Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is think " in BNC.

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1 The skilled negotiator is far more likely to say things that reveal what he or she is thinking , intending and feeling than the less skilled , who reckon that to expose such things is naïve .
2 The proposal for monitoring by silent , closed-circuit television cameras , he said , would be implemented as recommended , but the one to allow a prisoner the right to consult a solicitor every forty-eight hours would be curtailed to the extent that ‘ where it is thought necessary ’ a senior police officer would be present .
3 Unabashed by this thought , she adds that she is thinking seriously about it , and is prepared to meet party officials to discuss it .
4 The gossip is that she is thinking of resigning from the practice and going back to her home town .
5 When one uses some expression , such as ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ , there are usually not two things , one that one is saying and one that one is thinking .
6 Only by a careful understanding of the market place can one be sure that one is thinking in the appropriate dimension and take full advantage of scale economies .
7 They are , of course , incapable of deliberate volition and move more or less at random ( although there is thought to be some evidence of a directional trend ) .
8 Cheshire is the oldest of all the English cheeses and is referred to in the Domesday Book , although it is thought to date back to pre-Roman times .
9 Although it is thought that translation of a polymer chain proceeds by means of a series of segmental jumps involving short kinetic units , which may each consist of between 15 and 30 chain atoms , the complete movement of a chain can not remain unaffected by the surrounding chains .
10 Although it is thought it contained only a small amount of money , there is concern about confidential documents which also went missing .
11 Now at least one top 10 society says privately that it is thinking seriously of becoming a plc in a few years .
12 Drawing the assembled crowds ’ attention to the Norseman 's pedigree , Bob pointed out that it is thought to have been the first aircraft to land on the Normandy beaches during D-Day , the American fighter ace Screwball Beurling was killed in Italy whilst ferrying a Norseman to the Israelis and of course there is the legend that has built up surrounding the mysterious disappearance of bandleader Major Glenn Miller in December 1944 , after taking-off in a Norseman from Twinwoods airfield , near Bedford , England , bound for Paris , never to be seen again .
13 What an extraordinary position has been reached in some Christian theology , such that it is thought , at least at a subconscious level , that somehow Christ and Mary are a pair , Christ male and representative of men , and Mary female and representative of women , was brought home to me by the following incident .
14 A dog may well think that his master is at the door : but unless a dog masters a language it is hard to see how he can think that he is thinking that his master is at the door .
15 As he looks at examination papers undistinguished by any spark of originality , and recognises the pale image of his carefully prepared arguments , he finds , incongruously , that he is thinking of casting pearls !
16 So ‘ kempt ’ is he , in fact , that he is thought to be a guest at a formal reception held at the Taft Hotel on his first visit .
17 So it is thought , Sei-sen .
18 If someone is thinking about going back into education , I 'd say : ‘ Go for it . ’
19 Powys already receives a good proportion of overseas visitors , and she is thinking of adding basic foreign language courses .
20 If anybody is thinking about going and wants a lift our route will probably be a1/m62/m1 ( posssibly via Leeds )
21 The Gothic side of Wordsworth is usually played down , and he is thought of as reacting against the overstimulation of the imagination which medieval fantasy so frequently provided .
22 The first fifty or so milliseconds of these waves are the most consistent for any particular stimulus and it is thought that they are almost entirely generated by the incoming stimulus , irrespective of any mental activity on the part of the subject .
23 ‘ The terrorist group included a youth of about fifteen with bleached hair and it is thought that glimpses of this boy were used skilfully to support the terrorists ' claims .
24 Rules and regulations are firmly in place , however , and it is thought to be extremely unlikely that Mrs Marcos would make any serious attempt to return the body .
25 It is now known that many plants grow at temperatures as low as 0°C , albeit slowly , and it is thought that higher temperatures are more important in the earlier half of the year .
26 The incident took place at around 4.30 on Thursday afternoon , and it is thought that one of the men could be middle aged and the other younger .
27 It seems that anxious people condition most easily and it is thought that irrational fears are established in this way .
28 Controlled by a single gene , the deficiency is usually harmless , but certain drugs for malaria or a type of bean can cause those without the proper gene to suffer acute anaemia , and it is thought that some chemical might do the same .
29 The bacteriophage infects the bacterium , Staphylococcus , by taking over its cell chemistry and it is thought to cause the production of a toxic substance which is poisonous to human cells .
30 It was a time of great British expansion and it is thought that , in the guise of ships ' cats , they were scattered from the British Isles all over the globe in a comparatively short space of time .
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