Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course they do , and no treaty between two countries , or between one country and a group of others can hold together , unless in those countries there 's a general disposition to maintain the treaty and play fair by it .
2 This unit on writing and printing could form a very useful bridging unit either between Key Stages 1 and 2 or between two core units .
3 The first function , compose , enables the user to enter notes , symbols and text on , above or between five line staves .
4 Similar considerations would also be required when attempting to consider the competing demands for investment between government departments , such as between state education and the National Health Service or between public sector housing and defence .
5 conclude that the data from the studies of internal validity show that the test does not adequately integrate the eleven subtests , nor does it explain the relationship between the subtests or between subtest performance and other relevant behaviour .
6 So you see , Shelley , it is n't between you and me , or between any woman .
7 But no general account of methodology can reasonably assume that the investigator is a native speaker or has native speaker-like intuitions , and for an outsider at least identification involves finding evidence that a linguistic unit varies in a systematic way between speakers , or between different speech styles of a single speaker .
8 It appears to favour grouping on city pavements outside office blocks and is most commonly seen around mid-morning or between 12 noon and 2pm .
9 In any case , many royal clerks would see no sharp distinction between royal and church business or between clerical taxation and clerical reform , both of which were relevant to the well-being of the church : for many clergy , as indeed for Winchelsey , the solvency of the crown was part of their responsibility for the Christian commonwealth .
10 Clearly , therefore , electors are not normally provided with the opportunities to make clear choices about social policies , or between social policy options .
11 His sleep , he knew at once , must have been unusually deep , for he had no clear idea how long it had lasted nor where for that matter he was .
12 His inability to rid himself of the woman is a recurrent theme , even though a psychoanalytic institute in the US ( where for some reason another analyst has written a book which presents the patient as a great therapeutic success ) actually sent him money regularly so that he could pay her off when she got too demanding .
13 The gendarme stood bewildered for a moment , and then ran into the street , where for some time he could be heard blowing his whistle .
14 Official posts could be held by four principal types of tenure : durante bene placito , or during the King 's pleasure , which was the least secure ; quam diu se bene gesserit , or during good behaviour , which placed the holder a little more firmly in the saddle ; for life , which made him virtually irremovable from his office , although he could , for flagrant misdemeanours , be suspended from its functions ; and hereditary tenure , which converted the post to a transmissible freehold property .
15 Mr J. C. Sainty 's analysis of posts in the Exchequer shows that in the fourteenth century the important offices of Chancellor , King 's Chamberlain , and King 's Remembrancer were all held by their clerical occupants during the King 's pleasure or during good behaviour .
16 The judges of the royal courts and such major officers of state as the Lord Treasurer , the Lord Chancellor , the Lord Keeper , the Lord Admiral , and the Secretaries of State held by royal pleasure or during good behaviour throughout the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries .
17 We evaluated children with Crohn 's disease presenting before or during early puberty and analysed the variation in their subsequent linear growth in relation to anatomical distribution of disease , severity of gastrointestinal symptoms , sex , and therapeutic interventions .
18 The Policyholder having made to the Corporation a written proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and having paid or agreed to pay on demand the premium stated in the Schedule the Corporation will provide insurance hereinafter contained in respect of events happening within the Territorial Limits or in the course of transit by sea or air ( including hovercraft ) between places within the Territorial Limits ( including processes of loading and unloading ) during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule or during any period for which the Corporation may accept payment for the renewal of this Policy .
19 The Policyholder having made to the Corporation a written proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and having paid or agreed to pay on demand the premium stated in the Schedule the Corporation will provide insurance hereinafter contained in respect of events happening within the Territorial Limits or in the course of transit by sea or air ( including hovercraft ) between places within the Territorial Limits ( including processes of loading and unloading ) during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule or during any period for which the Corporation may accept payment for the renewal of this Policy .
20 Often their most urgent needs , in any case , are for public investments ( in education , sanitation , health-care and so on ) that are unlikely to appeal to private investors — or for technical help , which can be far more productive than mere money .
21 Jaws adjust to hold difficult or tapered shapes , or for angled cutting
22 ‘ As profits in many existing fields attract a marginal rate of over 83 per cent , there is little incentive for companies to keep costs under control or for additional investment in existing fields , ’ he claimed .
23 This may be in live coverage , for news programmes , for special programmes reporting the proceedings of Parliament or for other documentary , current affairs or educational programmes .
24 Lastly , when acting for a buyer prepare your land registry cover or application form ( which you 'll require when lodging your application to register the transfer or for first registration of title , as the case may be ) at the same time as you make your requisitions and prepare the draft conveyance or transfer and other documents preferably in that buyer 's package described at p22 .
25 Social attitudes , influenced by widespread publicity campaigns , are hardening against the drinking driver ; and demands for tougher sentencing policies , or for new legislation on random breath tests , are heard more frequently .
26 If they still wanted to expand their original business there are other ways of doing so : there might be scope for a small hotel at L'Auberge , for instance , or for outside catering around Chelmslow , or they might even capitalize on George 's knowledge of French wines by setting up an off-licence and specialist wine importation business .
27 The simple wordtags either stand for classes of grammatically similar words ( e.g. NN for singular common noun ) or for closed class words that have a special function ( e.g. TO indicating when the word to is infinitival ) .
28 Some requesting States may only accept evidence taken in a particular way and the Convention tries to ensure that a request for a special procedure ( for example , for verbatim transcripts or , on the other hand , for a summary of the evidence in deposition form ; or for video-taped evidence ) will not be refused merely because it is inconvenient to the requested State .
29 The Group of 77 , as the developing countries called themselves , had already discovered the capacity of the opposing phalanx of rich , aid-giving industrialised countries either to stonewall their demands for more aid or for preferential trading arrangements , or to fob them off with empty , symbolic gestures .
30 A benign analysis of black psychology is usually reserved for characteristics which have relatively low status within psychology : for school students ' high self-esteem , for instance , rather than their achievement motivation ; or for supportive family and social relationships .
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