Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How do you cope with it , the ninety three of you who get depressed from time to time , whether it 's severely or or or or not so severely ?
2 Well I feel that Sylvia should have the right as anyone else , as any other able person to travel in the right manner , as a passenger in the buffet car or , or or anywhere else on the train and not have to be , have to go in the guard 's van .
3 As trappers , entire safety of mine depended on the young children & although not physically demanding , they had longest hrs & sat all day in darkness .
4 Or if not tonight , certainly tomorrow .
5 If the votes are 50% , 30% and 20% for parties A , B and C respectively , then PR means that Party A must have 50% of the seats , Party B 30% and Party C 20% — or if not exactly those percentages , then percentages as close to them as is possible within the constraints of whatever system is being used .
6 The darkness made this a more hazardous stretch than that undertaken by Dean Miller , or if not more hazardous , more frightening .
7 Or if not then perhaps later as his mother — always self-conscious as to the difference between herself and her more Westernised sisters-in-law gave vent to the feelings of inadequacy they unconsciously inspired ?
8 Or if not actually in it , well on the way to it .
9 I hope you will be able to arrange for the removal and disposal of this vehicle or if not perhaps you would let me know who can .
10 Or if twice as many people come , they get upset too , because they have n't got enough .
11 There are also important areas of knowledge and skill which can not be described with any precision either because of their nature ( e.g. " understanding " ) or because not enough is yet known about the factors causing difficulty to pupils .
12 Interest rates soar , credit becomes more difficult , unemployment rises and asset values — most notably house prices — stagnate , or as most recently , tumble .
13 The object is to promote stem growth in the desired direction line , but this will not be achieved if , as sometimes happens , a dormant eye emerges as two or three buds , or as not infrequently occurs on too weakly pruned stems , growth emerges in a completely wrong direction from lower buds .
14 This sceptic claims to have higher evidential standards than the rest of us ; he stigmatizes others as gullible or as too easily persuaded .
15 Except that not quite everything was back to normal .
16 Apart from having a detective , who lodged in the room next door at Trinity , he lived like everyone else — except that yet again his course was interrupted .
17 Bearing in mind that although not here as I said , but he he he worked for his father .
18 Well , well see how it goes , but erm I do n't , the thing is you see they can teach you so much about laying different bonds and making patterns and doing portholes and things like that , that 'll be handy to know , but obviously you 're not gon na learn that until much later on
19 In December 1942 the Beveridge report considered that if not more than 8 ½%; of workers could not obtain jobs , this might be an acceptable level of post-war employment .
20 They went along with populist solutions to problems that if not actually created by the Nazis , had certainly been worked on and exaggerated to the Nazis ' own advantage .
21 It 's like , Aids and that like the glue sniffing advert , for instance , put on fo when the children go to bed , but they should be able to see that , sho , they should be able to see look , well that 's putting a message across to me as well , not just the parents , to me , I 'm the one that 's involved and I think that if well maybe the the producers would maybe or the people that do television would maybe put i to say , seven o'clock or that , where young children primary school age can actually sit and watch it .
22 Just so much easier to get just to know that if ever like you know , eight or nine o'clock one night for whatever reason I wanted to come home I could be there like myself , in an hour .
23 If you wait five years it gets slightly steeper so the force to you becomes that and so on and so forth , forty five fifty and you can see at fifty five if you want to retire at a certain age er what 's the age that you actually want to retire ?
24 But I do n't feel as if , I mean it 's it 's not the most pleasant thing in the world but it 's certainly fucking sa it 's safer than a lot of their more easier to put on and take off than and fucking safer and more effective than a lot of their contraception devices .
25 The more highly convicted and at-risk profile of the AEC sample was also reflected by the fact that whereas nationally as many as 80 per cent of the persons commencing probation in 1988 had no additional requirements made to their probation orders , only six per cent of the probationers undertaking the AEC received this traditional type of probation order from the courts .
26 And let us , well that 's right , I mean that 's partly covered by erm , by in the sense that whilst as far as this year 's concerned , erm , it 's too late for that , but then if the government have agreed to look at , look at special service calls again for next year .
27 Just across the street from here , I think — although after so long I may well be mistaken .
28 Within the past few years there have been developments that give rise to the hope that before too long we shall have a filly consistent quantum theory of gravity , one that will agree with general relativity for macroscopic objects and will , one hopes , be free of the mathematical infinities that have long bedeviled other quantum field theories .
29 Er , because obviously they are putting motorists coming in the opposite direction er in er great danger and I feel that before too long we 're gon na have a head on collision er which is going to end up with serious injuries .
30 It seemed outrageously unfair that after so long she could not have him to herself and she hoped that his lodger would be tactful enough to leave them in peace during her visit .
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