Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] up " in BNC.

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1 Back in the old days , in the Fifties , before the nights of car-park-training , people kept big dogs , with names like Nero and Saladin , Sakkie and Doris ; dogs that roamed the sandy ex-Servicemen 's estate where I grew up , on the edge of Johannesburg , a jumble of sandy streets named after English kings and queens .
2 Jeffrey : My first sexual encounters were in South Wales , where I grew up .
3 ‘ Not round where I grew up , they 're not , ’ Cashman said .
4 We called at Brigade H.Q where I picked up my bagpipes .
5 In 1941 I was trained as a Navigator/Radio in the RAF and was eventually sent to an OTU where I crewed up with a Canadian pilot , Bob Tidy of Toronto .
6 By December 1917 Madame Weill had moved from her tiny shop on the Rue Victor-Masse , where she pinned up her pictures with clothes-pegs on an overhead wire like washing , to a more imposing venue , Galerie B. Weill , 50 Rue Taitbout in the 9th arrondissement .
7 After she completed her degree course , they moved to the United States , where she took up an appointment as an instructor in English at Smith College .
8 Wyn devised a laborious system of communication where she held up letters and Norman would nod for ‘ yes ’ and shake his head for ‘ no ’ .
9 What she did like was a roundabout where you went up and down gradually as over waves , in a car that swung slightly but did n't turn .
10 It was 20 June when they went back , all Goblander 's windows open , the weather being perfect the way you expected it to be that summer , as if it were southern Europe where you woke up each morning to sunshine and unclouded skies .
11 There was a game where you blew up balloons and sat on them .
12 Or you went up the fire escape , which had fifty two steps , to go up .
13 You going to join me or you passed up that too ?
14 No , last week you probably would have got the little joining letter with map , but you probably talked to people in the branch who may have been there , or you talked to your manager , or you picked up the phone and said , how do I get here , you may have even got the map out if you were driving , to actually see what junction you came off the motorways and things like that .
15 Either that , or she made up her mind to marry the wretched fellow .
16 where we finished up now where did we start from ?
17 We motored down to Vyborg Castle Harbour , where we tied up by a newly built tax-free shop in the shadow of the 12th Century castle .
18 Erm can someone make it clear to me where we ended up with Q P5 , I am not sure whether we are changing the application or deleting Yes the exception both doing both your doing both yes .
19 Just the same refuges of the elderly also appear in the Social Survey of Merseyside of 1934 , where they made up a third of the tenants of the largest multiple households .
20 There seemed nowhere to take discussions of these dilemmas except to the conferences ' lesbian workshops , where they took up almost all the time .
21 After leaving Angela 's mummy 's shoes at the repairer 's , they went on to Jessica Turvey 's house , where they tied up Joe while they went inside .
22 They cynically referred to it as ‘ college ’ where they picked up further tips in the arts of fraud from their cell mates .
23 The next stop was Butterfield , where they picked up Morton the embalmer .
24 The actors drifted away from the centre of the room to the safety of the walls , where they picked up crosswords , fiddled with knitting , lit cigarettes and gave generally unconvincing impressions of people who were n't worried about what was about to happen .
25 The youths drove on until they reached a stretch of unmade road where they pulled up , but quickly left after they were disturbed by the sound of a barking dog .
26 All-night parties , Nina dancing in the nude , Modi stumbling into the sketching class very drunk , the weekly visits to the Gaieté Montparnasse , a small , bawdy music-hall where they sat up in the gallery , all paint a happy-go-lucky picture .
27 Four transports carrying a total of 124 children came from Danzig , travelling by train via Berlin to the Hook where they joined up with other groups waiting to be ferried across to Harwich .
28 They returned down a different hole and soon found a dry , empty burrow , where they curled up together and slept in the warmth of their own tired bodies .
29 The town 's smaller churches had either already disappeared by 1461 ( All Saints ' beyond the Bridge , St. Mary Bynwerk and St. Michael at Cornstall ) , or they continued up until the mid-sixteenth century ( St. Stephen , St. Andrew , St. Peter and St. Clement ) .
30 The coroner ignored it and crossed to the end of the room , where he took up his favourite position a-straddle the fireplace .
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