Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Just gang down the court or somewhere then come home .
2 Individual attributions of guilt point to left or right often according to the ideological standpoint of the scholar — and , it must be stressed , the vision of history which this implies .
3 High Court Practice Direction of 18 December 1975 [ 1976 ] 1 All ER 669 should be followed so that the particulars of claim will state : " The rate current in London for the purchase of [ state unit of foreign currency ] at the close of business on the [ state date next or most nearly preceding the date of issue of summons ] was … to the £ sterling and at this rate the amount claimed , namely [ state the sum of foreign currency claimed ] amounts to £ … " .
4 Perhaps there were some early villages around the caputs in the oldest , or most continuously settled places .
5 It was designed to be used when knitting pile and drive lace — though I suspect from the almost total lack of drive lace and pile garments that I 've seen , or rather not seen , that is used at all it 's mainly with the rib transfer carriage !
6 I you mentioned going to college or or rather not going to college .
7 He perhaps meant to say ‘ principals ’ because the decisions that were taken , or rather not taken , in New York had everything to do with cash .
8 If all present would n't mind agreeing not to mention my main leak , or rather not to raise the question of my main leak , unless direct enquiries are made . "
9 ‘ Tipping — or rather not tipping is a good way of showing your disapproval as well as your appreciation . ’
10 ‘ Oh ! if those who rule the destinies of nations would but remember … how hard it is for the very poor to have engendered in their hearts that love of home from which all domestic virtues spring , when they live in dense and squalid masses where social decency is lost , or rather never found , ’ Dickens exclaims in The Old Curiosity Shop .
11 Or rather how did it feel ?
12 Otherwise , one wonders , how could there constantly be those ‘ asides ’ , which seem to reveal that the participants were actually aware the game was up or rather perhaps had never started ?
13 These had left too many pupils of average ability or below either struggling with work beyond their abilities or following ‘ improvised ’ courses .
14 For instance , when you return your renewal slip why not enclose at least one or two application forms from new members or better still get your class organised and send in the whole lot together !
15 Fortunately these problems are relatively easy to control or better still prevent .
16 Writing to members of F&S and direct contact by shop officers with members of F&S got the most votes , so you are now asked to sign , date and send the attached ‘ model ’ letter to ( who is Chair of both F&S and SSC ) , or better still write your own version of the letter , to make your feelings clear .
17 ( Just think of the whispers sweeping around the office when Jeremy or Karen are seen in the car-park adding — or better still subtracting — a logo or two . )
18 Ring them , or better still go to see them all , and ask if they are interested in carrying out the survey , how much they charge and when they can do it .
19 Sit yourself down , or better still go into the sitting-room .
20 Or better still hit the sky . ’
21 And those bits again , either tuck them in out of the way or better still fold them over and put a big plaster over the top to get them right out the way so no ends are left dangling , remember for most people you 're doing this for they 'll probably be returning to their place of work , okay , so they need to be safe to return to work , everybody okay on that lot ?
22 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
23 In the absence of legislation , it may be that the Court of Appeal will prove more willing to strike down unreasonably high awards , or better still authorise trial judges to suggest appropriate financial parameters in their summings-up .
24 For Eden — and certain other key figures such as Macmillan ( now chancellor of the exchequer ) — this Egyptian coup was immediately seen as an opportunity to humiliate or better still to bring down Nasser .
25 Zeolite and many of the resins become fully charged and must be soaked in salt water , or better still have a steady trickle of salt water running to waste through them to recharge them .
26 Or better still find the source , the cassette player , and rip out the cassette and jump up and down upon it until it is smashed into little pieces .
27 To be sure of surprise and originality adapt the joke to a new locality or profession , or better still find a funny story based on a situation taken from real life .
28 We had originally intended to try our hand at clay pigeon shooting or perhaps even gliding , but our time was running out and there was still so much we wanted to see .
29 We had originally intended to try our hand at clay pigeon shooting or perhaps even gliding , but our time was running out and there was still so much we wanted to see .
30 So it remains to be seen whether we may have such a network , or perhaps even assuming that nearly all the cheap oil runs out , whether we might in fact manufacture petrol artificially from wood , coal , or gas , simply to provide the excellent fuel with its wonderful storage characteristics for long distance transport .
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