Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 Whether I 'll be remembered as the most pompous , hard-to-get-along-with person they 've ever come across , because I stand up for what I believe in , or as the best athlete Britain 's ever had , which I think will be the case , I 'll always be remembered . ’
2 Plainly you can not apply that view to everything or the whole of your business is in a continuous state of stop/go , or like the good old Duke of York 's troops , marching up and down the same hill with monotonous regularity .
3 We , weighing machine in the loft or in the , or in the , or in the best saddle room you see , you tell the lad er fetch your saddle in yourself , get on it , I 'll weigh you .
4 With or without the best will in the world they add substantial fuel to the fires of our " obsession " .
5 Its aim is to see whether safeguards such as standards for prison conditions , independent inspectorates , and independent tribunals in internal disciplinary hearings , make any difference to the ‘ quality of life ’ of inmates or to the good running of the prisons , and whether a failure in the effectiveness of any one safeguard has any consequences for the effectiveness of others .
6 A state of emergency decreed by the HCS on Feb. 9 gave the Ministry of the Interior the power to designate " areas for the organized residence of non-residents " and to detain any adult " whose activity is clearly found to be constituting a danger to public order and security , or to the good running of public services " .
7 Erm and I feel that for no good reason I was forced to go through a major surgery .
8 I am pleased that through the good settlement that I was able to give to the Arts Council of Great Britain for the year ahead and , through it , the Welsh Arts Council , the Welsh National Opera 's overall income from the two arts councils will rise by about 7 per cent .
9 Clearly , although of a good colour and nose , I lack balance and finish and am short of follow-through .
10 and that despite a good degree ,
11 IT IS not long before anyone interested in wildlife photography discovers that behind every good picture lies a fairly heavy investment in film ( to allow for the shots that did not work ) and a nigh on infinite amount of both time and patience .
12 But they have proved that with a good plan , persistence and a lot of hard work even a very steep slope can be transformed into a tremendous garden .
13 Henry James , for example , has said that with a good story ‘ the reader does quite half the labour ’ ( quoted in Booth , 1987 , pp.49–50 ) and around this idea has developed the theory of ‘ tell-tale gaps ’ .
14 There comes a time when it is not in the best interests of the Company nor in the best interests of the employed for him or her to be protected in any way from the full consequences of addictive disease .
15 Once this chronological sequence had been established , a review of the excavation reports of similar work elsewhere showed quite clearly that in a good proportion of cases , town defences had previously been dated far too early , on the basis of residual pottery and coins .
16 The hostile reception he received in the Caribbean in 1986 marked another low point , so that in the best tradition of film scripts , from a sea of adversity arose a hardened hero , utterly uncompromising , a succession of glittering prizes — personal and national — to be seized by him one after the other .
17 But er at that time there was plenty work coming in , erm there was , there was no need for us to be apprehensive , and so therefore we had to convince the management that in the best interests of everybody , having agreed that the scheme would go on across the whole spectrum of the workforce , was to move reasonably , you know , quickly through the various machine departments and introduce with a minimum amount of frustration .
18 Those who take it ( and those who do n't miss a treat ) will know that in the best possible sense it is conservative .
19 Perhaps those are things that in the best of all possible worlds we would n't want to but we are forced so to do .
20 In terms of an apparently satisfactory way of explaining what goes on we are far less confident than in the good old days of AIDA — but at least we know that AIDA was as inadequate as a theory as her operatic namesake was ill-starred in love .
21 It means , according to , ‘ meeting the client , not just during a transaction but regularly to show an interest in the business and make the client comfortable , that while a lawyer is there primarily to earn a living he or she will act in the best interests of the business rather than in the best interests of the till . ’
22 Whether it was being referred to that week as The Tea Room , The Oasis or The Hole ( I liked that one too ) , it was always basically night inside , A Good Night Out ; not black as jeweller 's velvet exactly , except on a good night , but always when you stepped in off the street it was truly night inside , a night dark enough to dream in and on which to meet strangers , whatever the variations on where and when this particular night had fallen .
23 HE was 25 and going nowhere except to a good time .
24 In their evidence to the Redcliffe-Maud Commission , the Ministry of Housing and Local Government ( MHLG ) ( as it then was ) argued that it led neither to an improved speed nor to a better quality of development control : the advantages which flowed from delegating some of the work load to district councils were offset by the shortage of qualified planning staff in most district offices , by the limited range of problems which arose within any one area , by the difficulties caused by the natural inclination of district councils to take a ‘ narrow view ’ , and by the extra administrative complications that limited delegation usually entailed .
25 On a five-year conventional Eurobond , fees might be 1.25 per cent of the total issue amount , yet banks would be lucky to see one eighth per cent ( and that on a good deal ) once discounts had been allowed to buyers of the bonds .
26 I have to admit that on a good day I find little at all wrong with the prospect of a ride in a new BMW , and Patterson was obviously well-pleased with his material rewards of Yuppiedom .
27 The pilot confirmed that to the best of his knowledge the autostat system had operated normally during the take-off — as had the engine .
28 who can certify that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief , the statement in your application is true ;
29 Where inability to pay is based upon the failure to comply with a statutory demand , the date and manner of service of the demand must be stated and that to the best of the petitioner 's knowledge , the demand has neither been complied with nor set aside nor is any application to set aside outstanding ( r 6.8(2) ) .
30 to obtain confirmation from the preparer of the advertisement and the issuer of the advertisement ( if other than the preparer ) that to the best of his knowledge and belief the facts contained in the advertisement are true and accurate and will remain so during the currency of the advertisement ;
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