Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was first " in BNC.

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1 In North America , where it was first identified , it is seriously altering the environment .
2 You have to put a book in first , that I was first to speak this morning , you were second and then it 'll be either Kelly Ann or Stephen next .
3 I had come on leave first , so I was first to return .
4 Constanza does n't know in which order the other two came but she knows now that she was first .
5 but erm , I think I down by his legs , all this and erm , you know , its bang , bang its just like , its over in a split second , you do n't have time to be this , I was there and there nobody really new what was going on and all this sort of stuff , he was probably one of most honest about , well , one of the most honest little bloke more willing to speak about it , and he had this other one it was right you know like , er , well I 'm already taking further than I 'm willing to go on this course , what you need is , well look , you know , all I know is that we was first , saying no more than that , not willing to go .
6 DeFries had an idea that to be a star you had to act like a star so everything was first class .
7 Faith as I see it — by a Layman ’ ; and although there was first a certain amount of debate about what the nature and title of the broadcasts should be , Lewis began to do this in the late summer of 1941 , taking the train from Oxford to London every Wednesday evening , and broadcasting from 7.45 to 8.00 p.m .
8 is the traditional cheese of Wales , although it was first made as recently as the 1880s .
9 ‘ An example from the history of our own time is a lady of the high nobility , who had an invincible loathing for her first husband , although he was first among all subjects . … ’
10 The ministry said yesterday that it was first warned by the Dutch on November 1 that 550 tonnes of Indian rice bran contaminated with lead sulphate had come via Rotterdam to Teignmouth in Devon .
11 It was from such lofty horizons that it was first introduced in 1839 and it has been in and out of gardens ever since .
12 His calculations , based on the paper 's numerical sequence , showed that it was first printed in February 1695 , by William Thompson and Francis Bailey .
13 Surprisingly , Darwin made no mention of the woodpecker finch 's remarkable tool-using behaviour , and it was not until 1919 that it was first described .
14 Specialist Old Testament study has long answered this question by saying that we have differing traditions of the early history of the people of God : one tradition in which the divine name was known from the earliest times , and another — contradictory — tradition that it was first revealed to Moses .
15 was in Camplin that it was first established that rape could take place even though there was no force threatened or used provided that the victim did not consent to intercourse .
16 One of the striking things about Havel is his commitment to drama over the past quarter-century and his insistence , in the period immediately before the Czech revolution , that he was first and foremost a writer .
17 His plan was to pre-empt my own and it is true that he was first to publish some of his proposals .
18 He had begun working on plans to turn the Wapping Post into a national strike paper when Pilger tipped him off that he was first in line for the editor 's job at News on Sunday .
19 Morley had the concept ; in Paul Rutherford 's words , ‘ Morley had his strategy all worked out , he wanted it to be like the Sex Pistols — all the outrage , controversy — but this time with all the sex ’ , and it was rumoured that he was first interested in Bronski Beat for the Frankie role — they turned him down .
20 Mike Fitzpatrick capsized 2 minutes before the start but managed to right himself in such a position that he was first away on the gun although he was to drop back to 30th .
21 The king-list also claims that he was first buried in Dunkeld but that ‘ Iona holds his bones ’ ; if so , he was the last Scottish king buried there .
22 ‘ We think that he was first stunned by the blow on the head . ’
23 The final cost was £23,000 , £5,000 more than what was first estimated .
24 Er everybody else used calculators and I was first finished every time .
25 Fred 's reaction was to ask whether I would move away if I was first given the side .
26 On the fourth day , as the climax , the papingo was — and whoever was first to was called Captain of the archers for the following twelve months .
27 The questioning process was essentially undertaken in two stages ; the analysis had indicated what information was required or produced , and it was first necessary to check whether this was the case in practice .
28 Ipswich Town signed Bulgarian striker Bontcho Guentchev from Portuguese club Sporting Lisbon and it was first believed that he had several full caps .
29 The elephant had been leading a procession down the Chandni Chowk but had halted outside Gunthe Wallah 's and had refused to move on towards the Red Fort , despite the frantic proddings of its mahout , until it was first allowed to consume a box of Gunthe Wallah 's best mithai .
30 Now I were bloody daft , If I 'd 've gone to the foreman and wanted to put a suggestion in , I , I , I 'd 've beat sure they were crowing abou when he got but I was first really was n't I ?
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