Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 You do a wobble yes it the correct thing is a rapid alternation between the written note and the note above or between the two written notes .
2 There were no significant differences in the rate of occurrence of any clinically important cardiac abnormality either between the oxygen and air groups or between the three monitored periods before , during , and after gastroscopy .
3 He pulled up his roots a second time and moved to another new land , Germany , where during the twelve years that were left to him he accomplished a ‘ ballet miracle ’ , building not merely a repertory and a company in Stuttgart , but a whole new public attitude that affected other theatres throughout the country .
4 Massive prison population expansion in recent years is by no means unique to the United States , but it would be difficult to find other examples where during the 1980s the annual rate of growth exceeded 11 per cent .
5 With this announcement the powers which had occupied and divided Germany after the Second World War effectively accepted the inevitability of early German unification , although the statement contained no indication of the four powers ' preferred timetables for unification or for the two-plus-four negotiations .
6 That was done and completion actually took place is pleaded as the twenty second of November , the er defendants admit completion took place on or about the twenty fifth of November .
7 I really would like to comment further , but I 'm not able so to do er we have all heard the autumn statement er from the Chancellor of the Exchequer last week , following on from that we expect to receive the draft standard spending assessment for Suffolk on or about the twenty sixth of this month , er and it really is , will be er when we have that indication that er Policy Committee will give to er , pull together the strings for the preparation of next year 's budget .
8 Thus , if on the one hand the ‘ civilizing ’ role of the Russians in Siberia should not be belittled , neither should too much credence be given to nationalistic claims put forward in Russian accounts of the subject , whether before or after the 1917 Revolution .
9 There is little talk of film as ‘ film ’ , television as ‘ television ’ or of the two forms as different but connected social processes .
10 Yet what we have heard more of , in the recent discussions of the Conditions of Service , the introduction of GCSE , or of the 7 , 11 and 14 tests , is precisely this ineffective cacophony of haranguing and braying .
11 Without entering into the substantive details of the agreement or of the 1990 convention for its application , which appears not yet to have entered into force , it may be noted that it sets out rules for crossing the signatory states ' frontiers not just for their own citizens but also for citizens of all EC Member States , and the Convention of Application distinguishes between treatment at the internal and external borders of the signatory states .
12 In Cuba , for example , ‘ figures of the Wars of Independence , like Marti and Maceo , or of the 1933 revolution [ against the dictator Machado ] … give the revolution legitimacy by linking it with the historic past and , at least in the case of the heroes of 1933 , they have been in a very real sense the inspiration of the present revolutionary leaders , to a far greater degree than Marx and Lenin' ( Lambert : 1977 , p. 237 ) .
13 Thus , Walker points out that , in 1981 , 66.8 per cent of all pensioners lived at or below the 140 per cent supplementary-benefit level , compared with one-fifth of the non-elderly ; and the risk of experiencing poverty is three times greater for those over retirement age than it is for those below it .
14 Thus the last burst of activity in the UK housing market — from the mid-Eighties to 1989 , when many of the largest mortgages were taken on — was based on the assumption that some rates would remain at or below the ten per cent threshold .
15 Well we believe that they could be at or below the three hundred and seventy eight pounds .
16 Most disliked are dangerous chemicals , whether brought in openly or like the 41 barrels of dioxin waste , a legacy of the 1976 explosion at Hoffmann-La Roche 's Seveso plant , that turned up in 1983 in a Paris abattoir having passed through umpteen subcontractors on the way .
17 A are you still intending to favour internal spending vis-a-vis acquisition opportunities on the basis that acquisitions are just too overpriced or with the eleven percent gearing do you think you will be er jumping at the bit a bit fairly soon ?
18 When not in conflict with the parties ' agreement or with the CMI Rules , the Uniform Rules of Conduct for the Interchange of Trade Data by Teletransmission ( UNCID ) also govern the parties ' conduct .
19 Okay it ca n't go any further with the two or with the three .
20 If Judge Galpin 's interpretation of the Act and the Rules is correct , it drives a coach and horses straight through an enormously important area of child protection within family relationships ; that is to say , the ability to prevent an abduction and the ability to prevent the possibility of an abduction , or to restore a child who has been abducted to the home where the child should be , unless or until the 21 days service or other abbreviated service has been effected , by which time it may be in certain cases far too late for the welfare of the child .
21 Our duels were not on the scale of the later Clarke versus Prescott battles , where in the 1987 general election I saw a television chairman leave his chair several times to restore order .
22 In the universities , where in the sixties rioting students and the educated tele-celebrities of the ‘ chattering classes ’ had commanded public attention , there were now dormant , apolitical students anxious only for their future employment , and embittered lecturers suffering a crisis of morale and lamenting the bureaucratic invasion of time traditionally left for teaching and research .
23 Where in the 1930s the mother was given solemn warnings as to what would happen if she disobeyed the rules , the mode now is to refer her , with continual reassurances however , to what might possibly result from some mistaken handlings : ‘ Here 's what happens once in a while when the needs of the child are n't recognized ’ ( Spock , 1946 , chapter on ‘ The Two Year Old ’ ) .
24 It might be that they can discuss and compare life during the Great War , or in the 1920s and 1930s ; or they might want to talk about how expectations , duties , responsibilities have changed since their childhood days .
25 No fathers were monitored for exposure at around the time of their child 's conception , or in the four years preceding their child 's conception .
26 You have to keep the City informed about what 's going on , but I think you can run a business — and I hope we do — to the highest moral standards whether it 's today or in the 1900s .
27 Did , did you at the time or in the thirties did you have any involvement with the Unemployment Claims Union or anything like that ?
28 The guidance that we give below , under six headings , is therefore to be considered together with all the statutory and other rules and recommendations set out by Parliament , or in the 1991 guide , which takes the form of a practice direction as to costs in criminal proceedings , and which also includes , at appendix 3 , the formal Practice Direction of 3 May 1991 as to costs in criminal proceedings : Practice Direction ( Crime : Costs ) [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 498 .
29 There were also no significant differences between the distributions of RP cases and controls among the five histological categories or in the 23 histological features studied .
30 The United States is considered to have entered this phase sometime in the 1950s ; in Britain 's case the date is less clear — either in the mid-1960s or in the 1980s depending upon which aspects of service growth are emphasized .
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