Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] they the " in BNC.

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1 On or around them the chief bookshops are to be found .
2 Indeed , most of their problems spring from the fact that for them the two functions are deeply connected .
3 Such an equilibrium is stable ; that is , the price , if displaced a little from it , will tend to return , as a pendulum oscillates about its lowest point ; and it will be found to be a characteristic of stable equilibria that in them the demand price is greater than the supply price for amounts just less than the equilibrium amount , and vice versa .
4 Colleges should be doing to meet the needs of Roman Catholic schools , notwithstanding the harsh economic regime they share with the rest of higher education , it seems fair to conclude that without them the Roman Catholic educational sector would be very much the poorer .
5 In the foreground are the old bogies , in the background the old top-cover , and between them the newly-constructed sides .
6 Thin streaks of cirrus lay parallel to the horizon , and between them the sun 's orb had become a well-defined sphere of a rich rose-crimson .
7 Greenall is a centre-half and between them the experienced pair have clocked up more than 700 League appearances .
8 The socialist parties thought of themselves as the avant-garde of a class which was striving to bring into existence a new kind of society , and for them the struggle for power of the working class was , in principle , more important than any existing institutions .
9 Those at St Germain never questioned the validity of James II 's acts as King , and for them the Revolution remained totally unjustifiable .
10 Anyone in late eighteenth-century London who was anxious to ‘ insure the removal of barrenness ’ or ‘ improve , exalt , and invigorate the body and through them the mental faculties of the human species ’ , need not have looked further than the Temple of Health where Dr James Graham had constructed what he modestly termed his ‘ medico-magnetico-musico-electrical bed ’ .
11 So many conductors — and I must say Furtwängler was sometimes one of these — create enormous crescendi ; and after them the music collapses .
12 They were passing over North Gate Bridge , and below them the River Lee flowed on to Cork harbour and the open sea .
13 On landings above and below them the same routine was in practice .
14 A Mercedes and a Zim , bumper to bumper , blocking both lanes of the carriageway and behind them the menacing silhouette of a T-77 tank , its barrel aimed directly at the oncoming van .
15 The bride and groom knelt before the altar , and behind them the benches were packed with nobility from all over Portugal .
16 One needs the published histories of the towns and behind them the town records themselves .
17 The trees in the grounds were in full , fresh leaf , and behind them the sun declined towards the moorland horizon , its rays making a brilliant silver-gold glare through the tracery .
18 Such blood , and the mud of Culloden , were the last Gaelic colours to fly over Scotland ; the clans looked straight into the mouths of Cumberland 's cannon and died , and with them expired a way of life — the Stewarts of Appin , and the Maclarens , and the Camerons , and the Atholl Brigade , and behind them Ogilvies , and behind them the prince himself .
19 From a wall niche , a pair of crystal decanters glittered like splinters of ice , and beneath them the object of my search , the pyx itself .
20 Many men played a part in building this system : leading ministers such as the confidence-rebuilding Walpole and the quietly reforming Henry Pelham , and beneath them the officials and clerks .
21 Car sales were uncomfortably large , and with them the July trade deficit ; but the Treasury thought it detected more comforting underlying trends .
22 It can hardly be pure coincidence that within three years of Kinsey 's appearance the limits of permissible sexual explicitness in the arts and entertainment had radically changed and with them the public image of the ideal woman as projected in , above all , films .
23 But the animals then begin to remove the diatoms , and with them the nutrients they contain .
24 In no time , it seemed , the Easter holidays were with us , and with them the start of the visitor season .
25 Wooden frames came much later , and with them the problem known to every householder today — rot ; or , if you prefer , decay , which sounds less threatening .
26 The prime task of the 1905 revolution had been to break up the large estates and with them the political and economic power of the nobility .
27 The conditions of the farm worker , and with them the everyday life of the village community , could vary considerably across the country according to the distribution of landholding , the nature of agricultural production and the pattern of settlement .
28 Gorbachev 's speech on his election as party leader laid proper emphasis on domestic priorities , but also called for better relations with the ‘ great socialist community ’ , particularly China , and for the continuation of ‘ peaceful , mutually advantageous cooperation ’ with the capitalist world , leading if possible to an agreement that would provide for the complete elimination of nuclear arms and with them the threat of nuclear war .
29 See , the very place where the mighty throng and the Empress Judith Had been standing , and with them the boy Charles himself !
30 Wars became ever more expensive , and with them the national debt rose to heights that to contemporaries seemed awesome ( see Table 9.2 ) .
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