Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were also at times short of water , although they no doubt learnt to manage on very little , and their encampments would have been spread out to take advantage of several watercourses at each halt in the journey .
2 It gave him four and a half years of power without full responsibility — although he no doubt did not consider that this placed him in the harlot class .
3 The foreground was less expertly done , but that it no reflection on the pastels .
4 The fact that ‘ She ’ appears to those privileged to see her as a veiled figure and that her lustrous orbs , dazzling limbs and perfect ankles are revealed with tantalising slowness , has a rather different effect on today 's readers than it no doubt had when the book was first published , very nearly a century ago , in 1887 , to be greeted with a storm of ecstasy or alternatively of appalled disapproval , which lasted for many decades .
5 What did it matter to her , after all , that he no doubt planned to entertain his ladyfriends here ?
6 ‘ The tea itself , ’ I reflect aloud , ‘ is transformed by bleaching it with milk , so it no way resembles the complexions of those swarthy people , least of all the inhabitants of a tea-producing Indian subcontinent .
7 And I no surprise whatever , absolutely no surprise .
8 Well I 'd rather I 'd rather buy something and I no point buying her jumpers , I think she 's got jumpers ha so
9 Therefore can have no Regent and you no authority .
10 Apparently , the girl was an attractive woman and she no doubt knew how to present herself as temptingly as possible , They exchanged what Miller describes as ‘ the usual preliminaries ’ about money and walked on together up the by now rapidly dusking street .
11 It has taken the black South African Rugby Association and the ‘ coloured ’ South African Rugby Federation under its wing , and they no doubt now want to flex their own muscles .
12 He knew that it would make her feel inferior and stupid and insignificant beside the sultry Domino and her no doubt dazzling sexual experience !
13 Although it was correct , I dare say , and he no doubt intended it as a mark of respect .
14 He stays — he says — mainly for the access to the resource base , and he no doubt receives a generous salary and has future payments and bonuses guaranteed .
15 Roman did n't take kindly to any woman 's refusal , and he no doubt thought he was doing her an honour in wanting her when he thought she had belonged to Garry .
16 It is an Accrington brick-built town with few pretensions and it no doubt contributed to saving Gedge from a terminal dose of wetness .
17 No-one would believe they had a recession on in Japan when they have time and resources to devote to dreaming up and creating things like this : Toshiba Corp has just launched a line of word processors with sound effects — ‘ to introduce an element of fun in the workplace ’ according to Reuter — they bark when you write ‘ dog ’ , moo when you write ‘ cow ’ and make the sound of pouring when you write ‘ beer ’ , and if you recall a text file word-by-word at reading speed , they repeat these and 26 other pre-programmed noises , from sleigh bells to sirens , as the words come up — and it no doubt laughs like a drain when your boss sends it an electronic message telling you you 're fired for being a disruptive influence .
18 For the NHS accounts , a practical solution has to be found , and it no doubt will be , but how the resulting accounting numbers can be interpreted will remain problematic .
19 Now of course all this is fascinating in its own way , and it no doubt leads us at least onto the fringes of an entertaining piece of social history .
20 Look at him — throwin' his eye up your skirt — and it no time at all since he gave up wettin' the bed ! ’
21 I thought it might be better if she went there — she 's from Tallahassee , as you no doubt know — rather than myself , since there 's an unfortunate history of litigation and unpleasantness between the Seal Court family and the Norfolk one .
22 The French have brought many advantages to our country as you no doubt have already seen . "
23 ‘ The matter at issue , as you no doubt know , is the return to your household of your daughter , now widowed and without children , and the repayment of her dowry .
24 Carol distracted the whitecoated male assistant , exercising commendable control by not kneeing him in the nuts as she no doubt would have liked to .
25 This time it is not a matter of rate-capping and ‘ the cuts ’ , though they no doubt played a part , but of decisions to recast teacher training .
26 But , as far as she was concerned , it brought only sadness in its wake , precipitating , as it no doubt would , Michele 's marriage to the American .
27 It is absurd , every time we introduce another element of our policy , for him to leap on to the populist pitch and then , as he no doubt will in a few minutes ' time , find some detailed reasons for being opposed to it .
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