Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It must have , er have n't got all that worse then , here 's Tufnell comes up again , slightly faster than the other one , hits him on the pad or bit of that pad maybe , Robin Smith 's very close in there and once or twice he 's dived , he 's never quite sure whether off the pad or off bat and pad , everybody shouts at him poor chap , anyhow , catch it , a hundred and eighteen for three end of that one from Tufnell so he 's now bowled fifteen overs , two for seventeen that one was yet another maiden .
2 And problems do not only occur in individual relationships — think of the difficulties between the Protestants and the Catholics in Northern Ireland or between black and white in South Africa .
3 So — regarding whether or not someone chooses among credit types , or between credit and cash — having a bank account may partly be seen as shorthand for a collection of other characteristics to do with income and social background which may be influential in themselves .
4 The accused would not be present , and misunderstandings sometimes arose between judge and counsel , or between counsel and client , resulting in the accused often receiving a sentence which they thought they had not bargained for .
5 Or between wife and husband , we tend to think only of transfer from husbands to wife , but er we do meet quite er a w er ladies who 've got quite high earnings and they themselves are paying forty percent in which case they should make sure that any investment income of theirs is transferred to the husband , so as to get the , to either use up allowances that are not being used at all because of absence of the income , or to benefit from these different rates of tax .
6 lt would , for example , sound distinctly odd to have a tone-unit boundary between an article and a following noun , or between auxiliary and main verbs if they are adjacent ( though we may on occasions hesitate or pause in such places within a tone-unit ; some people who do a lot of arguing , notably politicians and philosophers , develop the skill of pausing for breath in such intonationally unlikely places because they are less likely to be interrupted than if they pause at the end of a sentence ) .
7 It is in this family that the child is taught to make basic distinctions between self and others , or between male and female , to acquire and to use language , and to develop a framework through which to understand , interpret and evaluate the world outside .
8 Thus , the fact that in the UK parts of the City control parts of manufacturing industry , and that within firms ( and also between them ) there are hierarchical divisions of labour , between levels of management , for instance , or between management and the shop-floor , or between professional/scientific workers and manual workers , or between sectors , means that there is inequality structured into the division of labour .
9 I have already mentioned the common reference in the media to conflicts between the evangelical and secular elements in the DUP , or between Church and Party , and I have argued that such a simple distinction does not accurately describe the situation .
10 Sometimes specific intermolecular complexes are formed , either between two sample molecules or between sample and solvent molecules .
11 The unpulsed sounds seem to relate to times of heightened excitement , such as during feeding , when stranded or in a state of distress or alarm , or between mother and newborn calf .
12 Few historians today would argue that there was a close link between Calvinism and the rise of capitalism , or between Puritanism and a parliamentary ‘ opposition ’ to the crown during the reigns of Elizabeth and James .
13 The correlation between smoking the lung cancer is well known , and is usually interpreted in a causal manner : can we interpret the equally strong correlations between eating meat and cancer of the large intestine , or between sugar and breast cancer along similar causal lines ?
14 This can exist , so to speak , in either direction : between spouse and spouse 's parent or between spouse and child .
15 This flexibility allows a typical student entering second year to have a choice of honours degree courses between Engineering disciplines or between Engineering and a science subject .
16 At the centre , community care has been talked of for thirty years and in few areas can the gap between political rhetoric and policy on the one hand , or between policy and reality in the field on the other hand , have been so great .
17 Previously , Conventions regulating contracts had been concerned with only one contractual relationship , for example , the relationship between shipper and carrier or between seller and buyer .
18 There are some circumstances where for health and safety reasons alcohol can not be allowed at all .
19 On the other hand , the defendant should not be liable where he inflicts injury before or during intercourse but without that aim in view .
20 These phases need not occur in this order ; objections may be raised during presentation , or during negotiation or a trial close may be attempted at any point during the presentation if buyer interest is high .
21 An effect of this sort was reported some years ago by Grastyan ( 1961 ) , who monitored an electrophysiological correlate ( hippocampal slow waves ) of the overt OR during conditioning and found that the electrical response diminished as the CR emerged .
22 Now for example if I 'm looking at O level history , what sort of things do you think might be important , or what kinds of evidence do you think I ought to collect , or what issues do you think I ought to take into account ? ’ .
23 What else do you remember about Porthmadog , you were talking about it d during the war years now for example when you were a very young boy .
24 Both areas are huge and good for storing gear or for shelter when cooking .
25 Health statistics tend to relate to large psychiatric hospitals which include younger patients and often it is not possible to distinguish costs for acute or assessment beds or for outpatient or day hospital attendances .
26 And customers are equally reluctant to pay a premium for knobblier — but ideologically and chemically purer — fruit and vegetables , or for meat and poultry from organically reared livestock .
27 On the other hand , most of the political and commercial conferences that I do are either for presentation on television of important policies or for discussion and debate on serious issues .
28 This grass is cut for hay or for silage and sometimes for two crops of silage .
29 This is a convenient practice as it avoids the need , for example , for speculation as to how the injured person 's condition will develop from the time of the initial injury or for speculation as to what his financial loss up to the date of trial at least will be .
30 Regressions of 13 C on daytime [ CO 2 ] did not differ significantly for grassbur and crabgrass grown with oats and mustard ( Fig. 1 ) or for maize and crabgrass grown with wheat ( data not shown ; ) .
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