Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] all time " in BNC.

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1 Where resort sports or other facilities are advertised , they may not necessarily be available in all resorts in the vicinity of all properties featured or at all times of the season .
2 Now , I leave entirely on one side the question why on earth the present ratio between profits and incomes generally is so supremely right that for all time it ought to be preserved , or at any rate allowed only to diminish , regardless of anything else that happens , such as the growth of savings and accumulation of capital .
3 In place of the nineteenth-century sense of a succession of literary historical " periods " , scholars have now revealed a continuum of " interlocking elements " making it clear that in all times the " spirit of literature " is one .
4 The tidal reach of the sea fills the lake so that at all times the water is brackish .
5 The evidence of video films is that the police advanced at a trot and that at all times they were controlled .
6 Mr Gray said Century Hutchinson accepted that Lord Aldington was ‘ a brave and dedicated officer with a deservedly distinguished war record and that at all times he was conscientiously seeking to implement the orders of higher commands without suspicion that atrocities would be committed by the Soviets and Titoists ’ .
7 Unfortunately my phone line runs through several dozen pastures and chances are , like when I talk to Dave , that at all times a cow is either standing or chewing on the line .
8 Literature is illuminated rather than obscured as we come nearer the personality and circumstances of the writer ; and provided that at all times our aim is to illuminate literature , we are on the side of the angels .
9 But , insofar as it argues that the state , notwithstanding its apparent neutrality and the inherent variability of state forms and interventions , still serves the interests of the owners of the means of production , this account still maintains that at all times the state acts to defend capital .
10 ( 3 ) Any licence granted under this Part of this Act shall provide that at all times at which alcoholic liquor is sold , food and beverages other than alcoholic liquor shall also be provided for sale , and if such food and beverages are not so provided , the holder of the licence or his employee or agent , as the case may be , shall be guilty of an offence .
11 Does the Minister also accept that , in considering agriculture , it is crucial to bear in mind the responsibility of all involved in the food chain , from production to consumption , to ensure that at all times consumers get good , healthy , pure products at the best possible price ?
12 In selecting a new class of options the clearing house attempts to ensure that at all times contracts may be exercised without any undue influence on the share market itself .
13 Should a failure occur , audible and visual warning is given and stays operational until the fault has been rectified , thus ensuring that at all times you know your evacuation medium is always ready for action .
14 R.4 provides that only solicitors with practising certificates and RFLs may be directors of a recognised body , and that at all times at least once of the directors shall be a solicitor .
15 ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of these Rules , a body corporate may carry on business consisting of the provision of professional services such as are provided by individuals practising as solicitors or by multi-national partnerships provided that before commencing any such business such body corporate shall have been recognised by the Council as being a suitable body to undertake the provision of such services and provided that at all times while carrying on such business it remains so recognised .
16 A recognised body shall not have as a director any person who is not a solicitor or a registered foreign lawyer ; provided that at all times at least one of the directors shall be a solicitor .
17 Schools could work forwards or backwards in time ( though it is expected that at all times there will be reference to time-lines , and time-charts , and that attention will be given to the question " when did this happen in the past ? " ) .
18 5.20 Keyholders To ensure that at all times the Landlord has [ and the local Police force has ] written notice of the name home address and home telephone number of at least [ 2 ] key holder[s] of the Premises While this is not necessarily objectionable it is a provision that is easily overlooked and imposes an obligation on the tenant which may not be appropriate in the circumstances .
19 He said : ‘ Now and for all time in the future , human skills and human talents will be the major determinants of success or failure — not just for individuals but for a whole society in all of its social , cultural and commercial life . ’
20 Marx was pointing out that the capitalist assumption that what motivates man everywhere and for all time is the search for profit , is totally misleading and is itself a product of capitalism .
21 This is clearly not a once and for all time decision .
22 ‘ And should any other prince or captain , Christian or infidel , of whatever law or sect or condition he may be , pretend to any right to these lands and seas , I am ready and prepared to deny him and to defend them in the names of the Kings of Castile present and future , whose is this empire and the dominion of these Indies , islands and mainland , northern and southern , with their seas , in the arctic pole as in the antarctic , on both sides of the equinoctial line , within and without the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn — so that each thing and part of it belong and appertain most completely to Their Highnesses and to their successors , as I declare more at length by writ setting forth all that may be said or can be said and alleged in behalf of their royal patrimony , now and for all time so long as the world shall last until the final universal judgement of all mortals . '
23 Have you summoned the ancient golden strength , to bind me to you once and for all time ?
24 To discover that real face that is our own amongst the images , the image of a face that will give us a face once and for all time , remains a fantasy rather than a realisable project .
25 As stated above , the goal of the TEI encoding scheme is no less than hardware- , software- , and application-independent support for the encoding of all kinds of text in all languages and of all times .
26 Like deciding whether or not to employ an accountant or to do one 's own accounts , it is a question of skill , will , inclination and above all time .
27 For if literature be , as we believe … a fellowship which " binds together by passion and knowledge the vast empire of human society , as it spreads over the whole earth , and over all time " , then the nation of which a considerable portion rejects this means of grace , and despises this great spiritual influence , must assuredly be heading for disaster .
28 The ‘ human ’ machine is not a well balanced adult ; it is terrifyingly brilliant at reading , ‘ riting , and ‘ rithmetic , but dysfunctionally uncreative , unoriginal , profoundly deaf , and at all times dependent on us .
29 He scored the Orrell try and at all times his canny persistence had Wasps on the back foot .
30 Whether they remain in Edinburgh or betake themselves to other lands and whatever be the walk of life in which they were bred I believe the students of this seminary will be found everywhere and at all times promoting civilisation in the world . ’
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