Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] say that " in BNC.

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1 I mean lunch time we were hearing how , because they stood up for what was right , it was over the killing of soldiers and that , this man job and actually he more or less said that he was something wrong with his head did n't he ?
2 ‘ He more or less said that he 'd leave the arrangements for Gray 's funeral and requiem in my hands and that , as for the press , Chapter could deal with them as they liked .
3 I 'll be telling most some of the tales about that time , and then the other tales will be about what happened to me in sixty nine when I started up , because the changing legislation s more or less said that if you had a vehicle of thirty hundredweight or less you could move an er wh whoever 's furniture you liked anywhere you wanted to .
4 Definitely , yes , I would say like I 've spoke to Brian Horton on Sunday and he more or less said that it 's er Oxford United , fourth position in the league , let's hope so like you know , they are like , and I 've come here maybe to help get them in a better position .
5 Definitely yes , I would say like , I 've spoke to Brian Horton on Sunday and he more or less said that it 's er Oxford United in fourth position in the league , and let's hope so like you know .
6 Said I can guarantee that you 'll have it in a week or so said that she got to have it
7 This is not to say that women 's experience , perceptions , feelings and emotions are self-validating and constitute in themselves an epistemological standpoint , or even to say that they are always correctly identified and described , but it is to suggest that philosophy would look rather different if women 's experience had the same rights of entry as that of men .
8 Those letters would be bound to point out to Gina how badly she 'd treated him , telling her to reform and to save her marriage if they were religious , or else saying that she deserved it if he got someone else .
9 We shall not have a complete theory until we can do more than merely say that ‘ things are as they are because they were as they were . ’
10 There is a need to develop the differences further , rather than just saying that contradictory emotions can exist in the unconscious .
11 So I suppose that really to say that we 're not er involved in that we 're not against efficiency .
12 I did , you 'll have to forgive me , I mean I think for the sake of those who were not at the meeting erm what we should really say is that actually said that he wanted to hear what kind of a parish we are so that he could attempt to match the , the incoming priest with you know the need of the parish .
13 They favoured Italian in their evidence and only said that Scott 's scheme complied with the conditions .
14 I had never heard the word and unwisely said that I did n't know what it meant .
15 I quote that not to be complacent and not to say that , in this competitive world , we should not be striving , as the Bills outlined in the Gracious Speech help us to strive , for higher standards .
16 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
17 it dus painted behind the things whatever , come on Sunday or whatever and just say that you might
18 And just say that in , in , in July , during July , this will be collected in July .
19 Even if you go halfway , and just say that the trades council conference could send two delegates , not to put trades council motions , but to give the trades council 's view on important issues because the trades council representatives are representatives of the rank and file , they are the activists , they are the people like you , and I think they deserve a voice on a wider platform .
20 Er and finally to say that the strategy th that we have is not to take jobs from other areas , it is simply to meet the needs of the resident workforce .
21 Once to confirm her name and address in Frobisher Drive in Swindon and once to say that she understood the charge , of murdering an infant female baby .
22 Early in his career he toured with Ken Campbell 's Roadshow , and still says that his times with the former Liverpool Everyman director are among the most memorable .
23 What is the largest single event of sheer naked coincidence , sheer unadulterated miraculous luck , that we are allowed to get away with in our theories , and still say that we have a satisfactory explanation of life ?
24 He read a great deal as a child and later said that he read Euclid as easily as an adult reads a novel .
25 And also to say that one of the Sundays has expressed interest in doing an extract .
26 The Hon Secretary gave a resume of the events held so far and also said that he was pleased to have many requests for information and membership from a wide area of the country .
27 He denied that the Sudanese government was concealing widespread famine from the public , and also said that the Sudanese Foreign Minister had in fact held several meetings with Sir Allan .
28 She did not appear to be unduly depressed and now said that she thought the act had been rather drastic , but did not regret it .
29 He accused Tite of inconsistency by advocating Pennethorne to the Select Committee and now saying that the competitors should be taken in order of precedence , and repeated the main arguments that he had used in the delegation , with the New Town of Edinburgh as an additional example of the monotony of classical architecture .
30 Critics then and now say that Nonconformity did not create a new architecture after they had given up the old seventeenth and eighteenth-century meeting house .
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