Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 A commonly held example of such an error comes not from neuroscience but from genetics , where for a long time there was a rather simple-minded assumption that the physiology and behaviour of an organism ( its phenotype ) could be arbitrarily divided into two components , one given by the genes , the other by the environment .
2 At night , however , or during the long school holidays , she read detective stories , earning the contempt of her father who told her that his answer to the question ‘ Who dun n it ? ’ was invariably ‘ Who cares ? ’
3 Using drugs can be dangerous , especially when they 're taken in excess or for a long time , or in the wrong combinations .
4 Right , so that 's a brief gallop the the various issues in the short stories , does anyone want to er , speak now , or for a long time , hold your peace .
5 But it would probably be a mistake to draw any such sweeping conclusion , either for the short or for the long term .
6 They argued that sinners were quite unable to attain salvation through their own merits or through the long process of confession , repentance , and partial purification , and that justification or redemption was obtainable only at a stroke through the gift of faith from God made possible by Christ 's sacrifice .
7 ‘ The appointment may be terminated by either party on giving three months ' notice in writing expiring at the end of a term or of the long vacation .
8 … The appointments may be terminated on either side by three months ' notice in writing expiring at the end of a term or of the long vacation .
9 ‘ The appointment may be terminated by either party on giving three months ' notice in writing expiring at the end of a term or of the long vacation .
10 or with a long soft sigh .
11 But cases of die links between different places or over a long period of time are unusual .
12 The result is that conflicts in one set of relationships , over a wide range of society , or over a long period of time , lead to the re-establishment of social cohesion ( 1955 : 2 ) .
13 imply a steady state system or over a long term and if over the long term the rate of addition of material to the sea is equalled by the rate of removal .
14 Conversely , where existing competition is light and the traditional catchment area of the firm large , a wide restraint may be expected to be upheld ; and ( 4 ) a prohibition against accepting instructions from any person who has at any time , or over a long period , been a client of the outgoing partner 's former firm .
15 He watched their departure through a spreading mist , and when the last car had gone and the avenue was silent except for the long sigh of grass , he allowed himself to be taken back to his room .
16 ‘ Yes , and the reason we 've got no morals is that for a long time ( 150 years ) we 've been at a loose end . '
17 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
18 Miss Picon and her husband were so profoundly affected by their experiences that for a long time after their return to New York they were unable to work .
19 Another legacy of the French period of broadcasting is the fact that for a long time few such stations broadcast in African languages : radio services in the Ivory Coast are dominated by the French language even today .
20 ‘ I wished that for a long time , Lizzy , but your father has a different approach to life . ’
21 The characteristic of all those areas is that for a long time they have been Labour controlled , although Conservatives have been in control in Brent for the past year and the Liberal Democrats have recently been in control in Tower Hamlets .
22 But it has been a rough 18 months for him and there is still a gauntness about him , even if he does claim he has never felt fitter and that his swing is closer to being ‘ on track ’ than for a long time .
23 David Boole of Jaguar Cars describes the medium-term as healthier than for a long time' . ’
24 In time Michael too came to accept their centrality , although for a long time he asked when he could go home to his parents .
25 Nevertheless conditions in which limited but often intense urban nationalism would flourish were being created and would provide a catalyst of future revolution ; although for a long time fears that educated Vietnamese would rise up against their French masters were certainly not encouraged by the numbers of children in school .
26 What is most interesting , however , is that after a long famine , Latin America and its political and economic uncertainties have been thrust back on to centre stage .
27 YOU 'D think that after a long , hard and highly successful season , Linfield goalkeeper Wesley Lamont would want to put his feet up .
28 Interest rates Short-term management of the economy has meant that governments manipulate interest rates to ensure reelection , rather than with the long term interests of the economy in mind .
29 Digital HDTV was always a threat , albeit in the long term .
30 Notice that Caesar never mentions the Druids except in the long ethnographic digression of Book 6. z 1–28 .
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