Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Goods which are useless or unsuitable for any normal purpose will still correspond with their description ( here ‘ Norwegian Herring Meal ’ ) if it accurately identified them .
2 A water authority will , therefore , be in breach of its statutory duty if it permits obnoxious odours , which amount to a nuisance at common law , to emanate either from its sewage disposal works , or due to any recycling of treated or untreated sewage sludge on to farm land , and it is open to a local authority or person aggrieved , in the absence of informal agreement perhaps via a Liaison Committee , to seek an injunction to restrain the water authority from causing the nuisance .
3 Articles 85 and 86 of Table A ( prescribed pursuant to the Companies Act 1985 ) provide that so long as a director has disclosed his interest to the company , he may be a party to or interested in any transaction , and shall not by reason of his office be accountable to the company for any benefit he receives from such a transaction .
4 By this I mean that the commands to do or to abstain proceed from persons who no matter whether this is logical or reasonable or justifiable by any objective criterion — are believed to be persons who have the moral right to issue them : so that , correlatively , those to whom the commands are addressed feel a moral duty to obey them .
5 It is , however , not necessary to argue that the severance of the union is illegal or unconstitutional in any technical sense .
6 If the injured part is distorted , deformed or unstable in any way .
7 Investments held as fixed assets are stated at cost less provisions where appropriate for any diminution in value .
8 The Vendor is not party in relation to the Business or subject to any contract , covenant , commitments or arrangement of an onerous , unusual or long-term nature or having any provision which might reasonably be regarded as material for disclosure to a purchaser for value of the Business nor is it party to any contract likely to be unprofitable or to any contract made otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of business as now carried on .
9 ( 5 ) A legal estate may subsist concurrently with or subject to any other legal estate in the same land in like manner as it could have done before the commencement of this Act .
10 The department offers supervision for PhD or MLitt , full-time or part-time in any area of French cultural studies , including literary and linguistic studies from the Middle Ages to the present ; Francophone studies in Africa and Canada ; cinema ; contemporary politics and institutions .
11 If you begin your pressing experience the other way round you may be disappointed or dismayed by any unsuccessful results .
12 3.9.1 sale or advertising by others of any products carrying a Trade Name or Trade Mark identical to or similar to any one of the Trade Marks and
13 Of course , there are one or two exceptions to the no talking or moving yourself ‘ rule ’ : do speak up if something your partner is doing is hurting , or if you feel cold or uncomfortable in any way .
14 These sections provide in effect that any member of a local authority having any pecuniary interest direct or indirect in any contract , proposed contract or other matter must declare his interest .
15 ( 2 ) None of the sub-clauses of this Clause and none of the objects therein specified shall be deemed subsidiary or ancillary to any of the objects specified in any other such sub-clause , and the Company shall have as full a power to exercise each and every one of the objects specified in each sub-clause of this Clause as though each sub-clause contained the objects of a separate Company .
16 ( 2 ) None of the sub-clauses of this Clause and none of the objects therein specified shall be deemed subsidiary or ancillary to any of the objects specified in any other such sub-clause , and the Company shall have as full a power to exercise each and every one of the objects specified in each sub-clause of this Clause as though each sub-clause contained the objects of a separate Company .
17 The second influence , , is a random variable , the value of which can be positive or negative in any period but has a mean value of zero .
18 For many it is not long enough to become literate or numerate in any real sense .
19 I doubt if that is so I think to some extent we may be in what we are saying and doing , feeding the current which says that nobody in national politics could conceivably be honest or decent or competent in any way whatsoever , that to be a Member of the House of Commons or to be a Member of the Government is somehow to have the mark of put upon them .
20 This essential characteristic of a rational expectations equilibrium — the efficient use of the relevant available information — suggests another criterion for rationality : the method that agents employ to predict should have a variance smaller than or equal to any other rival method of predicting .
21 The first is where the Act is silent or ambiguous on any given point and the second is where the court in a decided case has given a particular interpretation to a section of the Act ( or to the same section in the original Act of 1893 ) .
22 He had not been on duty on the afternoon of the shooting or responsible for any of the aftermath investigations .
23 So you know I think for er people who are elderly or disabled in any way , that was a difficulty too .
24 The diplomatic officer or consular agent or commissioner may take all kinds of evidence which are not incompatible with local law or contrary to any permission granted and , within such limits , they may administer oaths .
25 W J Reddin ( 1970 ) argued that a leader 's concern for task and concern for people might be high or low ( and in this respect he follows Blake and Mouton 's ideas ) ; however , a leader might be effective or ineffective in any style of leadership , depending on the circumstances .
26 After nine months in office he still is uncertain whether to go fast or slow on any issue from the Russians to oil slicks .
27 There is , too , another marked feature of this piece of country which is characteristic of all country enclosed from open fields or common of any kind .
28 Going and having a few meals with him did n't seem evil or furtive in any way .
29 Broadly this expression means any premises in which or within the close or curtilage or precincts of which , persons are employed in any process for or incidental to any of the purposes , outlined in s.175 of the Act , provided the work carried on there is part of a trade or for profit .
30 If all the requirements are fulfilled , civil legal aid consists of representation for the purposes of proceedings , and it includes all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in the steps preliminary or incidental to any proceedings and all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in civil proceedings arriving at or giving effect to a compromise to avoid or bring to an end any proceedings .
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