Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 & presented with a baby sister & & me with a second grand-daughter on 11 th Sept. … … 8lbs. 13ozs .
2 A carer , I suggest , is someone with responsibility for a child , or an old person , or someone with a handicap , or a chronic illness .
3 Perhaps it was a hoax or someone with a grudge .
4 And where they were seen or heard , to be treated and reflected as a person first — and as a black person , an Asian person , a woman or someone with a disability second or not at all .
5 In other words , the designer was looking at the effect of the tucking when knitting in one colour , rather than concerning her or himself with the effect when striped .
6 see so if th if they get time off and they want extra men , they phone 'em up or somebody with a boat got bloke in the erm radio tower , cos you got a radio tower on the dock now which every ship that come into port or leave the port have to go through the radio tower and that man 's employed twenty four hours a day , seven days a week .
7 ‘ Blagg told her not to hand them over to anybody but himself or somebody with a letter from him .
8 Or one with a famous view .
9 His mother should not have had a full ( or even half-full ) mug or one with a handle .
10 But even where a clear cause can be established — for example , a child with severe brain damage , or one with a serious sensory or motor disorder — it would be simplistic to attribute all the child 's learning difficulties to the basic impairment alone .
11 A small country , either in terms of area or population , or one with a federal structure consisting of relatively small units , will retain more responsibilities at federal or state ( that is , second-tier ) government levels .
12 A bilateral treaty ( or one with a limited number of parties ) creating mutual rights and duties in personam most approximates to a contract ; it is here that the identity of treaty partners is most significant .
13 Although Koehler ( 1914 ) suggested that O. nodosa was conspecific with O. anomala several differences are apparent , O. anomala differing from O. nodosa by the following characters : 1 , the jaw appears narrower than O. nodosa ; 2 , the apical and oral papillae do not appear to be as long nor as widely separated from each other as in O. nodosa ; 3. the distalmost oral papilla is often large and flap like in O. anomala but long and flattened like the other papillae in O. nodosa ; 4. the shape of the oral shields differs in O. anomala where it is rounded pentagonal with a rounded to obtuse proximal angle , straight lateral sides and a straight or slightly rounded distal edge , in O. nodosa it is a more ornate pentagonal shape with an obtuse proximal angle , slightly indented lateral sides and a rounded distal edge or one with a slight median projection ; 5. the ventral arm spines of O. anomala are slightly rugose with small or no secondary points doing the shaft ; those of O. nodosa have very prominent secondary points along the shaft ; 6. the ventral arm plates of O. anomala appear to be narrow and less axehead shaped than O. nodosa .
14 Downstairs wastes ( from the kitchen sink , for example ) can be taken out to a gully as in the older system , except that they must discharge below the level of the grid on the top of the gully , which means using a back-inlet gully or one with a hole cut in the grid .
15 An irregularly folded cloth , or one with the folds bunched , reduces the contact area and thus efficiency .
16 The ideal of the initiate is to become a ‘ star ’ or one with the Gods ; to achieve union with the natural forces which created him or her .
17 The activity involved may be heavy or light or something with a specialised technique .
18 You see , these steps here tend to look as if it 's a pile of beams or something with a door standing on top , but you quite clearly see those steps , but you do n't get the depth of the steps so everything is a bit flat .
19 He spent like four hours or something with the attorney general and with these three other staff over there … and they spent most of the time talking about all aspects of the Iran initiative and so forth , and then at the very end Meese pulled out that April memo … and said , ‘ what about this ? ’
20 We might plan an outing or something with the whole staff — each one will say where they want to go and how to make it work . ’
21 I mean at one time it was the Times Literary Supplement or something with an Oxford box around it .
22 The Germans and the English have plenty in common with each other , but what have you in common with the Russians or we with the Japanese ? ’
23 This is not the same as being someone to whom other people often bring their problems ; that does not guarantee the instinctive knowledge of whether something is real or merely a " try-on " , or whether something that is being glosssed over is really something that should be dug out and gone into in depth , or whether the time has come to say and do nothing other than give encouragement to the sufferer to work something out for himself or herself with the assistance of other sufferers in the group .
24 The earlier cases do not make any reference to the possibility of arresting someone for the sole purpose of questioning him or her with a view to obtaining a confession .
25 You may lose some credibility with the clientele if you demolish him or her with a blitzkrieg attack only to find later that they had been looking for the nearest toilet !
26 It not only involves the user more demonstrably in the process and provides him or her with a visible record of the interview , but also begins to construct a historical picture of the older person .
27 Pink-browns or lightly frosted tones are flattering for older women or anyone with a lined mouth .
28 If you think it 's likely to interest a large number of people in C&P — not necessarily everyone but , say , research people or anyone with a responsibility for safety — then why keep it to yourself ?
29 We 're hoping that will grow , that more and more friends will come and have lunch , tea or whatever with the residents . ’
30 Do not go to EuroDisney , or patronise anywhere or anything with a capital letter in the middle of its name .
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