Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 It 's not the stopping or the burning or the escaping to Africa that will make an end of it .
2 The rich no longer deserve to be rich , or the poor to be poor : there is no merit in having enough money : there is little pleasure in having too little money .
3 Suppose that the orbital radii are rx and rG for Cygnus X-1 and the blue supergiant respectively , and that the normal to the orbital plane is tilted at an angle i with respect to our line of sight .
4 This would suggest that the east-west road at this point had not been substantially modified and that the mid to late second-century redevelopment was confined to the intra-mural zone .
5 It is written on the assumption that the digital to analogue converter is at address & h300 , and that the direction is controlled by bit 0 at address & h308 .
6 In particular he thinks the educated should have at least two votes , he does n't say how many erm that 's a matter determined case-by-case I take it , erm erratically it could be a thousand votes I mean he does n't rule that out , he does n't say it has to be more than one er two , but erm his view is that the educated to a specially privileged in a specially privileged position because they are erm more able to use their vote sensibly or to be given more than one vote , so we need now there 's going to be a question erm how do you know who the educated people are to make such suggestions , anyone with a university degree will be pleased to hear gets more than one vote on Mill 's system .
7 Older people were much more likely than the young to be unable to describe what they meant by health .
8 The style of the earliest red-figure does not differ from that of black-figure , and for long they flourished side by side ; but the new technique was to prove better suited than the old to new ideas of drawing and composition that developed as part of the general late sixth-century movement which undermined the conventions of archaic art .
9 Similarly , it could be argued that a non-party to the Vienna Convention could not rely upon that Convention 's procedural requirements for the manifestation of consent .
10 In this context , the video disc is no more than a peripheral to the computer , much as any external disc drive might be .
11 I think to have a classless society in this country everybody has to be equal and not just from the rich to the poor and the poor to the rich , but also there 's many people in this country who suffer from persecution .
12 She argues that a feminist science , which restored the personal and the subjective to the practice of knowledge , would be a more human science .
13 Heavier weight synthetics tend to use a double layer of wadding with the outer layer quilted to the shell and the inner to the lining .
14 This may lead to the formation of more than one bar , the outer being related to the break point of storm waves and the inner to the break point of normal waves .
15 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be stated , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
16 In what follows an attempt will be made to set down the main features of polymer viscoelasticity to enable the connections between the phenomenological and the molecular to be states , where they are known , in preparation for the discussion in Chap .
17 In the twentieth century , large numbers of people have migrated from poor countries to richer countries in search of work , from Europe to the Americas , from black to white-ruled Southern Africa , from Mexico and Central America and the Caribbean to North America , from the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent to Britain and from southern to northern Europe .
18 This position is echoed by Lehrer ( 1987 : 256 ) , who states that " to has no meaning of its own " , by Buyssens ( 1987 : 341 ) , who asserts that it is a " well-known fact that when the infinitive is used as the subject , the predicate , or the direct object of the sentence , it is normally preceded by a meaningless to " , and by Andersson ( 1985 : 57 ) , who distinguishes between the preposition to , which has a meaning , and the pure to infinitive marker , " which only has the syntactic function to introduce [ sic ] an infinitive " .
19 The orthodox boys went to a hostel at Westgate ( closed at the end of 1939 ) and the non-orthodox to Barham House , just outside Ipswich , which soon became an agricultural training centre .
20 Other areas can also be quoted , like Winchelsea in Sussex , which was destroyed by storms and the French to be refounded in 1288 by Edward I on a hill nearby .
21 In his Collins lecture of 1984 he described the cultural authoritarianism of Samuel Johnson 's Dictionary of the English Language , whose acuity and precision of definition should not blind us to the fact that ‘ it accomplished the reduction of the language to the written and the written to the literary . ’
22 He admitted that he had learnt of the Iran-contra operation in mid-1986 and had passed the information to his superiors , including Clair C. George , the agency 's deputy director for covert operations and a subordinate to Gates .
23 The spaced-out freefall of ‘ Dog Tooth ’ drawing the line for all but the committed to willingly overstep .
24 The spaced-out freefall of ‘ Dog Tooth ’ drawing the line for all but the committed to willingly overstep .
25 It was the same thing , his sister then , his father now , Georgia walking towards a beating in the school yard , Dad fighting for breath in his red chair , he wanted to save them , only he could do it , who else was there , but he had n't , he could n't , not really , but the wanting to , the failure to , you could n't get away from that .
26 If marker chromosomes are used , scoring can be simplified since the expected to the observed grain counts need only be related to the total percentage length of the markers within the genome .
27 When the retired to Peebles they donated the wheel to the Museum .
28 It is clear that many of these kinds of views were based on the evidence that in some areas of employment , and in particular on production lines involving speed and pacing , problems began as early as the mid to late forties .
29 They were more than three times as likely as the unemployed to be part of an income unit with an income of more than £100 per week ( 14 per cent and 4 per cent ) and half as likely to have an income of less than £50 a week ( 19 per cent and 41 per cent ) .
30 The French are as committed as the British to the concept of a privately financed Channel Tunnel but are also concerned to maximise its benefits for the surrounding region , and the economy as a whole , by the judicious use of public investment .
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