Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So he sent a telegram to his wife saying : ‘ Am in Market Harborough — where ought I to be ? ’ and she , being a practical woman , sent a terse telegram with one word : ‘ Home ’ .
2 Now if you get a situation like that I mean the key question is do people actually want to change in this kind of way , or would they at least like to sort of experiment a little bit in the way they handle a group of children ?
3 Do you like singing in the village , where everybody knows you , or would you in some ways be less nervous do you think if you were singing like even to folk , who just do n't so well ?
4 Or will he by then be associated in the public mind with the troubles of the economy ?
5 Nor ought it to be assumed that the spectrum of lobbies and special-interest groups represents all the proper and vital concerns of society , or that such concerns are properly embodied in balances and compromises between them .
6 No , he had done nothing to harm Edmund , nor would he in the future .
7 Back to acting , he found occasional work in television drama but nothing substantial came along , nor would it for some time to come .
8 Opposition Members have not scored one hit so far , and nor will they during the election campaign .
9 Nor will I over you . ’
10 But if every work of art is simply the expression of the artist 's intuition , it is evident that an absolute or complete pattern would be useless , since the intuitions of two different minds could never be expressed by the same form : nor can anything in art be said to have been ‘ done once for all ’ , since if it were ‘ done again ’ by another hand — used , that is , to express the intuition of another spirit — it would be no longer what had been done before .
11 The due diligence report prepared by the purchaser 's accountants may give rise to specific warranties or disclosures and may itself by subject to negotiation as to whether the report itself is disclosed .
12 And should she at any time be incapacitated , Henry had to bring the books to her , and she would scrutinise every penny that went out or came in .
13 She would deny her feelings and will herself to happiness .
14 The Colonel would buy the farm at Børre , and will it to Elisabeth .
15 Er and can we in fact see your views as to the strategic reserve set out fully on page two of that particular ?
16 I do n't wish to take up too much of Your Lordships time , but could I without er er driving your Lordships into the dee into very deep sleep erm er a quote to you one passage from page six hundred and seventy-five .
17 why , that 's what I thought , but would you on occasion have dealt with people who wished to buying or considering buying ?
18 New Haven , Connnecticut-based Southern New England Telecommunications Corp says it plans to try video-on demand services in 500 homes later this year : the phone company says that it intends to charge up to $6 per month to connect to the network , but will it during the trial .
19 He felt for me as would anyone of a right mind .
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