Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He spoke at its election meetings and worked actively on its behalf , or rather on behalf of his own views which he sought to spread through the party .
2 Clara had just been born then , and now , more or less on schedule , Hana was in labour again .
3 Stubbly was more or less on cue .
4 So far , China is more or less on course .
5 Thanks to the volume of work carried out on the Enron project , UK turnover last year was ahead of budget , with net profit being more or less on budget .
6 I replied somewhat heatedly that I was more or less on duty , visiting men in the hospital .
7 He was n't the prettiest sight you would see on a golf course but , since he always turned up at the practice ground the following morning more or less on time and more or less clean-shaven , it was obvious that he patronised his own circuit of cheap guesthouses .
8 able to take a weekend away more or less on impulse ;
9 Can we kill them with impunity , or only on set occasions in a special manner , or are they sacred and untouchable ?
10 Day 2 Chairs — The issue is do we record them when the purchase is made or only on delivery which is the next day .
11 ie. Whether DCs referencing the module are to be automatically assessed as agreed or not on behalf of the module manager .
12 Many of the passengers were on their way home to Dublin or off on holiday in Amsterdam , Paris or Jersey .
13 Before we got to the first tee I could see that Jack was already on edge — or more on edge , rather , because a hangover had already eaten into his small reserves of patience and equanimity .
14 The Representation of the People Act 1969 extended the franchise to persons aged 18 or more on polling day .
15 of manufacturers expecting to spend as much or more on training in the next 12 months .
16 You can invert an image , flip up/down or left/right , store up to two pictures elsewhere in memory or permanently on tape .
17 ‘ ( 3 ) The duty imposed by subsection ( 2 ) above does not apply — ( a ) if compliance with the preference would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources ; ( b ) if the preferred school is an aided or special agreement school and compliance with the preference would be incompatible with any arrangements between the governors and the local education authority made under subsection ( 6 ) below ; or ( c ) if the arrangements for admission to the preferred school are based wholly or partly on selection by reference to ability or aptitude and compliance with the preference would be incompatible with selection under the arrangements . …
18 ( 3 ) The duty imposed by subsection ( 2 ) above does not apply — ( a ) if compliance with the preference would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources ; ( b ) if the preferred school is an aided or special agreement school and compliance with the preference would be incompatible with any arrangements between the governors and the local education authority in respect of the admission of pupils to the school [ made under subsection ( 6 ) below ] ; or ( c ) if the arrangements for admission to the preferred school are based wholly or partly on selection by reference to ability or aptitude and compliance with the preference would be incompatible with selection under the arrangements .
19 But rats sent into space by Wesley Hymer of Pennsylvania State University showed that readapting , whether on Mars or back on Earth , may not be straightforward .
20 Civil Engineering offers an exciting and well-paid career with opportunities to work either both in an office or out on site both in the UK and overseas .
21 All the time he was on stage , it was difficult for audiences to think of him as other than the ‘ Carry On ’ character or the voice they knew on the radio or now on television .
22 Travelling across parts of the great continent by 4-wheel drive vehicle , camel , balloon or even on foot , the aim is to see as much of Africa 's wildlife as possible .
23 It was not unknown for men to become peculiar , or even on occasion completely to lose their reason , in the vast spaces of Masailand , but there is no evidence that this was more likely to happen there than in other lonely postings .
24 White worm thrive on small pieces of bread or rice crispies soaked in sweetened milk or even on porridge .
25 Some days before Christmas , or even on Christmas Eve , the lapinha ( grotto ) is made .
26 In a hired car , a motorhome or even on horseback , America is the place for British visitors to go it alone .
27 Presence in a wooded area sometimes revealed by plucking posts , with feathers and bones beneath a stump or other perch or even on ground .
28 Skylark-like song , including both frequent notes mimicked from other birds , and its own jangling corn-bunting-like ‘ kleetra ’ call note , uttered either in high wide circular song flight , or lower down with curious slow wing action , or even on ground .
29 The richest town in the area was Lavenham , where trade developed early , and where perhaps three-quarters of the population depended directly or indirectly on cloth manufacturing .
30 If one considers the commitments of various members of Labour 's Front Bench whose portfolios touch directly or indirectly on energy , one finds total conflict , one with the other .
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