Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 Where a more serious breach of contract occurs , or you are sacked , you will need to consider whether or not to claim that you have been wrongfully dismissed .
2 Taking the second case first , it is clear that under section 8(2) the driver , in order that he may decide whether or not to claim that the breath specimen be replaced , should be fully informed of the nature of the option open to him and what will be involved if he exercises it .
3 It is a gradual process of which there will be intermediate phases and it is hardly surprising that in such instances we will be uncertain whether or not to admit that the infant has made the grade .
4 This is not to say that women 's experience , perceptions , feelings and emotions are self-validating and constitute in themselves an epistemological standpoint , or even to say that they are always correctly identified and described , but it is to suggest that philosophy would look rather different if women 's experience had the same rights of entry as that of men .
5 ‘ Had you any reason to believe or even to suspect that Riddle might have been the father of your daughter 's baby ? ’
6 But there are reasons to wonder , or even to suggest that the goal of International Relations should be understanding rather than explanation .
7 MANY of us were brought up on stories of great inventors and individualistic engineers , and have since had to reeducate ourselves to understand the development of science and technology as a social process , or even to believe that inventions are ‘ socially constructed ’ .
8 People in some parts of the world assume that their basic human rights are inherent and seldom pause to question what they are or how to ensure that they will be available to future generations .
9 Stopping only to emphasize that this is not because we belong to different disciplines and that several other final positions are open to anyone from either discipline , we then leave readers to make up their own minds , or else to decide that there is no monopoly of wisdom to be had .
10 Finally , I propose to call no person more than once to accept that the movers will have the opportunity of winding up at the end and I would please ask you to wait until you have been called .
11 She was more startled than ever to find that it was the moon , full and bright , riding the night sky like a silver chariot .
12 It was , he continued , more important than ever to ensure that leases were well-drafted so as to make landlords and/or tenants fully aware as to whether or not their insurance policies covered damage caused by terrorism .
13 Although I was less ready than before to agree that such an objective was desirable , I nevertheless found myself entering into his plans .
14 The provisions that he refers to are in the agreement that we have signed , which provides greater safeguards than before to ensure that the Community deals with those matters that are most appropriately dealt with by the Community and that other matters are left to national Parliaments .
15 Today , many young people , with most of their voting years ahead of them , are more likely than before to feel that they can make it alone .
16 So I suppose that really to say that we 're not er involved in that we 're not against efficiency .
17 This is not the place to repeat Wittgenstein 's rejection of such figments of linguistic bewitchment nor yet to deny that people and animals do have inner lives of pains , itches , tingles , thrills , and throbs .
18 Patiently I told him what was in the envelope , bending it to and fro to show that it would n't explode .
19 There used to be a long table and the head used to sit at the end of this table and so to see that you did n't leave off working she used to get the table cloth and always be pulling this table straight .
20 There is therefore a clear place for an EC policy to oversee State aids , and so to ensure that they do not unjustifiably favour one member 's industry at the expense of another 's , and thereby mitigate the intentions of EC competition policy .
21 The cosmids were picked in batches of about 50 from the set of unhit clones ( ie by sampling without replacement ) , and so to ensure that the cosmids in each batch were from different regions on the genome ( and hence to maximize efficiency ) the unhit clones were reordered against the ordered YAC probes .
22 Where an applicant voluntarily left accommodation but had then acquired temporary accommodation , the courts interpreted the legislation so as to entitle the local authority to relate back to the first accommodation and so to find that he was intentionally homeless .
23 It is good for leaders to be aware of these if only to see that to gather together towards the Lord may take some time .
24 But there were times when he had to hold his tongue , if only to ensure that he could keep on using this fool for his own ends .
25 With international competition and new entrants , national monopolies such as France 's will at least have to come clean about costs and pricing if only to prove that they are not breaching the Rome treaty 's clauses against unfair competition .
26 And not to mention that their most crucial department ( the defence ) remained unchanged ( as usual ) .
27 I quote that not to be complacent and not to say that , in this competitive world , we should not be striving , as the Bills outlined in the Gracious Speech help us to strive , for higher standards .
28 But it is vital to start the financial management debate with knowledge of the business you are in and not to presume that there are universal systems which suit every circumstance .
29 Impossible to say of the first move , it was her will , and not to extend that to what followed , or reason is gone mad . ’
30 It became clear from talking to parents that I had to see how what they said actually hooked up with their experience , the fine detail of it , and not to assume that I knew exactly what kind of lived experience lay behind a familiar form of words .
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