Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 A café curtain is an ideal way of giving privacy if you are overlooked , or for blocking out an unwanted view , as this type of curtain covers the lower half of the window permanently , leaving the top half uncovered .
2 Phonics involves making the appropriate noises for particular symbols : it is , by definition , about reading aloud , or about finding out what a word is by saying it .
3 ‘ He does n't approve of satisfying one 's curiosity or of seeking out the notorious .
4 Or of finding out . ’
5 But ( as we said before in another connection ) even much of natural scientific activity does not conform to this model , is not so much concerned with explanation but with taxonomy , for example , or with finding out how things work , looking for things , and so on .
6 A long clearance from one the Leeds defenders found it 's way into the Crewe half where upon rolling out into touch the linesman controlled it neatly with his left and passed it back to the returning Crewe player with a neat right foot pass .
7 She complained of being prevented from helping in the house — ‘ You 'll tire yourself out ’ — or from going out in cold weather , and above all , of not being taken seriously .
8 However , the significance of the above cases is not confined to activities not in the nature of commercial ventures or to the past or to contracting out by government .
9 The errors are likely to be most significant during the initiation of climb or descent , or on levelling out following a change in pitch attitude .
10 Could he not withdraw the promise on finding himself in straitened circumstances , or on falling out with P , or because she had married a wealthy man ? suppose then that D's promise is to pay the money ’ so long as you remain unmarried . ’
11 The failure properly to deal with troublesome residues among the masses , such as by allowing circulation of elites or by meting out violence where appropriate , may lead to the growth of ‘ Paretian tension ’ in the masses , civil unrest , revolution and ultimately the entire replacement of the decadent elite by a new governing elite .
12 If you are sitting in a very large house on your own , which is draining away your resources because it still has mortgage payments to be met and it takes a lot of money to heat and light every year , you must seriously consider cashing in on your assets by moving to a smaller house that eliminates your mortgage and cuts down on running costs , or by taking out an annuity on your house .
13 Devising a sensitive scheme for the immediate follow-up of absentees , either , for example , by telephoning home or by sending out letters to parents/guardians
14 You could find someone outside the family to help you cope , perhaps by suggesting ways to relax or manage stress , or by sorting out practical problems .
15 Nevertheless , the Secretary of State for the Environment is empowered to ‘ charge cap ’ local authorities , either by setting a universal limit or by singling out those authorities whose levels of Community Charge he or she considers excessive .
16 They can make reasonable efforts by examining existing information or by carrying out a canvass .
17 We can approach this question by writing computer programs to do a similar job , or by finding out what is the minimum information we need in order to perceive something .
18 Mr Justice Ognall said that after carrying out the killing , Green ‘ took determined and sophisticated steps in an effort to mislead the police ’ .
19 Mr Justice Ognall said that after carrying out the killing , Green ‘ took determined and sophisticated steps in an effort to mislead the police ’ .
20 The following day the dress rehearsal went so smoothly that after giving out his notes — the pause at the end of the third act , before Olwyn opened the cigarette box for the second time , was a whisker too long , and her response to Robert 's line to the effect that she 'd fabricated the person she loved a touch too quick — ; Meredith declared enough was enough .
21 However , the search for methods of countering the national economic and military ‘ deterioration ’ after the Boer War was dominated by discussion of methods of improving the numbers and environment of the masses rather than of weeding out the unfit .
22 The Egyptians gather in a line , thinking more of the cats than of putting out the flames , but the cats dart through or leap over the men and spring into the fire .
23 Many owned coffee plantations , and not unnaturally were more concerned with the success of their investments than with carrying out government policy .
24 Perhaps the book of lamentation is not the book you normally turn to , to find words of encouragement , but there are tremendous encouragements to be found in it , listen what the profits says there , in the third chapter , he says this I recall to my mind , and he 's talking about the time of his own affliction , the time when he is going through it , the time when nobody loves him , the time when everybody 's against him , when he 's suffering and he 's in pain the time when life is full of bitterness for him , he says this I recall to my mind , therefore I have hope , the lords loving kindness indeed never ceases for his compassion 's never fail and here Jesus is demonstrating that , he 's compassion 's never fail , he 's loving kindnesses they never cease , here in his dying hour Jesus is showing that in reaching out to this man but as we said the other week the , the deepest , the most important significance of what Jesus did then , of what Jesus said then , its not just of the historical account , but that he is able and willing to say and to do exactly the same today in your experience and in mine , what he did for that man on the cross he 's ready and willing to do for every one of us the incident may of happened nineteen hundred years ago , but there 's the old hymn , the verse reminds us , picks out that very story and it says the dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day and there may I , though via us he wash all my sins away , and that verse from William Cowper 's hymn , it takes up that great historical event , that tremendous happening in that man 's life and he links it with a present and it applies it to you and to me and says this can be our experience as well .
25 It contended that in carrying out their functions in April and May 1984 , the auditors owed a duty of care to investors in the form of the existing shareholders and to potential investors including Caparo .
26 Appeals will surely ensue but in the meantime we may well sympathise with those Soprintendenze who feel tempted to put all restoration work on hold in the fear that in carrying out their proper duties they may find themselves being sentenced as criminals .
27 It seems to me that it is impossible to say that in carrying out that exercise he misdirected himself or came to a conclusion to which he could not reasonably have come in the exercise of his discretion .
28 ‘ In respect of all the applicants , a declaration that in carrying out his announced policy under and in relation to section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 in respect of persons serving sentences of life imprisonment imposed in the discretion of the trial judge , the Secretary of State for the Home Department , in determining for how long such a person ought to be detained for punitive purposes should fix the date of the first review by the local review committee and the Parole Board strictly in accordance with a period of detention ( that is to say , the notional determinate sentence less one-third remission ) recommended by the judiciary as necessary to meet the requirements of retribution and deterrence .
29 We further believe that in carrying out these arrangements we enhance the company 's reputation , its quality of product , flexibility and responsibility within the market place , together with its personal service and image .
30 Mack McLarty , his chief of staff , seems to have imposed his will neither on the business of generating ideas nor on working out how to implement them .
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