Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise there is a danger that dissonance may be out of place , or be excessive for the context , or may occur at unexpected moments in a different harmonic mood .
2 I like to tell others about what I do or would do at work
3 ‘ I do n't want a nurse who might scream or faint when matters become difficult , or would swoon at the sight of blood , ’ said Dr Neil , a little frantically , trying to care for his patient and send McAllister away at the same time .
4 Do I stop any discussion that may happen at the sharing ?
5 As a result , any error-handling and estimation procedures should be sufficiently general as to be able to incorporate any new error model that may emerge at a later date .
6 But sir we do have some doubts as to whether we would be able to respond to any that should arrive at , let us say , five o'clock tomorrow afternoon , by , let us say , close of play on Wednesday .
7 British Rail tell us that the train that should arrive at Oxford at 5.35 from Scotland is going to be two hours late this evening but I 've no problems to report to you from any of the bus companies locally .
8 There is still , too , about the whole exercise , something of the ‘ Polo Syndrome ’ : a sense that , for all the subject reports , and statutory orders , and non-statutory guidance , there is nothing at the centre : no clear vision of the values that should lie at the heart of a national system of education .
9 By the mid-1990s , powerful compact machines will exist at prices that should allow at least a couple in each classroom and workshop plus plenty in staff and student work areas .
10 Issues that should take at least an hour of discussion with colleagues , as well as with the pupil concerned , have to be dealt with in two minutes at the staffroom door during break .
11 No other substance at the enormous pressures that must exist at even relatively shallow depths in Jupiter could possibly be compressed to so comparatively slight an average density .
12 He says one problem is that the new scheme for support from the DOT involves putting packages together that must cost at least £2 million and it 's quite hard to find a package of cycle-ways that actually cost that much !
13 Do they have sexist , ageist or racist attitudes that might emerge at a critical point in your work together ?
14 As the woman who dreamed up the slogan ‘ A Dog Is For Life , Not Just For Christmas ’ , she needs to have a high profile for campaigning , while still being able to turn her hand to clearing the odd blocked drain that might occur at the kennels .
15 However , Microsoft is expected to offer a single-user version of SQL Server for NT that 'll appear at the same time as the operating system which , according to reports , may cost less than $1,500 , and will be targeted at value-added resellers , integrators and corporate developers .
16 Hopes and expectations were high ; Britain was desperate for a car that could compete at the top level with Alfa Romeo and Ferrari , and BRM , with the backing of British industry , was the car to do it .
17 Equally a yacht which is cruising and has more power-consuming electronic equipment , such as a refrigerator , which might use 200 amps during a week , would require a much larger generator , one that could recharge at 28.6 amps per day ( 1.2 amp/hr ) .
18 Another Desert Storm , even another Somalia — where the United Nations appeals for someone to help , and America steps up with the will and manpower to do so — might give Mr Clinton an aura of leadership that could help at home .
19 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
20 They knew cos these were the chaps that used to live at .
21 Remember Mr that used to live at ?
22 Together with a couple of swing boats , this was all that remained of the travelling showman 's fair that used to appear at the feast .
23 The one in Yorkshire that used to meet at erm hotel on the A one near Pontefract , used to get people over from Hull for that .
24 and one of the criteria that Derek said that they would , would be supporting bids were for ones that would start at the beginning of May .
25 The suggestion was that West European foreign ministers should form a semi-permanent committee that would meet at regular intervals to discuss problems of common concern .
26 He was playing with her emotions , stringing them out like a taut band that would snap at the slightest pressure .
27 Provided that the Pitot tube is small compared with the length scale of variations of the flow , u and p can be interpreted as the speed and pressure that would exist at the position of the Pitot tube in its absence .
28 He says you 've got one that would join at the money and can do the job
29 But analysts recalled that Mr Parra had spent the two weeks before the talks touring member states in an attempt to secure a deal that would remove at least 1 million bpd from the oil market as demand falls with the onset of warmer One analyst said that the delay in reaching agreement had unsettled the market .
30 A paper recently published by Jacek Baranowski et al working at the University of California , Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ( Phys Rev Lett , Vol 66 no 23 ) describes a new form of gallium arsenide that will superconduct at a temperature of 10K .
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