Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] be " in BNC.

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1 Article 15 of the second directive gives cancellation rights to all individual contracts except those of six months or less and is amended to exempt where the policyholder has had , for example , the opportunity to reflect on the policy terms before contacting the insurer .
2 As I mentioned previously , there are six major plates covering the surface of this planet , and ten or so that are classified as minor ( though even minor plates can be as big as entire continents ) .
3 It is tempting to lop off a discreet year or so but be careful with other dates ; will they believe you took your degree at 15 ?
4 ‘ C ’ sajica reaches 4″ or so and is probably the largest species you could keep successfully in that tank and then if you have just a pair of them and nothing else .
5 The RFU sponsored yearbook , edited by Barrie Fairall of the Independent and published by Harrington Kilbride , is also due to hot the shelves at some stage over the next month or so and is very good value , as is the Whitbread Rugby World Yearbook , edited by Adrian Stephenson and Ian Robertson and produced by Leonard Associates — a rip-roaring book even if the staff of RW&P ( all contributors to this fine , fine publication ) say so .
6 And so , when the manager gets to 60 or so and is given his carriage clock and company pension ( if he is lucky ) , there is somebody to take over who knows the right people and can do the right things .
7 Loss of auditory stimulation at birth or shortly after is therefore not simply a loss of some hearing experience , but may create a loss of potential auditory processing at a later stage .
8 This forms a stable platform , and further tipping can take place until the tip rises to 100 m or more and is shaped rather like a stepped pyramid .
9 This takes up much of the last week or more and is written out in precise detail .
10 But it was n't just her eating habits that kept Jess 's eyes riveted , or her extraordinary white wig that rose to a height of two feet or more and was decorated with bunches of false cherries and violets — it was the way she conducted herself .
11 This lasted for some weeks but at no time was the baby at risk either physically or psychologically nor was the mother and baby bond threatened .
12 Am or pm or is that ?
13 Some schools , e.g. in East London and Liverpool , adjusted their hours to take account of the needs of poorer children both for earnings and education , beginning or ending the school day later or earlier than was the custom , enabling schoolchildren to work before or after school .
14 Another distinctive type of patinated metalwork , known as bidri , has been made since the seventeenth century or earlier and is produced in India to this day ( fig. 5.17 ) .
15 Go back to the case and review critically the main characteristic symptoms eliminating those that are not strong , are vague , have perhaps only occurred once or twice and are not really important features of the illness .
16 This can be achieved by ensuring that we fall within the exemption contained in Section 60(1) of the Companies Act , which states that an offer or invitation is not to be treated as made to the public ‘ if it can properly be regarded , in all the circumstances , as not being calculated to result , directly or indirectly , in the shares or debentures becoming available for subscription or purchase by persons other than those receiving the offer or invitation , or otherwise as being a domestic concern of the persons receiving and making it ’ .
17 All pairs are from the same family or superfamily and are roughly matched for size and relative tail length of males , but have otherwise been selected at random .
18 The explanation for the high level of institutional investment may lie partly in the fact that UK investors accept that some other investors operate with superior knowledge , and that rather than be forced out of the market altogether they tend to make use of institutional intermediaries such as Pensions Funds .
19 ‘ The greatest damage to Israel , ’ says Meir Amit , a former head of the intelligence agency , ‘ is that rather than being known as producers in agriculture , in genetics , or in medicine , our trademark is the security business . ’
20 His proud boast is that ‘ the same principles which at first lead to scepticism , pursued to a certain point , bring men back to common sense ’ , and that rather than being a purveyor of wild and new paradoxes , he has ‘ unite[d] and place[d] in a clearer light that truth , which was before shared between the vulgar and the philosophers ’ .
21 The words are an echo of the great series of Scottish bonds of protection and service — maintenance and manrent — made from the mid fifteenth to the early seventeenth century by the nobles and the lairds ; the only difference is that rather than being completely mutual , as these bonds were , the king had the confident assurance that his subjects would serve ‘ exactly as he likes ’ — a confidence very far removed from the idea that Scottish kings were in any way at the mercy of their most powerful subjects .
22 Both denied that the underlying causes of the Reformation which he had identified had actually existed , claiming that rather than being an institution in terminal decline , the late medieval Catholic church had been ‘ a lively and relevant social institution ’ , displaying ‘ growing and vigorous ’ forms of piety .
23 I do n't think you 'd have hair that long and be a policeman Geoffrey gets the wrong end of the stick unfortunately does n't he ? , eat this cheese slice if there 's any
24 Apart from being disinclined for work , Mrs Peterson was showing her age more than ever and was not capable of sustained effort .
25 The most general would be a polynomial There is , however , an important assumption made here , that is , that both and are evaluated at the same point .
26 England should concede that bravely and be good losers .
27 He had been discovered by a member of the crew and rather than be handed over to US Immigration officials had allowed himself to be buggered by three of the sailors , including the Captain .
28 And rather than being at the mercy of the autobiographer 's choice of what to mention , we can ask questions and open up areas of significant memory which would otherwise have been lost .
29 is preceded by silence and is followed by silence , and so and are said to be in a position of external open juncture .
30 If only that were true . ’
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