Example sentences of "[conj] [art] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Over the top of the pass there is a long descent through plantations and along a hillside into the fertile valley of Glen More , a quiet cultivated strath where a few farms keep their pastures in good heart , contrasting with the shaggy heights around .
2 There are the rare cases , as with the bronze and brass Etruscan statuettes described above , where a few moments spent performing a surface analysis can unequivocally solve a problem , which might have remained a stylistic conundrum for ever .
3 We would go down to the Seine and speak of water , boats and fish ; or we would go to the public park , where a few birds languished in an ancient aviary and the old mynah bird entertained us with a lavish range of endearments .
4 A hardy annual , it can be grown in any garden where a few patches here and there can be a delight .
5 Benson 's first workshop opened in 1880 at North End Road , Fulham , where a few men operated foot-powered lathes for turning metal .
6 As she grew older , she looked upon herself , tragically , defiantly , with all the hopelessness of fourteen years , as a plant trying to root itself upon the solid rock , without water , without earth , without shade : and then , when a little older yet , when conscious of some growth , she had to concede that she must have fallen happily upon some small dry sandy fissure , where a few grains of sand , a few drops of moisture , had been enough to support her trembling and tenacious life .
7 Reading may be slow as the eyes are able to take in only one short word or a few letters at one glance .
8 The tiniest corner can become a retreat from the day 's troubles , where a patch of raked sand — seen through the right eyes — is a rippled lake , or a few stems of bamboo a hillside thicket .
9 And most of those who do will only try it once or a few times .
10 Conversely , where the exothermicity of the association is small ( comparable to , or a few times kT , Figure 4B ) , then there is much residual motion in the associated state , and the adverse entropy of the association is only a fraction of the formal loss in entropy corresponding to the formation of a rigid complex .
11 Few of us get through childhood without a broken bone or a few stitches .
12 It is an excellent way of turning a second-grade smoked salmon , i.e. imported Canadian or Norwegian , or a few slices cut from the end of a side ( sometimes sold cheaply by fishmongers and delicatessen merchants ) into a real delicacy .
13 Add a cinnamon stick or a few slices of fresh root ginger , then simmer for a few minutes — check it has a good flavour , then remove the spices and add 450g/1lb chopped rhubarb .
14 The possibility of establishing a taxon or class by fiat encourages anatomists to take one or a few specimens and subject them to very detailed dissection .
15 For the former , since they play against only one or a few opponents , there is no need for learning ; the genetically-determined strategy ‘ cooperate with your neighbour if he cooperates ; otherwise defect ’ can be stable .
16 Or a few factors , give me some factors .
17 The Coventry muster put 53½ per cent at nil , or a few shillings , with a further 9.6 per cent at 20s. or so .
18 Sometimes it happens that after a number of successive doses like this , the patient will have the beginnings of an aggravation : the medicine should be stopped for two to four days ( or a few hours in acute disease ) and in order to continue treatment you want to give the remedy now in a more diluted form : from the first cup ( not the bottle ) take one teaspoonful and dilute it in another cup , and one teaspoonful of this solution should be given to the patient .
19 In their present mood people would think nothing of mortgaging themselves for years ahead in order to acquire some trifling luxury like a jar of brandied peaches or a few leaves of tobacco .
20 Simple renal cysts were defined as one or a few cysts of 0.2 cm in diameter or more that did not result from adult polycystic disease , medullary cystic disease , or pyelogenic cysts .
21 The human brain , and the body that it controls , can not do more than one or a few things at once .
22 There were unexplained hold-ups , enemy strongpoints catching the leaders in heavy fire perhaps , or a few moments ' loss of direction as they probed forward .
23 I could train birds on the bitter bead , shock them , either immediately or a few minutes after training , and compare the biochemistry in the birds which had tasted the bead but forgotten the association with that in the birds which had tasted and remembered the bead .
24 In this country it is only the older , the inherited rich or a few intellectuals who are relaxed enough to think about the unprivileged .
25 West Country Living : A few hours or a few weeks before the mast With air like this , it 's a sin not to get out into it .
26 Tests at very high temperatures need be , and should be , continued for only a short period , i.e. , for days or a few weeks rather than months .
27 In an effore to pick a premium FFL squad , could someone send me the current ( or a few weeks old league table that was published recently ) as I seem to have got rid of it , and todays paper does n't have one in
28 As it must be swallowed , the layer is not too thick , which may account for the common occurrence of relatively thin layers of nutritious material over a single seed or a few seeds in a fruit .
29 In his famous concluding paragraph of The Origin of Species Darwin expressed wonder that the diversity of the organic world can have been produced from one or a few ancestors by the operation of several natural laws — ‘ there is grandeur in this view of life … ’ .
30 ‘ The waste and desert appearance is partly caused by the vast extent of the common lands belonging to the towns and villages , the system of management of which is ruinous in the extreme , and the finest districts , capable of enriching the proprietors and the country at large , are abandoned to , and only serve as pasture for goats , sheep or a few asses . ’
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