Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How do you cope with it , the ninety three of you who get depressed from time to time , whether it 's severely or or or or not so severely ?
2 As trappers , entire safety of mine depended on the young children & although not physically demanding , they had longest hrs & sat all day in darkness .
3 Or if not tonight , certainly tomorrow .
4 If the votes are 50% , 30% and 20% for parties A , B and C respectively , then PR means that Party A must have 50% of the seats , Party B 30% and Party C 20% — or if not exactly those percentages , then percentages as close to them as is possible within the constraints of whatever system is being used .
5 The darkness made this a more hazardous stretch than that undertaken by Dean Miller , or if not more hazardous , more frightening .
6 Or if not then perhaps later as his mother — always self-conscious as to the difference between herself and her more Westernised sisters-in-law gave vent to the feelings of inadequacy they unconsciously inspired ?
7 Or if not actually in it , well on the way to it .
8 I hope you will be able to arrange for the removal and disposal of this vehicle or if not perhaps you would let me know who can .
9 There are also important areas of knowledge and skill which can not be described with any precision either because of their nature ( e.g. " understanding " ) or because not enough is yet known about the factors causing difficulty to pupils .
10 The object is to promote stem growth in the desired direction line , but this will not be achieved if , as sometimes happens , a dormant eye emerges as two or three buds , or as not infrequently occurs on too weakly pruned stems , growth emerges in a completely wrong direction from lower buds .
11 Except that not quite everything was back to normal .
12 Bearing in mind that although not here as I said , but he he he worked for his father .
13 In December 1942 the Beveridge report considered that if not more than 8 ½%; of workers could not obtain jobs , this might be an acceptable level of post-war employment .
14 They went along with populist solutions to problems that if not actually created by the Nazis , had certainly been worked on and exaggerated to the Nazis ' own advantage .
15 They are victims , which means that though not necessarily good , or pleasant , they have a moral ascendancy over the rich .
16 They were to become the crucial factor which saved the Fens from total inundation , and although not generally adopted in Somerset , they fast became a typical feature of such wetland landscapes as the Lancashire Fylde and the Hull valley .
17 It was the end of his working day , and although not exactly free of preoccupation ( he would be telephoning Paul Lane the moment he got in ) , he wanted some time to himself .
18 In about the middle of the eighteenth century , John Zoffany , a portrait painter , arrived in England , and although not regularly accepted at first , he became friendly with Garrick and other actors which lifted his prospects , so he took a lease of a house called ‘ London Style ’ , which was set back from the north bank of the River Thames , just east of Kew Bridge , but later his wife and children occupied a house on the river front on Strand-on-the-Green , which house was named after the painter .
19 The Vobster Line is very much in its infancy and although not yet ready for passenger carrying , will nevertheless be of interest to those wishing to see what has been achieved to date and to learn of the plans for the future .
20 The LM series produces very high dilutions and although not greatly favoured is used on occasion .
21 In 1982 , a new strain of Bt was isolated from the mealworm , Tenebrio molitor ( Coleoptera ) , in Germany , and although not highly active against this initial host species it was found to provide very effective control of Colorado potato beetle ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata ) .
22 It can reach a size of 200mm and although not usually aggressive towards other fish , it is not averse to eating any small fish it may come across during its night time forays .
23 Other materials have to be utilized , and although not quite so good as the old fish manure , it is still way out in a class of its own .
24 Vicky sang 0 Bird of Love , and although not quite sure of the words , I did Fanny Leslie 's Jack-in-the-Box Song .
25 The Commissioners enquired how and why would the pension be paid , and the Governors explained that Hamilton was now 67 , had been Headmaster for 27 years , and although not then in bad health had two or three years previously had a serious illness , and was not considered equal to the work .
26 ‘ I have been knocked off by bicycle by a negligent driver and although not seriously injured , I can not work for several weeks .
27 For the time being at least this was almost exactly how the French were regarded by the Americans in Vietnam : of little or no account and if not exactly in the ‘ out ’ tray at best their position was ‘ pending ’ .
28 The texts are to be read and reread , with all the scrupulosity and rigour that Norris attributes to Derrida , and if not wholly in French , at least with frequent references to the original .
29 Sooner or later and if not sooner , further references to the European Court are likely a definite decision will have to be made .
30 And if not immediately dangerous , then wanton and sinister in its curious evil comedy .
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