Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] member [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most parents though tend to avoid a secret pirates cave where only members of the Pirates Club are allowed .
2 The 1000 or so members of the meek class who presented themselves at the conference , were , suitably enough , unruffled by having been shunted from the Sorbonne to the techno-chic sidings at Porte de la Villette .
3 ‘ It has certainly taken a great deal of time for myself and the other ten or so members of our committee .
4 But the invitation has now been widened to include 100 or so members of parliament , partly because of their new willingness to negotiate , partly to counter-balance the heads of 11 of Russia 's 19 semi-autonomous republics who have already rejected the draft .
5 The only mandate that most electors consider they have given to newly-elected Members of Parliament is to support the party and its leader ; certainly , the Prime Minister expects , and usually gets , the support of the mass of the parliamentary majority party and the entire hundred or so members of the Government that is formed .
6 Their ministers ( if such a term can be used of the great officials such as the treasurers and hetmans of Poland and Lithuania ) were irremovable ; and the principle of the liberum veto meant that any of the two hundred or so members of the Diet ( Seym ) could nullify the work of an entire session by recording a single dissenting vote .
7 ( 2 ) In this Act references to the members of a self-regulating organisation are references to the persons who , whether or not members of the organisation , are subject to its rules in carrying on the business in question .
8 ( 2 ) In this Act references to the members of a self-regulating organisation are references to the persons who , whether or not members of the organisation , are subject to its rules in carrying on the business in question .
9 ‘ In this Act references to the members of a self-regulating organisation are references to the persons who , whether or not members of the organisation , are subject to its rules in carrying on the business in question .
10 ‘ We ’ are French , or Swedes , or Germans or even members of politically defined sub-units like Lombards , but distinguished from the invading ‘ them ’ by being the ‘ real ’ Frenchmen or Germans or Brits , as defined ( usually ) by putative descent or long residence .
11 It is freedom of choice built on the view that it is individuals — not big brother , bureaucrats , councillors or even Members of Parliament — who know best .
12 The leading spirits behind the club were Major Yeats Brown , the Bengal Lancer , Dr Robert Forgan , deputy leader of the BUF , Sir Donald Makgill and Captain Luttman Johnson , all of whom where either members of the BUF or had close connections with Mosley .
13 Officers stood guard at the gates of the cemetery , making sure that only members of the official funeral cortege entered to attend the burial service .
14 He said that whenever members of his family come across a dead chimpanzee in the forest , they dig a grave and cover the body , perhaps with a small piece of cloth , and ask the deceased to greet people in the other world .
15 AT THE very moment that even members of the UDM are admitting ( belatedly ) Arthur Scargill was correct all along , Frank Morris ( October 20th ) berates him for the ‘ vicious attack he unleashed upon innocents during the Heath administration ’ .
16 A classic example of good housekeeping which has made Cambridge a authority in the region and beyond and one that even members of the conservative government have occasionally , through gritted teeth they 're not doing a bad job , damn them and that means that the are going to think to have some of those , if you like , very good housekeeping back to the citizens who have been paying the bills over the years .
17 The result was that sometimes members of the family or others who went to her for help came away empty-handed , however great their needs or deserts might be ; Addy never used need as a yardstick But on the other side of the medal were the occasions , such as this one , when she volunteered something you 'd never have dreamed of asking for , and you were free to accept it because you knew she 'd be disappointed , not relieved , if you refused .
18 Do you find that sometimes members of the public try it on with the insurance people ?
19 The march was attended by 3,500 ( as compared with 100,000 at a similar march in January — see p. 38736 ) and passed peacefully except that afterwards members of a Trotskyist group , the Revolutionary Communist Youth , broke away and battled with the police preventing them from reaching a hall where Le Pen was speaking .
20 A reply was received from D.M. McBain , the secretary of Baberton Golf Club stating , ‘ The litter which contributes to this unsightly area is discarded by residents and not members of the Golf Club .
21 Presumably we would only be in a position to be considering an investigator if both , we had a erm a greater number of complaints from around the Commission coming into York , and i and further members of staff were to leave .
22 THIS month 's planning committee meeting was briefly adjourned so that members could hear the comments of Candleford Gate Residents ' Association and also members of the public .
23 An ardent member of the Free Church of Scotland , he developed a close personal and business relationship with the Hendersons , a Glasgow shipowning family and also members of the Free Church .
24 We all do our bit to ensure that the general public and also members of the Health Authority , are fully aware of our feelings in connection with the closure of , what is not just a regional speciality , but what is a nationally and internationally renowned , orthopaedic hospital .
25 The membership of the Research Defence Society includes scientists , clinicians , dentists , veterinary surgeons and also members of the public , who believe that the pressure from the antivivisection movement to stop all animal experiments presents a fundamental threat to progress in biomedical and biological research and in the development of new treatments for diseases .
26 Three weeks I think er spending time with members of other churches and also members of others cultures from all over the world .
27 After the unit was commissioned and turned over to Sabah Electric , TES was contacted by Dr Jamaludin Bin Dato Jarjis , managing director of Time-Epe and also member of the Malaysian parliament , to voice his extreme satisfaction with the entire project .
28 It seems to have been working — up to a point at least — and even members of the opposition Popular Front agree that he has been accepted by many Moldavians .
29 I only wish and I mean this very sincerely I only wish we could spend as much time and as often as is spent discussing fox hunting on the county 's homeless , on abused children , on the handicapped , on the increasing crime and on unemployment and I only wish that the media and the public and even members of this council would take as much notice of that as they do about this debate on fox hunting .
30 But the latest revelations suggest that any number of culprits could be responsible for the Royal bugging , ranging from the security services , journalists and even members of the royal family .
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