Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [modal v] first " in BNC.

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1 That is to say , if the child is black ( reality ) , he or she must first recognise and accept that he or she has a black psychic image .
2 If the landlord of an Assured Tenant wishes to obtain possession of the premises he or she must first of all serve upon the tenant a Notice Seeking Possession of a Property let on an Assured Tenancy .
3 I have n't decided yet exactly where it will first be shown . ’
4 She realizes that she is as yet too selfish to be truly creative and puts off her artistic endeavours for the time being so that she can first learn the more humble task of interpretation .
5 To help you memorize useful phrases it is helpful to prepare dialogues that you can first practice with your language helper and with the tape recorder before you go out and try the phrases with other people .
6 IF YOU have ever sent , or would like to send , a letter or postcard to the Soviet Union , take into consideration when addressing it that you must first write the country , then the city , then the street and only finally the name of the person .
7 The nub thereof is , of course , that you must first get to know your heron .
8 The calculations below are all based on weekly amounts so you must first work out how much your community charge is per week .
9 All reports should be carefully planned , so you should first examine source material .
10 And what this means is that from now on the cla lectures will trail the classes , which , which does n't matter and is actually quite er a good thing in the sense that what will happen from now on is that we 'll first do a topic in the class and then I will give the lecture on it the week after , or possibly even two weeks after , which is okay because it means that then in the lecture I can concentrate on filling in the gaps , straightening out the misunderstandings and generally adding to what we did in the class , rather than leading as it were as I have up until now .
11 It may be true that we still believe in the resurrection , but we seem to forget that we must first experience death .
12 If the private world is where we find ourselves , then it is here that we must first come together .
13 Like Bacon and Hobbes , whose forthright reactions are that what is really needed is simply the adoption of a correct method , Locke does not immediately follow this traditional course ; but he advances the more circumspect suggestion that we should first stand back and investigate our capacity for knowledge .
14 This technique is equally valid in curved space–time , provided that we can first identify what a geodesic in space–time might be .
15 The priority was to get hold of some more men , although they would first have to be trained up to SAS standards before being of any use on operations .
16 Insiders may decide to defer public disclosure so that they may first build up a position in the relevant shares .
17 ‘ Colonel X ’ claimed that it would first be necessary to implement a Non-Alignment Pact for Pakistan , which would ‘ create the preconditions of a Pact for Afghanistan ’ .
18 If I could first of all deal with the presentation of the women 's gold badge and the executive has decided that the award should go this year to Peggy from the Midland and East Coast region .
19 In practice , running a hose pipe all the way from the kitchen sink to ( say ) the bath hot tap ( to say nothing of the problem of connecting it at both ends ) may not be practicable and you should first try using the nearest cold tap in the same way .
20 Clare Wood , the British No2 , could play defending champion Steffi Graf in the second round but only if she can first upset world No21 Kimiko Date , of Japan .
21 We will now consider the effect of changing the RHSs of the constraints of P1 and we must first see how to calculate the new resource column in P1/T1 .
22 In this matter , as in that of monastic vows , there could be no compromise ; and we must first understand what he wanted before we can judge the importance and practicability of his primatial claim .
23 They observe , however , that it would on any view be a grave impediment to the freedom of the press if those who print , or a fortiori those who distribute , matter reflecting critically on the conduct of public authorities could only do so with impunity if they could first verify the accuracy of all statements of fact on which the criticism was based .
24 There was somebody else higher up the line than Boaz and he must first be given the opportunity to redeem Ruth .
25 If he could first weaken the seal , a solid blow to the middle might be enough to break it open .
26 But I would first start with a slightly wider issue .
27 But I must first finish the tale of how I came to be here .
28 It seemed I could learn nothing of happiness from Lili unless I could first discover her secret .
29 Division is all very well , but you must first catch your plant , and in order to do this , it means applying to nurseries or garden centres .
30 But you must first ask yourself what exactly you are fighting against .
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