Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I du n no if they got nests or nothing to go to at night , but sat there under that bush all huddled up , they look froze to death .
2 I think it 's a local gardener , or someone went to the filled up all the turf and took it all out .
3 I basically leave them stock , except for the lead pickup , where I go with a Lace Sensor Super Lead .
4 Where I go in my free time is none of your business , you interfering old cow . ’
5 This was , at least , an improvement on an earlier pattern , where I went into the end-game with a lead of about 30 — and then lost on the black .
6 where I went to work down there and in a month they put , it was amongst a shop of about sixteen men and they all had separate orders and the men had got little lads working for them , you know .
7 Whenever Eugenia or I went near them , they stopped talking .
8 I suppose I see her once or twice a week — she comes in for a cup of tea , or I go to her .
9 It was all one to him whether he directed a battle or a raid from his headquarters and left the action to others , or himself went to work with lance or sword in the centre of the din ; they were merely complementary skills in the same comprehensive expertise .
10 Where somebody goes to a public meeting and does n't say
11 However , as stated above , nine out of the 11 in the action sample who said at second interview that they continued to prefer home care gave much more unequivocal answers ; stating not merely that they would not like the dementia sufferer to be in institutional care , or that they would feel guilty about him or her going into residential care ( as did the carers of Miss Wainwright and Mrs Nolan ) , but also that home was where they envisaged and wanted the sufferer to remain .
12 So where she go to ?
13 [ Christine Jardine spotted the following article in the magazine of Landsdowne Baptist Church , Bournemouth , where she went on holiday — it is used by permission ]
14 I 've got a list of phone numbers , it seems like fifty , of different people who have been invoked — the doctor , the home help , district nurse , chiropodist , social worker , hospital doctor , Age Concern , the Red Cross , the old people 's home where she went for a break and dozens more , I hardly know who they are .
15 She is now Head of Modern Languages at Queen Elizabeth 's School , Faversham , Kent , where she went after taking her P. G. C. E. at Hull .
16 where you went for a walk , down , went to the shops
17 - You start forgetting where you went on holiday this summer .
18 Conciliation facilities are available in the county courts where you go for the divorce .
19 Where you go for a pound .
20 You dressed up as Lazarus or Frankenstein , or you went as one of your dead relations .
21 We went youth hostelling for m the sort of the chapel choir , after When you grew up in chapel , then you were either found a job teaching , in the Sunday School , or you went into the choir .
22 You try to be a white person or you go to them and try to be accepted and you go back to blacks and they do n't like it .
23 And when you that lay down you can look at whoever what the other players have got face up and you either go for a player or you go for the maximum points .
24 Yes , you could do that , so , so y you go for erm a very high rate of taxation or you go for a lower rate of taxation which is
25 You take that hussy out of here , or you go through that door and do n't come back .
26 You either stamp Lucas up his right buttock or you go over the double white lines , or you brake and somebody behind might be too close behind you .
27 If she wants to go anywhere I take her or she goes with uncle . ’
28 A premise is that the infant has been exposed to virtually all possible feelings by the time he or she goes to school .
29 Neither spoke , nor was there need of words , and afterwards Carrie could not recall whether Seb came to her , or she went to him .
30 and or she went to the door
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