Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The heretical ideas that were to label Darwin as ‘ the man who killed the Creator ’ could not have been further from his thoughts .
2 This was only one of several Masses that were to take place that day .
3 It was in the midst of these preliminary discussions that his lordship entrusted me with a mission sufficiently unusual for it to have remained in my memory to this day , alongside those other more obviously unforgettable occurrences that were to take place during that remarkable week .
4 It was typical of moves that were to take place on other systems .
5 Perhaps the outstanding legacy of Napoleon 's invasion lay with the bevy of experts he had brought with him who created the " Institute d'Egypte " producing numerous volumes that were to launch Egyptology in the Western academic world and , in time , to remind educated Egyptians of former glories .
6 He catalogued the ‘ alarms and excursions that were to make Windscale [ as it was then known ] internationally notorious ’ .
7 in their books Beyond the Best Interests of the Child ( 1973 ) and Before the Best Interests of the Child ( 1980 ) made two fundamental claims that were to influence child care practice considerably over the years .
8 The position can be illustrated simply by thinking of a study that is to take place of the social workings of a youth club to test out some hypothesis about the manifest and latent functions of this association .
9 The results will be updated to include the additional returns referred to above in a second interim report planned for June 1985 , along with information on the findings of a follow-up survey that is to take place in Spring 1985 .
10 If he catches your eye , Mr. Speaker , the hon. Gentleman may have an opportunity to raise the matter in the debate that is to take place later this afternoon .
11 But such research required a fundamental clarification of the explicans , i.e. the functional matrix that is to produce explanations of linguistic structure .
12 That meeting began a partnership that was to give birth to Bandhavgargh , the first and finest national park in India .
13 Despite such naïvety , the concept that was to give Habitat a unique position in Britain 's retailing trade was born .
14 To illustrate the point , he describes an incident recorded in a chronicle of Hainault concerning a judicial duel that was to take place at dawn .
15 Mansfield thought out her stories first , made brief notes to remind herself of the details , of the change that was to take place , and then wrote .
16 But since the ECSC had been created , the faltering Fourth French Republic had collapsed in 1958 , and France was then governed by President de Gaulle , determined to raise the status of France as a state and nation : it was a foretaste of the French attitude that was to affect integration in the next decade .
17 He laid some of the foundations of the Newtonian mechanics that was to replace Aristotle 's .
18 It was in this social struggle that the typical alliance of lawyers and small landowners that was to control Galician local politics developed ; the lawyers prospered in the complicated disputes and as Morillo , Galicia 's most distinguished Captain General noted , ‘ had absolute domination over the countryside ’ .
19 During the last years of the century some of the school boards even became involved in secondary education , producing a confused pattern of educational growth that was to prompt government action at the beginning of the twentieth century .
20 This European — or , to be more exact , Euro-Christian — involvement in Lebanon was to be a recurring theme , facilitated by the fact that every community in the land that was to become Lebanon was a minority .
21 The hair that was to become part of the national furniture , the touchstone for English men of a certain type and a certain age , already streamed out behind his skull like , in Clive James 's words , ‘ the tail of an undernourished comet ’ .
22 The couple stayed together for little more than a year and their son died before he was 12 months old , an incident that was to haunt Gallacher throughout his precociously successful playing career .
23 Cunningham was a rationalist , a member of that more stern , censorious and dour breed that was to produce disciplinarian managers like Bill Struth of Rangers , Jock Stein of Celtic and Jim McLean of Dundee United .
24 The shred of fibre that was to send Henry Farr to the gallows was — ’
25 Cocooned inside fortress PWL , Kylie chose her first interviews in Britain to explain the homespun philosophy that was to keep body and soul together during this trying two months in Britain .
26 Dr Sasaki , who believed that the enemy had hit only the building he was in , got bandages and began to bind the wounds of those inside the hospital ; while outside , all over Hiroshima , maimed and dying citizens turned their unsteady steps toward the Red Cross Hospital to begin an invasion that was to make Dr Sasaki forget his own private nightmares for a long , long time … .
27 They all serve four and are to accompany 500g/1lb dried pasta , cooked as directed on the packet .
28 William and Dorothy Wordsworth arrived at Racedown Lodge one midnight near the end of September 1795 , and were to remain tenants there for almost two years .
29 The teams were to be specialist in focus and expert in approach and were to serve areas of 80–100,000 population .
30 After the Lateran Council all men over fifteen and women over twelve were to confess annually to their own priest ( permission was needed for confession to another ) and were to take communion each Easter .
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