Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It could hardly be distinguished from ‘ good Pyrmont , or rather seltzer water ’ .
2 The sitting-room has glazed sliding-front china cases , electrically lit on either side … the staircase window , or rather glass wall , has fringed curtains in green and white , illuminated from below at night time . ’
3 John Price ( 1968 ) has made two suggestions : perhaps temporary moods of pessimistic caution have proved to be advantageous in avoiding predators , or perhaps depressive behaviour has evolved as part of the complex behaviour which maintains the stability of man 's community .
4 If your target audience includes a substantial proportion of light viewers , but your campaign is on TV , you may need to supplement TV with suitable press or perhaps cinema advertising to reach this group .
5 The solution may be to use oestrogen cream , or perhaps hormone replacement therapy , for which you 'd need to see your doctor again .
6 And in the next musical sequence , the songs for Night , Mystery , Secrecy and Sleep , Purcell ignored the refrain — or perhaps da capo which the librettist had indicated for each song .
7 It was a day which saw the political demise of UDP man Ken Kerr and a poor showing for the Ulster Unionist party on the Waterside , where only group leader John Adams was re-elected , despite fielding four men .
8 I was unsteady on my feet , and my head felt like a leftover battlefield , but everything seemed to be in more or less working order .
9 My spontaneous recoil from awareness of others ' troubles ( or of future danger to myself ) is no less or more natural than my impulse to sympathy or cruelty ( or to avoid or irrationally court danger ) when I do become aware ; it is as pointless to ask whether human nature is selfish or unselfish as whether it is improvident or far-sighted .
10 Just 30 miles or so south west of Bristol , Sedgemoor stretches from the Mendip Hills in the north to the Quantock Hills in the south .
11 Now we 're looking for tomorrow for about a twenty minute or so role play .
12 Once a week or so accordion music sounds will make feet itch under a canopy of stars in the tiny village square .
13 However , a group of 50 or so Unemployment Benefit claimants are now busy dusting off their old skills and even learning some new ones on the East Lancashire Railway , thanks to Practical Skills Development plc .
14 However , a group of 50 or so Unemployment Benefit claimants are now busy dusting off their old skills and even learning some new ones on the East Lancashire Railway , thanks to Practical Skills Development Plc .
15 The historical period which has seen its political devaluation is one in which political optimism has become unfashionable , which perhaps is one way of explaining the retrospective or merely historicist character of the Situationist exhibition , and the books I have reviewed .
16 Was it the death knell of the nuclear industry or merely curfew time ?
17 Further , the Windows discs are no less a vehicle for contextual and technical messages than the Panadol pack : symbolism and imagery in brand logos and packaging , quality of label print , physical size , soft or hard sectored , whether or not factory write-protected , presence of reinforcing ring and so on .
18 But it did not institute systematic means of monitoring school curricula to check on whether or not inspectorate advice was being followed , nor did it devise systematic means for exerting pressure on schools to follow this advice .
19 While there is still some debate about whether or not anorexia nervosa has become more prevalent , there can be no doubt that there has been an enormous increase in research interest into this subject .
20 Thus the guidance given to governors by DES Circular 11/87 that , although it is expected that at least some sex education would be provided by the school , they have freedom to decide whether or not sex education should be offered should now be revised .
21 Whether or not hydrocarbon generation continued during the Mesozoic , losses from Palaeozoic reservoirs during this period could have been trapped at the post-Carboniferous unconformity , for example by the Lias shales in the Wealden area .
22 The severity of injury incurred by pedestrians is related to the speed of vehicles whether or not driver error was involved .
23 It is inconceivable that they can now have a secure future in Lebanon , whether or not state authority is restored .
24 New package version created but not entered , no active DC or not package manager
25 New package version created but not entered , no active DC or not package manager
26 Can share valuation models help us determine whether or not dividend policy affects share prices ?
27 Most planning decisions are administrative acts against which appeal lies only to the secretary of state , but in the case of a determination of whether or not planning permission is required , the question is a mixed one of fact and law : thus not only is there the normal right of appeal against the local authority 's decision to the secretary of state , there is also a right of appeal against his decision to the High Court .
28 We look at our team , it does n't matter if you are section head or not section head or whatever you 're just working the team , you have responsibility for training .
29 I think the that the first thing to say is that one of the reason why this option this paper was asked for was that we , so we could actually begin to look to see whether or not trickle transfer made sense in Cambridge .
30 Erm sports or just golf industry .
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