Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One day in April 1943 Albert Hoffmann , a chemist who was working at Sandoz on the development of ergot alkaloids , felt unwell and went home early , where for some hours he experienced a variety of disordered visions .
2 The move has been initiated in the US , where for some years customers have been removing the skin ( the fattiest part ) from the chicken before eating it .
3 This may be the case in some industries , or for some products but as , for example , both Moran 's study of the Chilean copper industry ( 1974 ) and Girvan 's of the Caribbean bauxite industry ( 1976 ) demonstrate in rather different ways , the control that globally integrated corporations can exert on distribution and marketing may nullify what appears on the ground to be a better bargain for the host .
4 A single computer may be constantly available alongside other resources as a reference tool , or for some simulations .
5 For example I can see a good case for a local headmaster being a member of the authority , representing educational concerns or for some representations say from significant ethnic groups within the area , but these can be identified and appointed by the authorities themselves , whose local knowledge will lead to far more accurate selection than Whitehall or Whitehall inspired sources .
6 Instead of going into private practice , or after some years of practice , the solicitor may seek an appointment .
7 Mr Crawley , one of the plaintiffs and ‘ moving spirit behind both groups of companies ’ , agreed to settle the bills either personally or with some associates .
8 This is one field of higher education where in some cases the fees from the overseas student are no higher than they are for British nationals .
9 The need for such a policy was recognized by Adam Smith when he wrote in the Wealth of Nations in 1776 : ‘ People of the same trade seldom meet together , even for merriment and diversion , but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public , or in some instances to raise prices . ’
10 These individual ‘ building blocks ’ are called phonemes , or in some instances allophones , and by using them in various combinations any word can be constructed .
11 In heavy infections the pulmonary phase of larval migration is associated with pneumonia , which is sometimes accompanied by pulmonary oedema ; the adult worms cause a mucoid enteritis , there may be partial or complete occlusion of the gut ( P1.IV ) and , in rare cases , perforation with peritonitis or in some instances blockage of the bile duct .
12 Originating summonses and equivalent documents will be served by an officer of the court , who may be the clerk to the court ( as in Switzerland ) , or an officer with specific functions including the service of process ( such as the ufficiale giudiziario in Italy ) , or in some countries such as France a huissier de justice , a process-server appointed by the State authorities but engaged in a professional capacity by the plaintiff .
13 Gradually , TNCs appear to have seen the benefits of ( or in some countries accepted the inevitability of ) employing host-country managers and technicians to run their plants .
14 Drama Studio London also runs a one-year course for post-graduate students or in some cases students with other professional skills or theatrical experience .
15 Inserted in cutting compost , or in some cases plain water , the leaves first develop roots and then one or more young plants which are later separated and potted up .
16 They may have an extra glass — or in some cases bottle — to steady the nerves tonight .
17 Either local cultivators and pastoralists were cleared from the land completely and it was reserved for European immigrants , or in some cases ( like Uganda and larger parts of Tanganyika ) local cultivators were encouraged , or forced , to grow crops for sale either as export crops or as food crops to feed the mining workforces in southern Africa ( for longer accounts of the processes of settler immigration and colonial policies , see Rodney 1972 ; Palmer & Parsons 1977 ) .
18 Some of the visitors were , in fact , so ‘ off the record ’ that I was instructed to make sure the staff did not learn their identities , or in some cases , even glimpse them .
19 Secondly , we have ‘ unnatural ’ recordings , in which original sounds ( or in some cases electrical waveforms which have never even had a separate acoustic existence ) are subject to processes which make them into something new .
20 One of the conditions held that ‘ where a youth or girl was being adequately cared for by foster parents or was satisfactorily settled in life with sound views and reliable character … then the Movement might and should reduce , or in some cases discontinue , its welfare work . ’
21 Villagers stole cattle for beef , for a ransom payment , or in some cases for ploughing or local sale .
22 Pupils with special educational needs may require particular help to pursue the programmes and targets , or in some cases modifications to those , and this problem is addressed in chapter 11 .
23 If your account is not paid within the 21 days you may present a petition to the High Court , or in some cases to County Court , for that company to be wound up .
24 They fear they could lay themselves open to prosecution for murder or manslaughter — or in some cases a civil action for damages — if they disconnect a feeding tube without court permission .
25 Even Bleuler himself considered what most of us would now recognise as a truism : that ‘ autism ’ is a feature of normal mental life , accounting for the emergence , or in some cases deliberate exploration , of ideas that arise without logic from unconscious layers of the mind .
26 The photographs are excellent , clustered with captions after an explanatory essay , or in some cases a series of short essays .
27 Those taking part come from a variety of backgrounds and have spent several months or in some cases years receiving instruction in the faith , usually as part of a parish group .
28 In this respect it would appear that the preferences and relative power of the parties are especially important in shaping structure — that either unions or employers , or in some cases the government , want ( and if necessary can make ) it that way .
29 New sashes and vents can be easily made up , or in some cases bought ready-made .
30 There is a wider set of natural monopolies sustainable as natural monopolies either with specific pricing policies or in some cases under a wide range of pricing policies , given alternative assumptions regarding entry .
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