Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most clinics divide either in space or in time into male and female sessions .
2 A court can include a requirement for the child to be medically or psychiatrically examined on one occasion or from time to time as directed by the supervisor ( para 4(2) ) .
3 She is never punctual or on time in arrangements she makes , and is arrogant , muddling and patronising in the extreme , and quite one of the most utterly tiresome busybody quasi do gooders style people I know , time-consuming , a total joke and nuisance , certainly no threat which is I think how John thinks I view her .
4 There has been no time in British history when this has ever occurred , although from time to time insurrectionary events , such as the Jacobite risings and Chartism , have appeared to threaten the Establishment .
5 Although from time to time you may find it hard to believe , this is a year of immense personal growth .
6 The image of public service was strong although from time to time a recognition of the public relations benefits was made by the solicitors we interviewed :
7 Yet these matters , it has been suggested , lie deep — indeed , unutterably deep — in every American psyche ; and it is good that from time to time the unutterable be uttered — it is , one might say , one of the things that we look to poets for .
8 It has been suggested that from time to time , sound engineers should show staff how much they pollute the environment and by means of this simple measurement , educate staff to prevent noise pollution .
9 And I suspect also that from time to time the director feels that he has to placate the more hard-nosed and less imaginative of his many paymasters by producing something that could be regarded as promoting trade .
10 It seems that from time to time , but most notably in February and May , you will experience some frustrating moments regarding property matters and family relationships .
11 Against this background it is not surprising that from time to time the relationship is productive of misunderstandings , mistrust and conflict .
12 The whole area had a horribly uneasy and melancholy atmosphere and he noticed that from time to time on that bright summer 's day occasional metallic rattlings came from the depths of the quarry .
13 The idea came from old Mrs Ferrar , who proposed that from time to time the family should confer on some subject which should ‘ tend either to the information or to the excitement of the affections ’ .
14 It appears that from time to time this magazine published supplements and one such example , featuring aviation , went under the title The Bright Boys Album of Aeroplanes .
15 They lit the candles they had brought and made their way along a passage which led out of the chamber , gazing wordlessly — he could n't remember that they had spoken at all while in there — at the arched limestone walls , at the tunnels that from time to time branched from this central artery , once into a wide gallery whose egress had been blocked by a fall of stone .
16 It should be noted that from time to time subcontractors may be employed on ’ the lump ’ ( a fixed sum per day for each man employed ) .
17 And enjoys a perfect night 's sleep — deep , clear , and refreshing , like gliding down through sunlit water on a hot day ; such a perfect night 's sleep that he is entirely unconscious of how much he is enjoying it , or of its depth , clarity , and refreshingness , or its resemblance to gliding through sunlit water on a hot day ; so perfect that from time to time he half wakes , just enough to become conscious of how unconscious of everything he is .
18 As a member of the cabinet which had to cope with the Irish famine , Clanricarde pressed hard for remedial measures , pointing out that from time to time ‘ an adherence to sound principle will cause an immediate sacrifice ’ .
19 She was holding herself so stiff that from time to time she trembled .
20 Of course , I am delighted that from time to time the Garda find some of it .
21 We know that from time to time , there has been a slight delay in publishing the HMI annual report .
22 Although Charlie could always see Trentham in front of him , Tommy was so silent in his wake that from time to time he had to look back just to be certain his friend was still there .
23 Congress would remain free to re-order its priorities , but the overall balance of the budget could be altered only if approved by two-thirds of both houses of Congress , other than in time of war , when the measure could be waived by a simple majority .
24 The importance of this way of conceptualising drug use lies in its ability to treat drug use non-judgementally as a continuing process which can and does vary between individuals and through time for the same individual .
25 The more mischievous of his colleagues , bored by the proceedings and with time on their hands , watched with fascination the progress of his affairs .
26 jean had her arm round Donald 's waist now and from time to time she skipped , roused by the fighting spirits of the menfolk .
27 Patience is not what we associate with Pound , and from time to time he seems to have kicked over the traces ( at least once to be ticked off for it by Dorothy ) : yet we see all over again that the young Pound was well content with Edwardian England , was hopeful of it and ready to abide by its rules in everything that mattered .
28 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
29 He acted as go-between postman , and from time to time he walked with Helen across and around the Common and talked to her a great deal about Edward .
30 And long after Dana had left me , I still thought of him every day , and from time to time wrote poems about him , like this one which came to me after several viewings of a film that greatly disturbed and fascinated me , Pasolini 's Teorema :
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