Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 The gendarme stood bewildered for a moment , and then ran into the street , where for some time he could be heard blowing his whistle .
2 Secondly , because of the integration between different components of the social system of the school , an innovation introduced by a single teacher will often have repercussions in other parts of the system — perhaps because there is a need for additional resources , or for more time , or because it is predicted [ sic ] upon new pupil roles , or involves a greater degree of integration .
3 Face-packs and facial saunas are good for city skins or for those times when you feel your skin needs a pick-me-up ( during the winter perhaps ) or to quell an eruption of spots .
4 Equally , however , if the only learning experience one encountered was in closely programmed format there would be no scope for those intuitive leaps and imaginative forays most of us remember , or for those times in which one pursues a sudden enthusiasm almost to saturation .
5 He learnt that he could make love and come both in haste and with impressive slowness , for five minutes or for three hours , without asking either for more or for less time from his partner but fitting in with their timing .
6 His Majesties Printers , at or about this time , had committed a scandalous mistake in our English Bibles by leaving out the word NOT in the Seventh Commandment .
7 ( 7 ) At or about this time , the bidder will hold its own EGM and comply with all necessary formalities .
8 The petition must state : ( i ) the debtor 's name , address and occupation ( if any ) ; ( ii ) the name in which the debtor carried on business if other than his own name and if the business is carried on jointly with others ; ( iii ) the nature and address of the debtor 's business ; ( iv ) the name in which the debtor carried on business when the debt was incurred ; ( v ) the address at which the debtor resided or carried on business at or after that time and the nature of that business .
9 The aunt gets his insurance and pension — both generous — and the police reckon the body can be released more or less any time .
10 The first-formed shell ( protoconch ) , borne by the crawlaway on emergence from the capsule , persists as the apex of the adult shell — or until such time as it is worn away .
11 Shareholders must be notified if the company intends to " stand in the market " for a particular period or until such time as a particular number of purchases have been made ( para 30.4 ) .
12 a ) that Motion shall stand over until the conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which , under this Order , are to be brought to a conclusion at or before that time ;
13 Sheila will not be permitted to see Mark alone or outside these times .
14 If a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting , the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to such time and place as the Directors may determine .
15 If a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting , the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to such time and place as the Directors may determine .
16 These are now kept on computer disc and copies can be run iff at any time .
17 And there were a fair number , though of course the numbers of women at Cambridge are , or at that time were , very low .
18 Interesting results emerge when we place these ‘ players ’ — who may be individuals or organized groups — on a two-dimensional , nxn square lattice of ‘ patches ’ : each lattice-site is thus occupied either by a C or a D. In each round of our game ( or at each time step , or each generation ) , each patch-owner plays the game with its immediate neighbours .
19 Order 9 , r 6 applies if the defendant in a default action : ( 1 ) does not within 14 days after service of the summons on him , pay to the plaintiff the total amount of the claim and costs on the summons ; or ( 2 ) delivers an admission of the whole of the plaintiff 's claim unaccompanied by a counterclaim or a request for time for payment , or ( 3 ) does not deliver an admission of part of the plaintiff 's claim , a defence or counterclaim , the plaintiff may on filing a request for judgment , and certifying that defendant has not sent any reply to the summons , and stating what payments , if any , have been made , have judgment entered , either for payment forthwith or at such times as plaintiff may specify .
20 ( 3 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person under investigation or any other person to produce at such place as may be specified in the notice and either forthwith or at such time as may be so specified any specified documents which appear to the Director to relate to any matter relevant to the investigation or any documents of a specified description which appear to him so to relate ; and — ( a ) if any such documents are produced , the Director may — ( i ) take copies or extracts from them ; ( ii ) require the person producing them to provide an explanation of any of them ; ( b ) if any such documents are not produced , the Director may require the person who was required to produce them to state , to the best of his knowledge and belief , where they are .
21 Where resort sports or other facilities are advertised , they may not necessarily be available in all resorts in the vicinity of all properties featured or at all times of the season .
22 ‘ Seeds collected now can be tested for resistance either this year or at some time in the future , ’ he says .
23 But , from a study of the pattern of his previous lives , it would seem that at some point — whether as Martin or at some time in the future — he will have to accept the role of teacher , guide or helper .
24 The other possibility er is that having read it the site visit that I will have made , in any event , either already or or at some time during the latter part of next week , I may discover there is something which one of the parties points out which I have n't looked at because I did n't realize that it was relevant .
25 Compared with the general population , significantly more miners had visited their general practitioner because of dyspepsia either recently or at some time in the past ( 80% v 55.1% , p<0.001 ) .
26 So it should n't be that much of a problem but I do recommend erm this weekend , amongst the many other things , to look at the C C Q , or at some time before you go out in the big wide world and do it for real , to look at the C C Q and pull it apart so you know what each box is actually for .
27 While agreeing with the spirit of Jameson 's suggestion that an avant-garde sensibility may displace and make strange the regularity of everyday television , it is not enough to appeal to an already formed avant garde — formed in another place or at another time and for another purpose — which can be hauled in and held up to television as a template of value .
28 The horse that forgot about the tiger that lived in its lair at the bottom of the hill , or at any time disregarded the danger , would very soon become the tiger 's dinner , and so lack the opportunity to pass on to future generations its genes for a poor memory and a low threshold of fear .
29 Well , the water was n't hot , then or at any time .
30 If you do not wish to receive any of these offers — now or at any time in the future — please complete your personal details , tick the box below and return this form by post ( no stamp needed ) to Thames Water Utilities , Freepost , Swindon , SN2 6BR .
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