Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be the " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) A solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body who or which is the personal representative of a deceased member of or beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body may elect to be entered in the register of members of the recognised body but no member shall hold any share as personal representative for longer than twelve months from the date of the death of the deceased .
2 ( b ) A solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body who or which is the personal representative of a deceased member of or beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body may elect to be entered in the register of members of the recognised body but no member shall hold any share as personal representative for longer than twelve months from the date of the death of the deceased .
3 Can I er take the opportunity to clear up some technical sort of er technical points to do with the plans , however , probably inadvertent , the first one , erm in the er letter copy of the letter that you sent to the er Planning Authority , erm and you mentioned one plan being erm handed , it does n't say , actually it did n't specify which house or which is the proper way it should be handled , but in the small plan showing the site , and the position of the houses , the attached er garage on the house on plot number two , that 's the one erm you notice the bridge , this end one , is shown on the right , but in the detailed plan of the house it 's shown on the left , now
4 Would we not be touching on areas that are sub judice , or which are the subject of possible legal action , which may or may not be taken ?
5 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
6 She joined the Alresford Surgery ( where she is the most experienced of the team ) , after working as an occupational nurse with Bass at Alton .
7 Brig Ramsey arrives from the Women 's Royal Army Corps ( WRAC ) , where she was the final director before its abolition last week under Options for Change .
8 So suddenly fatherless , and so abruptly given to a husband , translated from the familiar company of her sisters at Brecon to this barbarous foreign court where she was the last and loneliest of the children , Isabella had looked round her forlornly for an anchorage to which she might ride in safety .
9 She attended Wellesley College where she was the first student to deliver the graduation address .
10 ‘ I can not lovemake to you , ’ he said at the door , ‘ in the house of our ancient Danish friends where you are the nanny . ’
11 she said you 've got the second biggest cock or you are the second biggest cock she 's ever seen ?
12 And , what 's more , ’ she added , for she was fond of her crazy friend , ‘ do n't tell him you want the man trap back , or you 're the one he 'll be keeping his eye on . ’
13 Right , second baby has a P K U gene from his mum and a normal gene from his dad and he is not affected , but he is a P K U carrier , right , third baby gets a normal gene from his mum and a P K U gene from his dad and he 's the same , or she 's the same P K U carrier , but not affected , unfortunately the last baby gets a P K U gene from , from mum and a P K U gene from dad and this baby has got P K U and that is a simple , simple sort of exercise of how genetic disorders sometimes appear and sometimes do n't
14 Except that already it is not quite that simple , since the post-modern sophisticate is also the critic of these other , negative ways of relating to the other ; he or she is the one who diagnoses their social and psychic economies .
15 Big organisations are terribly bad at making a customer feel he or she is the most important person in the world .
16 He or she is the ‘ fairy godmother ’ of the force , the suspect 's friend , and the person the Act expects will stand up to his or her ( often more senior ) colleagues if there is anything amiss : a dramatic invitation to insubordinated heroics .
17 Grandparents can be of special help to a child who feels — mistakenly or not — that he or she is the odd one out or a failure compared to the others in the family .
18 You must always keep your reader in mind because he or she is the true reason for writing the report .
19 In addition , Clause 19 gives every individual citizen a new right to seek the protection of the law if he or she is the victim of unlawful industrial action affecting the supply of goods or services to him or her .
20 The manager may be wary of the chief sales executive because he or she is the obvious choice to replace the manager , since he or she enjoys high active status with the rest of the team .
21 After all , he or she is the siren who can lure the young graduate or woman returner into their particular workplace .
22 He or she is the chief executive with overall responsibility for running the institution .
23 The business as such is equal to the ‘ legal person ’ of the proprietor ; he or she is the business .
24 The teacher always has to operate within a number of constraints such as agreed syllabuses , governors ' wishes , heads of department , parental pressures , and so on , which mean that he or she is the only person who is competent to decide on content and method .
25 as long as he or she is the best .
26 So you see , that it is important for every coach in the country , even if he is giving a lesson to a child who does n't have any kind of tennis talent , to give the lesson as if he or she was the future Wimbledon champion .
27 This involved a teacher treating a pupil in a manner which suggested that he or she was the same sort of person as an older brother or sister who had either offended in some way or was being offered as a worthy model .
28 The reader feels entertained , but in an excluded sort of way , rather as though he or she were the butler at a particularly lively dessert at Lincoln 's Inn .
29 Or Who 's the King of the Jungle .
30 or who is the fox 's predator ?
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