Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] one time " in BNC.

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1 is either a half or minus one times minus two or
2 There are several smart new dwellings here , no doubt built upon the old closes and orchards where at one time the Anabaptists were buried .
3 " Here are the Maplin Sands , off Foulness Island , where at one time we were going to have a great new airport complex , " he said .
4 There is hardly a treasure hunter anywhere in the world who has not heard of Charles Garrett , read at least one of his numerous books on the subject , or at one time or another used one of his metal detectors .
5 At , for example , the site of San Antonio on the Hondo River to the east of Pulltrouser Swamp it seems the platforms are natural formations , although at one time Maya farmers grew crops on them .
6 Burton started a Welsh male voice choir — ‘ although at one time there were only two Welshmen in the camp ’ — and at one stage , up at Docking in Norfolk , he seems to have done everything but declare the place an independent colony .
7 Markets are not inanimate objects or systems , although at one time it was fashionable to regard them as being so .
8 Although at one time it was considered relevant only to study child language when words appeared , we are now able to consider language development as a continuous process from birth .
9 The second reserve we visited was inland , although at one time the impressive limestone cliffs fringing the Hervey Nature Reserve had been coastal and some of the plants found here today reflect this marine ancestry .
10 Barbara Markusen , a noted author on library networking , has commented that although at one time the public library was the largest source of books and research materials in most cities , this is no longer the case .
11 The gang of baddies were originally deer stealers ; and it was The Food programme , discussing the increasing availablity of game in High Street supermarkets , who had pointed out that at one time British prisons held more poachers than all the prisoners in France put together .
12 Since the church was the work of Pelligrini Tibaldi it means that at one time the two most famous of Milanese architects — Il Pellegrino and L'Alessi — were working in Piazza San Fedele at the same time , the one on the church , and the other on the Palazzo Marino .
13 On the Gouveneur-Generaal Loudon , it was reported that at one time dust and water were falling together , as mud , and a thickness of fifteen centimetres accumulated in only ten minutes .
14 If man has evolved to maintain his selfish genes , why can not he be happy to do just that and to fulfil the other biological drives like curiosity , sociability and the desire to dominate that at one time presumably aided the survival of his genes ?
15 One of the most bizarre elements of the whole plutonium jigsaw is the fact that at one time the government sanctioned , at cabinet level , two private companies to own some of the material even though it had been produced by the electricity generating industry .
16 It is significant that at one time in their lives both Sarah and Diana have suffered from debilitating eating disorders , anorexia nervosa and bulimia respectively .
17 The same reasoning , I suspect , saw to it that at one time you could n't get olives , only peanut and crisps , in smart bars in Spain , because olives were what peasants ate .
18 It is simply that at one time the ooze covering the sea floor contained shells of animals — and before that did not .
19 Very many men will admit , if they are honest with themselves , that at one time or another they have felt sexual attraction for a young girl — or boy .
20 It then passes near Gate Manor , a fine Victorian mock-Jacobean hall , before crossing the Dee by way of Rash Bridge , a quiet spot with a tiny Methodist chapel and an old mill ( one of three corn mills that at one time ground in Dentdale ) that still has a working waterwheel .
21 The new remedy rapidly encroached upon the spheres of trespass and replevin so that at one time it looked as if any ‘ asportation ’ or moving of the property might be regarded not only as a trespass to it but also conversion of it , but this very wide doctrine was restricted to a principle that the dealing with the goods must amount to a denial of the owner 's title .
22 He postulated that at one time there had been an area of land in what is now the Atlantic Ocean allowing plants to move from Spain to Ireland .
23 Years of hard use , however , have taken their toll and my detector that at one time was new and gleaming from the factory , now looks like an advert for adhesive tape , for that is all that holds it together .
24 For example , so detailed was the Texas Instruments integrated circuit catalogue that at one time it was the standard specification reference work for electronic component buyers .
25 The committee appointed to enquire into the copper trade and mining ( 1799 ) , said in their report that copper bolts had never been considered strong enough , and that the practice of copper bottoming was stopped by about 1750 , as a result of the losses , and the fact that at one time a third of the navy was in dock under repair .
26 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
27 I believe that at one time he was the Prime Minister 's press officer and , indeed , worked in his office .
28 But er I believe that at one time people from the islands settled in some of the farms for the East Mainland whether there 's a similarity in the matter of table or heard and all these sort of things .
29 " All men have said or thought that at one time or another .
30 So the novel strikes me , and at one time Dostoevsky thought so too .
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