Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] do n't " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I bet Cannon & Ball do n't have to put up with this .
2 For safety , treads should measure at least 300mm ( 12in ) from front to rear , so that your toe or heel do n't catch the edge of the step above as you ascend or descend the flight .
3 Possibly even more damaging to the potential of the Light Rifle is the fact that Stack do n't provide any driver routines for programmers .
4 shall pay some good money out on a Sunday night , it 's more than weekday do n't they ?
5 An attitude of fatalism may be seen in typical phrases from traditional low-income black American subculture such as ‘ I 've been down so long that down do n't bother me ’ , ‘ I was born under a bad sign ’ and ‘ It 's an uphill climb to the bottom ’ .
6 However , in-flight service and experience do n't count for much if the plane is n't going where you want to be .
7 Yeah , so , so Okay then the general I 'm for is that in a subject verb object sentence there 's very important sense in which the verb and the object go together , they form one unit and one constituent of a sentence , whereas subject and verb do n't .
8 If you are not completely covered , hide where you blend into your surroundings so that your outline or the colour and texture of your clothes , hair and skin do n't give you away .
9 ‘ Still , the blouse and skirt do n't look too bad , d' you think ? ’
10 I was nice about it at first and said that business and pleasure do n't mix ; and that I do n't go out with married men and so on . ’
11 Community and confrontation do n't go together , which is fair enough but a bit cosy .
12 Natural fibres such as silk and wool do n't retain perspiration smells , and are the best insulators , but they may not take the moisture away after exercise .
13 I 'd agree with four out of six , but Repulsion and Cul-de-Sac do n't stick in my memory .
14 Do n't let anyone tell you that diet and exercise do n't go together .
15 Because if we , we , the rank and file do n't succeed , we 're all gon na go down the tube together .
16 ‘ Is it true that you and Daddy do n't talk to each other ? ’
17 Monarchs and rain do n't mix because , although the butterflies ' body fluids can be supercooled ( protected inside an insect 's body , they ‘ forget ’ to freeze even when the temperature drops below zero ) any drops of rainwater or dew on the insect 's outside will turn to ice if the air gets chilly .
18 ‘ Oil and water do n't mix .
19 No because oil and water do n't mix .
20 OIL and water do n't mix .
21 In Gloucestershire , drivers trying to navigate through floods at Lydbrook soon found that car engines and water do n't mix .
22 War and conflict , violence and destruction make news headlines ; positive moves towards peace and reconstruction do n't ! ’
23 So I hope your mother and father do n't think we 're all like that er , Rosie .
24 That 's t t tell me something do n't do you think your mother and father do n't do it now then ?
25 Anger and impulse do n't seem to be a part of his make-up : when he parodies the swaggering Hotspur , we can already see the fastidious distaste for self-dramatisation that will make him disown Falstaff , just as , when he imitates his father , we can see the strength this quiet man derives from the stately deliberation of majesty .
26 Nolte , Midler , and Crystal do n't even win Oscars .
27 The Croaking Gourami is an undemanding fish and will tolerate quite poor water conditions as long as the Ph and hardness do n't reach extremes .
28 Liberalism and Democracy do n't flourish on an empty stomach .
29 The agent and artist do n't care what happens to the other 50p , whether it is spent either as the show 's costs or as the promoter 's profit .
30 ‘ My sons and daughter do n't have any Italian friends at all . ’
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