Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or them ones at the shops , I catch you in there I 'll kill you .
2 I did not notice the weather or my surroundings at all , I only wanted to know why he looked so fierce .
3 The examples do not identify the article or journal concerned , but each example has happened to me or my coauthors during submissions to what are generally regarded as quality journals .
4 I do n't know whether I 'm on my head or my feet with him , and it 's kind of hard to cope with . ’
5 Like — if you said to an adman : use some real people , use me or my friends in your ad , they would say : it wo n't sell .
6 I think the reason why is that I never actually told the community or my comrades about the film — if I had there would probably have been an informer somewhere . ’
7 The Somerset commoners succeeded in fighting off most attempts at drainage where their contemporaries in the eastern counties had failed .
8 Much as he wished that Aunt Tossie might keep her mind on the Form Book , where their interests in beating the Handicapper ran together , he had nevertheless acceded to her insistence on a party , a small house party , for Nicandra 's first real ball .
9 The exceptions are their use of a narrow category of supremely confidential information ; and ( much more likely and practical ) where their contracts of employment contain enforceable restraint clauses .
10 The differences between Roosevelt and Truman have sometimes been exaggerated where their attitudes to Russia were concerned .
11 Paul Scott 's Raj Quartet , a fictional foursome collected in 1976 and with the pendant of a fifth novel , Staying On ( 1977 ) , is a vast canvas devoted to the transfer of power in India and its sequel : too close in time to be seen , altogether clearly , as historical fiction , too distant in place to be a shared world ; though like E. M. Forster before him , Scott chose an alien sun to define the outlines and shadows of the English abroad , where their habits of mind look all the sharper , odder and more endearing against the background of an exotic land .
12 Finally , although characters within the play itself can not be treated as objective observers , there are occasions , as with McKendrick 's sardonic comment on Anderson 's urbanity , where their statements on others in the play may be accurate and influential on our interpretation of characters .
13 Tranquillizers should be prescribed only for short periods to help patients through crises where their levels of anxiety are such that their coping ability is grossly impaired .
14 In the first part of her reign she relied mainly upon the Antwerp money-market , where her debts in 1560 exceeded £272,000 .
15 As president of the Cheltenham branch of the NUWW , she was a prominent lecturer and speaker in the suffrage movement , where her ideas on sexuality were influential .
16 Read that and see whether you think it 's er accurate or which bits of it click and which bits of it do n't .
17 The latter , however , also benefit from the type of counselling which schools , usually together , wish to provide or which churches on their own or through dioceses and joint ministries are ready to fund .
18 Such an invitation should give an indication of what pictures could be taken or which parts of the event lend themselves to photographs .
19 But the role of the TCR genes or their products in the earlier DN to DP transition is uncertain .
20 A role for bacteria or their products in the aetiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease was suggested over 50 years ago but still remains unproven .
21 Gradualism had failed to secure the collaboration of masters or their agents in educating or providing religious instruction for the slaves .
22 That can not have pleased the Megarians or their daughter-cities in the region , like Byzantium .
23 People do not usually alter their feelings , their behaviour or their interactions with others because of a particular situation , or the presence of the counsellor .
24 In the United Kingdom , as elsewhere , continuity of support for disabled individuals or their families through transition is rarely available .
25 Abuse of possession which the defendant already has may take many forms , such as sale accompanied by delivery of the plaintiff 's goods or their documents of title to another , pawning them , or otherwise disposing of them .
26 Why do we not mimic the professionals or their caddies in other areas of the game ?
27 All they wanted was to live out their lives in a peaceful and financially comfortable exile and they had no thought of putting themselves or their positions at risk by indulging in some political adventure .
28 Apart from their long walks and interminable conversations and evening singsong , or their expeditions to ancient monuments , he and Gwili and his cousins assisted with the harvest , binding sheaves and even mowing bracken with a scythe .
29 While there was , from the platform , evidence of considerable care and attention being paid to the potential physical hazards of the industry , little or nothing was said by the industry 's speakers about the effects of chemicals or their by-products on the environment .
30 I did not ‘ acquire ’ people or their lives through these prints .
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