Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In other cases , e.g. for a closed domain and/or for a non-linguistic task such as database query , CLE-1 's behaviour is probably preferable .
2 For most people , a penny on or off the standard tax rate — that formulation again ! — pales into insignificance compared with their pre-tax income , the inflation rate , the size of their pension and their mortgage interest rate .
3 She looked as if she could have stepped straight out of an urchin 's game on the street of a Northern Italian village or off the front cover of Vogue .
4 The new breed of Pub retailers are seeking new prime sites , where as a large managed operation , designed to a specifically targeted market with a minimum potential trade of £15,000 per week , the full advantage of creating an enhancement of site value is achieved .
5 While in an electric shock pulse travels through the whole wire or solid substance , the nerve impulse travels only along the service plasma membrane surrounding the fibre and where as the electric current passes at 300 million meters per second , the nerve impulse is very much slower .
6 Erm so that it would be in our view desirable that the level of provision for York was that which was realistic to er to accommodate , in this case it appears to be thirty three hectares and that the er the a additional element should be located in in or between the other districts in the Greater York area .
7 There is a supplement of £10 per person for travel over a Bank Holiday which is applicable for outward travel on or between the following dates in 1992 :
8 Even within industries this was so , as for example between the " free " miners of Cornwall and the Forest of Dean and the bonded pitmen of the north-east , or between the working small master clothier of the West Riding and cottage-based out-working weaver in the West Country .
9 Most of the research on this has been on conversational interaction of a rather restricted kind , such as between doctor and patient , teacher and pupil or between the various speakers in court cases .
10 The Prime Minister dominates the cabinet , its members wait upon a summons ; there is control and prior approval of the agenda from the Prime Minister ; the skilful exploitation of collective responsibility by the Prime Minister can neutralise and isolate a recalcitrant cabinet minority which has no choice but to ‘ shut up or get out ’ ; the Prime Minister has wide access to a network of policy-making cabinet committees , and ‘ deals ’ can be made in inter-departmental committees , cabinet committees , or between the Prime Minister and individual ministers .
11 Well , we have n't had a single row er between the political parties or between the young people involved so far .
12 More commonly , soon after independence tensions develop between the component parts of the independence movement ( eg , in Algeria , Arabs and Berbers ) , between peoples actively involved in it and those not , or between the emancipated non-sectional secularism of the leaders and the feelings of the masses .
13 The third method for assessing the effects of exposure is one in which the subjects are required to learn a discrimination between pre-exposed stimuli ( or between the pre-exposed stimulus and some other ) .
14 As we noted at the beginning of this chapter , because there is no consensus either among or between the different sectors of the village population over the answers to these questions , any overall conclusion about ‘ loss of community ’ is impossible .
15 Cover includes transit by sea , air , or rail in or between the territorial limits .
16 Cover includes transit by sea , air , or rail in or between the territorial limits .
17 Cover includes transit by sea , air , or rail in or between the territorial limits .
18 Cover includes transit by sea , air , or rail in or between the territorial limits .
19 Besides the meetings at Mercereau 's and the Closerie , the painters began meeting regularly at Le Fauconnier 's studio in the rue Visconti as well , where during the closing months of the year they watched with interest the development through successive stages of his Abondance , a painting that all appear to have regarded as an important , revolutionary work .
20 A commonly held example of such an error comes not from neuroscience but from genetics , where for a long time there was a rather simple-minded assumption that the physiology and behaviour of an organism ( its phenotype ) could be arbitrarily divided into two components , one given by the genes , the other by the environment .
21 Reuter says that with the help of General Media International Inc , the Penthouse magazine empire has just launched a dial-up service in the US where for a monthly fee plus usage , lechers can view their favourite Pets from their personal computer , ask them to perform various acts — and play photographer , taking shots with the mouse while the model performs …
22 A necessary condition , where for a steady state is that .
23 So , where for the great mass of its members , the success of a consumer co-operative is now no more than a matter of marginal interest to them , for the members of an industrial co-operative it is quite otherwise .
24 Although there was a reduction in mental hospital beds of 17 per cent between 1955 and 1975 , this hardly bears comparison with the trend in the USA where for the corresponding period the reduction was 66 per cent .
25 But now the solar influence is beginning to turn around to contribute a further warming influence up to the year 2010 , boosting the greenhouse effect where for the past 30 years it has been counterbalancing it .
26 The area of Washington I know best lies around Dupont Circle , its streets now ablaze with pink , purple and white azaleas , the pavement cafes now opening up , and where for the past two decades the left think tank , the Institute for Policy Studies , has been loc-ated .
27 And it can quickly produce a list of signs that need to be altered for a relief route or during a major road repair .
28 COHORT — A group of persons that has experiences the same event ( e.g. birth or marriage ) at the same time or during a specified period ; for instance , birth cohort or marriage cohort .
29 Other apparently trivial features are the ‘ errata ’ ( sometimes ‘ corrigenda ’ ) and ‘ addenda ’ , which are the mistakes and omissions discovered after the book has been printed or during the final stages .
30 The ‘ micro-management ’ of military foreign policy crises by US presidents , during the Cuba blockade in 1963 ( Allison 1971 ) or during the abortive military rescue bid to free hostages trapped in Iran in 1979 , are good examples of how national political figures are drawn into the details of implementation because of the sensitivity of the decision-making .
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