that Green imitates the technique of painting boulders .
49 There are also dangers in suggesting that writers such as John Locke influenced attitudes , rather than merely reflecting changing attitudes , away from a punitive to a more liberal approach to children .
50 ‘ You must have a higher goal in life than merely making money , ’ she was fond of telling people .
51 These memoranda , although generally avoiding comment that might be regarded as politically partisan on the question of the desirability or otherwise of devolution , contain passages which were bluntly , even scathingly , critical of the statements of the means by which the government hoped to achieve their objectives .
52 The point is rather that , even though knowingly taking risks with other people 's lives is usually unjustifiable , taking a slight risk is less serious than intentionally causing death .
53 But most important the councils should listen to and take notice of those who have a track record of work on racial harassment , rather than just implementing paper policies .
54 By political behaviour is meant something more than just voting behaviour , although that is important and will be addressed .
55 It made our day to know that MKM can help with more than just knitting advice .
56 Much more than just watching TV !
57 ‘ There is a psychological battle to be won , ’ said the spokesman , ‘ for many people meetings are more than just talking shop , the business lunch is just as important .
58 ‘ Rather than just having e-mail messages , people often want to send files around , spreadsheet files for instance .
59 Civilization , that is , human societies , goes further than just linking family groups together through a set of work tasks that they have in common .
60 Part of hir was afraid Jahsaxa was planning on more than just keeping hir as a highclass whore .
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