Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] came [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It is compatible with Windows , but if you 've got Windows would you need another system of file management ? and is n't that where I came in !
2 That victory followed on from success in the Dewhurst International in March , where she came through from being a reserve qualifier to reach the semi-finals .
3 Which is more or less where we came in !
4 He said , ‘ Remember the peasant dance where they came out in the long , hooped skirts and you ca n't see their feet ?
5 He went on a while about the various tests but where he came out was that she 'd been dead for at least five days , and seven was perfectly possible .
6 So it 's er just out this one , or it came out the end of er last year , December , January time .
7 In terms of Greater York and its th the York greenbelt I think it 's true to say that er some time ago when David Kaiserman of Manchester did research on greenbelts he came to the view , or he came up with the conclusions from his questionnaires that he sent round , and that study was done , must be ten , fifteen years ago or more , that greenbelts should endure unchanged for at least twenty years , and probably in excess of thirty , and those were the responses of county planning and other major planning authorities at that time , that view if anything has hardened , the public view would be way beyond thirty years .
8 It was only later that I came up with a theory for his reticence to stop and speak .
9 My idea — I admit that I came up with it only this morning — is that the entire transaction involving the definition of the terms of reference for the study for the consultants should then become public property and not an enclosed relationship with the promoters .
10 I can if you want , it 's just that I came up with a few things that did n't make sense , they were fairly contradictory things .
11 I have dreamed that I came back here — in twenty years .
12 Thank goodness that I came back this morning . ’
13 It was in 1945 that I came back to England after five years ' absence in Greece and Egypt .
14 It was n't until some years later that I came back to the question of the receptors and showed that the most dramatic effects involved the NMDA glutamate receptor I mentioned in the last chapter ( but wo n't discuss further here ) .
15 It was then , as if something had gone click in my head , that I came back to reality .
16 I suspect now that you know I mean I they might still to move given to one or two of my family members , but basically I could more openly say you know that in fact I suppose my view in Britain but not in Australia but my view in Britain is okay , the Royal Family could continue to exist they must A pay taxes B I do n't genuflect to any of them and C we 've got ta put them in perspective they 're in which is they 're a tourist attraction erm you know but I and I can make those comments which would be met by a lot of Britons with hostility , people who would totally disagree with me and say well they are the Royals and you know bow , bow , bow , but others would agree with me and that is something that has changed over the last three decades it really has , it 's changed during , during my absence in Australia , it is something you know that I came back to and I mean I kept , I 've been back about three or four weeks and there 's a pro I mean there 's some delightful radio programmes here comedy , political comedy shows and there was one show I listened to and I had been back a couple of weeks and it was about erm the Queen had a P R issue and she had to sort of do something about it , so she decided they 'd have a public execution of Edward and they described Edward was a cream puff and they the Queen and and er Andrew and everybody else was on the balcony at er Buck House and the crowds are cheering and the rolled and the the execution .
17 That I came out of an egg . ’
18 I came out of the forces , he was only waiting for the time that I came out , for him to retire .
19 I had n't intended to speak on the external affairs section , but the discussion had widened so much that I came in with the attached remarks .
20 Maybe it is time that I came in out of the storm . "
21 So someone came in . ’
22 I saw the shutters open , so I came over .
23 You also had to maintain things , so I came up with the figure of thirty-one .
24 He could n't get away when I did , so I came up on my own .
25 I could n't even get up Plumpton Street so I came up Fitzclarence but there were fires and damage there too . ’
26 ‘ But I found that I had n't any money with me , so I came along here instead . ’
27 I toyed with the idea of walking the station to meet him , but , having a sore throat and an impending cold , had gone out to get cough sweets from the ‘ Paki shop ’ just before it closes at 10pm and , coming up the street , the heavens opened and a mass of snow began to fall , so I came in and stayed in , so that 's freshly home made onion soup was ready as he came up the stairs .
28 ‘ It was dry work , ’ Menzies summed up , ‘ so I came back then for some refreshment .
29 But I was still Queen of Scots , so I came back to Scotland .
30 Lost everything , so I came out here .
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