Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When evening came , or rather when lousing-time came ( lousing-time was when the day 's work was over and the horses were loosened from the yoke ) , they were then handed over more or less to us children .
2 More than a quarter of the young workers interviewed had no intention of remaining in agriculture — they hoped to seek more lucrative employment , mainly in the building industry , as lorry drivers , as garage mechanics or perhaps as engineering workers in local factories .
3 Harrods Library , which had an extensive clientele , used to publish long lists of ex-library books which could be bought at a third of the price when new , or less if rebound for library use .
4 Highly fast cars crash violently shows that the mis-match in the latter is between highly and fast , not highly and cars , or highly and crash , etc .
5 The TVS producer had had the idea of asking Hyacinth to play the role of ‘ guest interviewer ’ and had spent an hour or so that morning , showing her something of how it was done .
6 Occasionally athletes are kept waiting at the start for a minute or so until television is ready .
7 Once initial control has been achieved , a maintenance sclerotherapy programme should be instituted with repeated injections every three weeks or so until thrombosis of the varices has been achieved and subsequent periodic checks every three to six months to ensure maintenance of variceal occlusion .
8 Where a civil wrong has been committed by a partner under the authorisation of the other partners or as part of the normal business of the firm , then the plaintiff may pursue the partners collectively or separately until judgment is satisfied .
9 Some noticed that the cereal packets were wider or longer than soap packets .
10 DEATH AS LIFE 'S END ( the Doctor ) , as a crime ( the Detective ) , or just as butchery .
11 Year 9 pupils could choose from Geography , History or Integrated Humanities , French or German , Separate Science or co-ordinated or Modular , Religious Studies , Islam or Christianity or life and teaching of Jesus , English language or English language and literature or English language and Media Studies , Technology and design or Design and Realization or Design and Communication or Drama or 2nd language or Art and design or Physical Education or Home and food or Geography or History or Integrated Humanities or Pre-vocational Course .
12 There are some words which are simply anomalous , like women , or once or gaol ( which is , anyway , being pushed out by the more reasonable jail ) .
13 By contrast , those still stone free nine months or more after dissolution treatment has stopped are genuinely likely to have had complete gall stone dissolution .
14 In August 1973 a two-tier pricing system was introduced : the price of oil from wells already functioning in 1972 was fixed at a maximum of $4.35 per barrel ; oil from wells begun in 1973 or later and oil imports were exempted from the price ceiling .
15 Today Brighton & Hove is very much a resort where past and present meet , merge and coexist perfectly .
16 Of the remaining 40 cases , 38 complied strictly with their diet and this was supported by an improvement in the morphology of repeat small intestinal biopsy specimens or symptoms , or both and weight and laboratory indices .
17 Regular meetings with other health visitors for information purposes or purely as support groups can help you to combat the isolation sometimes described by health visitors working in both rural and inner city communities .
18 Yet the cancer patients , who had significantly longer mouth-to-anus transit times , were not obstructed clinically or radiologically and stool frequencies were similar in all groups .
19 For example , while sexual dimorphism in size is likely to evolve where variation in male success is greater than female success and a given increment in body size has the same effect on breeding success in both sexes , it will also evolve if variation in reproductive success is similar in both sexes but size has a greater influence on success in males or even if variation in success is greater in females but the effects of size are greater among males .
20 Whereas the Albemarle Report had seen them as shallow and frivolous , as examples of young people being manipulated by commercial interests , or even as hooliganism , the CCCS saw them as important and creative in their own right — as young people expressing their own point of view .
21 There was nothing in his face that she could interpret as affection or even as desire .
22 Or alternatively if cash has been allocated for a later purchase of , say , an expected new issue of bonds and the fear is of prices rising , an investor can hedge by buying a future or by acquiring a call option .
23 The best policy is probably to offer increased fetal surveillance after 42 weeks ( or earlier if risk factors are present ) and to terminate the pregnancy if adverse features occur .
24 Ruth never showed Rachaela anything — her art work , her homework or a book — but Rachaela gave her the use of the bookcase , overloaded now , and once or twice when money had been freer had bought Ruth books of fantastic art , Kay Nielsen , Vali Myers .
25 Suicide and anorexia are by no means mutually exclusive phenomena , but in the typical case of primary anorexia nervosa suicide is simply not a factor , except perhaps when depression has won a particularly resounding victory , and the shame of defeat becomes unbearable .
26 In his An Inquiry into the Causes of the Progressive Depreciation of Agricultural Labour in Modern Times ( 1820 ) and A Statement of the Consequences Likely to Ensue from our Growing Excess of Population ( 1830 ) Barton argued that only where land was cheap and plentiful would economic growth be maximized and accordingly favoured emigration schemes and colonization of Canada .
27 He based this on the belief that only where property considerations were absent — as by definition they were in the proletariat — could ‘ true sex-love ’ develop .
28 Thus it is likely that no more than 1 or 2 per cent of the total budget would really be available for new projects and plans — and even that only if pupil numbers were retained and no other emergencies developed in any particular year .
29 If ergonomics is regarded as the science of work then work must be defined as purposeful activity rather than merely as activity for economic gain .
30 The vital point , brought out forcefully by Fuller , is that just as adjudication is distinguished by the form of participation that it confers so are other types of decision-making , and just as the nature of adjudication shapes the procedures relevant to its decisional form so do other species of decision-making .
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