Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] some time " in BNC.

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1 The gendarme stood bewildered for a moment , and then ran into the street , where for some time he could be heard blowing his whistle .
2 ‘ Seeds collected now can be tested for resistance either this year or at some time in the future , ’ he says .
3 But , from a study of the pattern of his previous lives , it would seem that at some point — whether as Martin or at some time in the future — he will have to accept the role of teacher , guide or helper .
4 The other possibility er is that having read it the site visit that I will have made , in any event , either already or or at some time during the latter part of next week , I may discover there is something which one of the parties points out which I have n't looked at because I did n't realize that it was relevant .
5 Compared with the general population , significantly more miners had visited their general practitioner because of dyspepsia either recently or at some time in the past ( 80% v 55.1% , p<0.001 ) .
6 So it should n't be that much of a problem but I do recommend erm this weekend , amongst the many other things , to look at the C C Q , or at some time before you go out in the big wide world and do it for real , to look at the C C Q and pull it apart so you know what each box is actually for .
7 This , coupled with the gossip that for some time surrounded the couple , soon convinced the constables they had the right people .
8 It seems that for some time the firm had been issuing such promissory notes and having them endorsed by its local bank in Bihać ( where , incidentally , the partisans held the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council for the Liberation of Yugoslavia ) .
9 In the Victorian era , however , the burden of interest payments resulting from earlier wartime borrowing caused such concern that for some time budget surpluses were run in order to reduce the national debt .
10 They had bought a house in London so that for some time each year they could be in England , and now , with the baby almost due , Felipe had brought Maggie back .
11 so it meant that for some time before contingency fund development was introduced you must of had some concerns er about the accuracy of the figures you were putting forward for the publication , can , can I explain that a little more ? if after a few years a major repair needs to be carried out there was no contingency fund , it might mean sticking another two or three hundred pounds a year on the service charges , might it not , to cover a major repair
12 And with Venus in your own sign between February 2 and June 6 , there has to be more love and fulfilment around than for some time .
13 In fact he is probably feeling fresher and sharper now , hungrier to resume his England career than for some time .
14 ‘ The paperback market had now improved somewhat , and we believe that book production capacity and demand are more in balance than for some time ’ , he added .
15 Whether due to Anglo-American action or not , the Middle East became temporarily quieter than for some time .
16 Ian Rock , the chief executive , said yesterday : ‘ The group 's position is more stable than for some time , but it still requires a substantial improvement in the economy and a solution to the group 's gearing before it can achieve satisfactory returns on shareholders ’ funds . ’
17 Gradually they learn to discriminate , although for some time they can not determine what is influencing the mother 's movements towards or away from them .
18 Although at some times of the year , individuals within the dogwhelk enclave may be scattered over the shore , at others they aggregate in large clusters .
19 They receive no extra remuneration whatsoever for their duties although at some times of course it can be quite dangerous .
20 Like the other planets it travels around the Sun in an ellipse , which means that at some times it is closer to the Sun than at others .
21 Certainly , no-one devising a system of government for a late twentieth-century industrial democracy would give the right to alter legislation to a group of people whose only qualification is the fact that at some time in the dim and distant past a grateful monarch rewarded the loyalty , bravery , intrigue , obsequiousness or blackmail of an ancestor with the grant of a title and the profits of plunder .
22 For example , let it be assumed that at some time an individual has become entitled to the ownership of some goods , by virtue of an approved process designated ‘ good — .
23 What 's the point of loading the reel with an unbranded twist that ‘ looked right ’ , when you can be sure that at some time or other the varying tensions on this material are going to produce lively snarls and inevitably weaken it , so that a line break happens just when you least want it .
24 The reader who has survived so far may recall that during my wartime service in the Navy I had nursed a great curiosity about the enemy we rarely saw , and that I had promised myself that at some time in the future I would find out more about them , the ships they had fought in and the sort of people they were .
25 Now , although the idea that whenever we see that someone is in pain we make an inference from behaviour to feeling is about as mythical as the idea that at some time in the past we made a Social Contract , the ‘ argument from analogy ’ line of reasoning seems much less implausible here than in the ‘ Afternoon on the Sun ’ case .
26 All of the Friedmann solutions have the feature that at some time in the past ( between ten and twenty thousand million years ago ) the distance between neighboring galaxies must have been zero .
27 In Friedmann 's models , the galaxies are all moving directly away from each other-so it is not surprising that at some time in the past they were all at the same place .
28 McAllister did not quite know how to answer him , and said slowly , ‘ I suppose that at some time or other we all sell ourselves for something . ’
29 It seems from the work of earlier historians that at some time around 1200 the influence of the great magnates underwent a challenge : in part this was because the king was intruding more and more into what had been the magnates ' private preserve , the distribution of justice to their feudal tenants ; in part also because rising inflation damaged their incomes ; and because the individual ambitions of certain of the men who had been the tenants of their knights ' fees led them to seek their advancement outside their natural lords ' followings .
30 On March 3 King Hassan announced that at some time prior to the legislative elections which were scheduled for Oct. 9 , 1992 , constitutional changes to establish a better balance between legislative and executive bodies would be put to a referendum .
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