Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] when [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The pupil can : 5a compare or order objects when physically juxtaposed ; 5b compare or order objects or quantities when measurements are given ; 5c compare or order objects when measurements must be made .
2 Ponderous , heron-like or vulturine flapping flight , low over water or reed-beds when hunting ; also soars and dives from air .
3 It is hard to view the Home Unions XV as other than Lions when McGeechan and Roger Uttley are the coaches and Clive Rowlands the manager — the managerial troika Down Under , back in harness .
4 It is clear from this that periods when enclosure was taking place do not necessarily correspond with those when articulate protests were being voiced against them .
5 It follows that the power that results when shareholders pool their resources in corporate form is legitimate , because in possessing and exercising it they are doing only what they have a right to do .
6 It is a process that can be directly observed in the embryos of amphibians and birds when gastrulation is completed .
7 There was n't much talking between them , apart from pleases and thankyous when Dot heard how two of them spoke awkwardly with unfluent foreign accents .
8 That the Empire grew in power is certain , but there were civil wars , periods where there was no Emperor , where rival Emperors warred against each other , and times when Orcs and Goblins plundered the lands .
9 There are thuds and boings when objects collide .
10 In place of these grand documents are ‘ rolling programmes ’ that are revised each year , and the even more prosaic procedures of periodic adjustments in response to perceived needs and anomalies when resources become available — the classic ‘ incremental ’ approach of local government .
11 The Harris Classic Masking Sheet is the new way to totally protect carpets , walls and ceilings when painting .
12 In the case of keg milds and bitters when fermentation is complete they are conditioned for a short period under gas pressure and are then filtered to remove yeast solids and pasteurised .
13 For deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
14 With deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
15 Keep hands and feet well away from blades and rotors when machines are in operation .
16 Irish Street , Downpatrick , environmental improvement scheme — one-way traffic in Irish Street for duration of works except Sundays and Mondays when road closures is in operation .
17 Gas flowed to cooker and fires when coins were put in the meter , not otherwise .
18 Midwives and health visitors may be able to offer long-term support for relinquishing mothers and/or families when adoption agency input ceases .
19 In the higher primates these possibilities can already be seen emerging as actualities when chimpanzees use twigs to get at the occupants of a termite-mound , or wave branches to scare off leopards .
20 Edward II had tried to suppress tournaments , because he feared that they might be used as occasions to form political conspiracies against the court , but his son now encouraged them as occasions when king and nobles could together demonstrate their knightly prowess .
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